Morning everyone ๐
Yesterday I had my 1st endo follow up after starting Levo 6 weeks ago. Some of you may remember my IVF was abruptly cancelled when we discovered I was hashi hypo.
I am shocked at the results in 6 weeks. Endo has advised to maintain 75 dose but I have swung a bit out of range so would really appreciate some advice. He did suggest I could reduce the dose by 25 on some days but his view was stick on 75 and reset in 12 weeks or as soon as I get a positive pregnancy test. I said I wanted to retest sooner so we agreed 6 weeks.
I should restart IVF in 5 weeks for a frozen embryo transfer.
Reminder of Throid Results 6 weeks ago
TSH 28.5 range (0.47 - 4.2)
Free Thyroxine 11.2 (12-22)
Thyroglobin Antibody 399 (0-115)
Thyroid Peridoxase Antibodies >600 (0-34)
New results*
TSH 0.397 (0.47 - 4.2)
T4 23.4 (12-22)
T3 5.5 (3.1-6.8)
*note I had taken my Levo 6am that morning for a 9am test. I know this is contrary to advice here but my endo advised me to do so so I thought I should behave for this first test.
Symptom wise I still have muscle tendon joint pains at evening night & morning for last 4 weeks. Vits in bio all good have upped Vit D
As always any comments hugely appreciated thank you ๐