Ive taken pain relief, naproxen with omeprazole yesterday morning, fine all day, took 2 solpadol tablets at 9pm, stomach pain 11.30pm. Ive taken milk of magnesia, honey last night. Pain off and on all day, took rennies. Can anyone recommend anything?Im on 100mcg levo and t3. Any advise most welcome 🌸🌸🌸🌸
Irritated stomach : Ive taken pain relief... - Thyroid UK
Irritated stomach

looks like there’s something in the excipients of solpadol that’s irritating your stomach. Have you had it before? Strangely cocodamol (over the counter) is the one painkiller I can cope with.
Hi, no i haven't had them before, but cocodamol i have no problem with. Perhaps youre right.
Have you had COVID recently? I seem to recall that might be the case. Alsorts of symptoms arising from this new strain.
Hi, yes ive just got over covid for secind time, this instance i took longer.
Yes I have been thinking I have had a cold but it’s now gone on over a fortnight. Just as I thought I was getting better I had an awful stomach upset etc etc. I have no idea whether I have had COVID but it’s been a difficult couple of weeks. Dare I say I avoid painkillers for stomach issues, if I can, because they always make things worse. Stick with painkillers you have a better track record with. Now is not the time for new regimes. When it settles look at pre and probiotics to get gastro intestinal tract back to peak. Eat only what you also have a good track record with and lightly.

In the past when I suffered from gastritis, as well as optimising thyroid levels, I looked to juicing as a way to improve my gut health. I like Rosemary Ferguson’s recipes & found pineapple, fennel & ginger helped.
My Gastroenterologist advised me to take Symprove - I had very similar stomach pains, often excruciating. I bought 3 months supply as that is the cheapest way. Now, after 1 month, I very rarely have any pain and I continue to improve.
I now always take any medicine standing up. I follow it with bread or ginger or something. something to make sure it has gone down. I have burned my esophagus by taking my medicines lying down and now I have to be very careful what I eat. I have bought some calcium gummies to try to keep from getting acid. Wow was it painful before I realised what I had done. A huge pain across below my ribs, just above my waist. Hope this is a helpful warning.......
I know nothing about what your cause may be but generally speaking there is the vinegar/ baking soda test you could look into. Also DGL can be helpful if it seems to be high acid production. If you need more acid (often the true problem) Betaine HCL might bring relief.
Digestive enzymes are another possibility as they break down food particles so they can be utilyzed and can also recycle as proteolytic enzymes which work in the bloodstream.
Finding the cause of the pain is more helpful than just treating the pain. But the suggestions above may also work for you.
You can try aloe vera along with hoiscin or butylhioscine.
In my country I get a bark called cuachalalate, I make tea with it and mix it with aloe vera juice.
Something also very useful is potato juice.
Natural yoghurt is very soothing on a sore tum. Also I had oesophagitis once and found soda water very soothing, it was the only thing I could drink.
Fasting 18 hrs ..dry