Good morning everyone just a quick query, each time I reduce my T4 I find I get sore gums and sometimes ulcers in my mouth. Happened about 4 or 5 times. Have any of you had this problem? Also knocks my insomnia into another gear.
sore gums anyone?: Good morning everyone just a... - Thyroid UK
sore gums anyone?

Checked your zinc levels?

One of the possible causes, or contributors, to such issues can be low vitamin B12.
Have you ever had a B12 test?
I get this when my folate is very low.
That's interesting I get these symptoms too didn't no it was to do with folate. Have you found a good multivitamin?
Looking at this post of yours and then this one I think I can fairly confidently say it’s because you shouldn’t be reducing your levothyroxine… You have a terrible endocrinologist.

Like Mollyfan i get sore gums/ ulcers if folate is not optimal. However, as Jazzw relates, it could very well be your thyroid, as your past results do not reflect optimal dosage of Levothyroxine.

why on earth are you reducing dose ?
I’m not reducing my dose. Did for a few days but back on it. Endo is useless Im sorry to say
Oh Bollieforme (brill name)
Please stop humouring them 😬♥️
An ignorant endocrinologist no doubt dosing by TSH.. What is the justification they are giving, or are they just ‘doctoring’ you? 😱
Are they a diabetes specialist by any chance? 🙄
Thanks Charlie-Farlie also brill name! Yes basing everything on TSH, I don’t know much but I feel I know more than my Endo.
In truth you probably do 🤗
If you read my bio you will see I successfully self advocated to a therapeutic dose helped immensely by the forum. Forever in their debt for the health I have now. It takes a while to read up but honestly it doesn't take long (I was amazed). There are some great pinned posts and recently I have shared some links to two Thyroid Canada paper reviews that pretty much clears up the myths surrounding TSH. If the medical profession studied science they would understand how preposterous the protocols are and how flawed the fact some people do ok is more by luck than judgement and the number who are still poorly managed but oblivious (and trusting) far outweigh the numbers who have used this forum over the years.
There are self advocacy posts on my profile and also tattybogle 's pinned post on low TSH.
I'll pop some links to things underneath on another reply 🙂👍
There are two references to Thyroid Canada that are review articles on research papers.
Still no proof that a low TSH causes harm to bones
LOW T3 effects on cardiovascular system ***personal note this often happens when doctors dose by TSH and as a result under medicate the patient because of the misconception TSH is the gold standard. Would be laughable if it were not doing so much damage to people. 😱
tattybogle also has a pinned post on low TSH papers and I have made a pinned post on NHS and NICE guidelines- the useful bits. It always pays to introduce the guidelines at the start of the conversation. There IS latitude to treat the patient. The patient being well is more important than the numbers on the blood tests looking good. In fact if they worked towards patient wellness consistently they would understand how often the TSH does NOT tell the story. 😊👍
Thanks so much for the reply and the links. I will have a good read. This forum is better than any Endo I’ve ever met which totals 5 so far and a professor. Forever grateful thanks Charlie-Farley Lynne aka Bollieforme
Our experience is knowledge, sharing it is powerful- eventually we will reach critical mass - one voice speaking a simple truth - they haven’t got it right for a sizeable fraction of the population. Perhaps they might care to have a rethink, stop treating the lab work and start treating the patients again?
Feel sorry for the doctors - they have no idea most of their guidelines are off base. Imagine the blood draining from hundreds of faces when they eventually realise.🤔
When I’m undermedicated my tongue swells and it makes my mouth really sore at it presses on my gums.
it’s good you recognise the signs as well
I have frequently been told off by my dentist for apparently not so good oral hygiene. I have had bleeding gums for a long time even though I followed the regime advice. However, on my last check up my dentist asked if I had changed the way I brush my teeth, which I hadn’t, as there was very little bleeding this time. I am sure it is because I have followed the advice from this forum and improved my thyroid health. I mentioned this and she agreed and apologised for not realising about my thyroid problem. She seems much more clued up on thyroid issues than my GP and knows that your thyroid affects the whole body.
What things did you do to improve your thyroid health that had a connection to your teeth as I am having troubles with my gums / teeth too?
I’ve been suffering from the usual hypo symptoms and persuaded my Dr to increase my Levo from 75 to 100. I have also been taking B12 spray , B minus vitamins and folic acid (prescribed by GP) as, although within range, they weren’t optimal. It may just be a coincidence but I haven’t made any other changes.
That's interesting what where you levels they usually don't bother if there in range but not optimal I will have to look for a good multivitamin to see if it helps as my iron is also on the lowest end of the range in its 20s then my b 12 is about mid range
It does make a difference- I used to get ulcers in my mouth all the time and now they have cleared up. In fact I think this is quite a good indicator, but it used to get put down to me just being ‘under the weather’. I think a combination of getting good levels of vitamins and minerals into my body and levothyroxine has alleviated the problem.
I too am suffering with sore mouth, sore tongue and receding gums.
Had my B12 and iron etc checked, Dr says all fine. But my dentist always asked if my Vitamin D and iron levels have been checked.
Falling Oestrogen levels also affect gum/teeth health
That’s interesting hadn’t thought of that
That's interesting as I have hormonal issues and tinnitus, why did they put you on hrt?
I was in the late stages of Peri and couldn't get my thyroid symptoms under control as half of them were down to low sex hormones, now I have them working together things are so much better
That's good news then did they do a specific test to determine peri? as I have been going to the GP with peri symptoms, I av been on the depo inj for a long time so came off as getting bad symptoms of medical menopause but they keep saying I'm not but I do have pcos too so not sure what is causing it
Generally symptom based with GP's they don't look at sex hormones other than testosterone which sounds like yours is high, usually if you request HRT it is forthcoming... worth doing some research to see what you might like ....
Some good private tests out there if you want to see where you are before starting
I have been suffering sore gums, burning mouth syndrome with shredding, amongst a lot more.
I am under Maxillofacial Consultant. The fist thing she said was it’s usually hormone related but once again bloods came back in range.
She did do an ultrasound which showed vascular abnormalities to thyroid which to date nothing has been further done about. I will be following up.
My gp is trialing me on hrt..bit nervous.
Hi confused01 I am also suffering with a sore tongue-all red and swollen along the edges which has been coming and going for the last couple of months.. My lips also feel sore and have to keep applying l ip balm or Vaseline. Do you think I should see the doctor about it. I am also menopausal. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
Escaloped sides of tongue, sore mouth and lips (burning mouth syndrome ) ..sounds like me. Could be other issues, like gum infection but escalope tongue is sign of hormonal.
I went to my dentist who referred me to Maxialfacial but as it got worse I went to my gp who also referred me. GP’s referral was much quicker.
The first thing the consultant said was 99% usually hormonal. My bloods were normal though 🙄. She also did an inside lip biopsy (painful).
See your gp for referral and they should really do hormonal bloods.
Good to hear back your update.
Good luck x
I’m booked to see a periodontist for treatment on a few weeks. I’ve had receding gums and apparently gum disease , despite me seeing hygienist and dentist 4 times a year . I’m also post menopausal, so I think it’s a double whammy . Nobody will ever tell you that thyroid and mouth troubles are connected …
I ve had same problem. Am looking into Bvits issue, but seems FUT2 gene may affect gums - still exploring. Need to explore zinc & oestrogen now too! Thanks @Eeyore100! Queried with dentist some time ago who recommended Co Enzyme Q10. I squeeze oil from tablet onto toothbrush & apply to gums. Bit weird taste sensation but I find it works. I’ve noticed quite a few health articles recently mentioning Co e Q10 fog general health
I’ll try coq10 too. Be rattling at this rate…