I plan to start taking iodine, does anybody know if it is ok to take with thyroid meds. I take N.D.T. Thyroid S?
Iodine: I plan to start taking iodine, does... - Thyroid UK

Can I ask you why you plan to take iodine? Have you tested deficient? If not, what do you expect it to do for you?
I have been watching a lot of Dr Sarah Myhill videos and she has spoken often for the need for everybody to take iodine for general health purposes, as we are all depleted.
Well, if I were you, I'd get it tested first. You'll be getting quite a lot of iodine from your thyroid hormone replacement. And, without a working thyroid, you need less iodine, not more.
Oh dear, everyone seems to have a different opinion, it's hard to know who is right. When I asked Dr Sarah Myhill if I needed iodine without a thyroid, she replied "absolutely" x 3 drops daily.....How would I get it tested, this isn't something I would get done at the G.P. presumably? Thanks
Good point, presumed she would know that. Hmmmm need to find that out. Thanks.
Well - I guess she's repying ' blind ' and not knowing of your health issues and simply promoting her knowledge and beliefs in the treatment options she offers on her online shop.
Iodine is known to be low in most western diets and many alternative therapists suggest iodine drops after taking a full patient medical history and running the necessary blood tests.
I take your point. Will have to get back to Dr Myhill and see what she says, regarding taking iodine alongside thyroid meds. Thanks
I took iodine hidden in a multivitamin before I knew better about multis. It really messed things up and was the start of my thyroid journey.
what do you mean it was the start of your thyroid journey?
It was what set my thyroid haywire. There is no history of thyroid problems in my family. I do not have any autoimmune disease. The endocrinologist could not explain why my thyroid started overproducing hormones. The only thing they could suggest as a factor was my 4 years of accidental iodine supplementation. The multi vits gave me 100% of my daily iodine when I was not deficient
Sometimes taking in excess iodine in the form of eating a lot of seaweed or kelp tablets can really mess up your thyroid function. I know iodine is often included in diet and weight loss remedies in the belief it will speed up your metabolism, but ironically too much iodine will have the opposite effect.
Unless you’re pregnant or an infant your body only uses iodine to make thyroid hormones. If your thyroid doesn’t work and you take levo/T3/NDT then you don’t actually need iodine in your diet.
Unless you’re pregnant or an infant your body only uses iodine to make thyroid hormones.
I don't believe that's true.
There are iodine receptors all over the body, particularly the breasts. According to "The Iodine Group" Fibrocystic breast disease has been cured many times when correct/balanced iodine supplementation is given. There are a number of co-factors required e.g. selenium. The deiodinase enzymes involved in the activation or deactivation of thyroid hormones are iodine and selenium dependant.
Hi, I’m interested in this as I’m due to see Dr Myhill in January. I actually posted a question about her use of iodine a few weeks ago as it concerns me. She certainly uses a it a great deal especially recently against Covid infection.
I’ve just looked for iodine testing as I think I’d best be prepared. I’ve found that Cerascreen do a postal urine test. I think I shall use it before I see her to determine my personal level. I’m taking T3 & T4 so already have a daily supply.
Lucky you, I wish I could go and see Dr Sarah Myhill in person. I will take a look at Cerascreen. Thank you.
I took the cerascreen test and it said I was not deficient but the patch test and a doctor’s urine test said I was. None the wiser.
I too think Myhill is an impressive doctor and I’m interested in her iodine research. They used to administer it years ago for hypothyroidism with great success. I just don’t want to try it if I don’t need it.
helvella - Iodine Patch Test
Why the iodine patch test is not appropriate for indicating iodine status.
thanks for this… the link didn’t work but I found the page you referred to in your menu. Interesting. Funny thing is dr Myhill swears by the patch test as the first port of call before further testing.
She is seeing new clients now. I think you can Zoom too. She’s very demanding of her clients though. Her tough Paleo Keto diet is essential apparently. I’m eating her linseed bread which is ok. Have you read her thyroid book?
I haven't read her book, as I have read and re-read Dr Barry Drrant Peatfield, of whom I saw a few times before he passed away. I have followed Dr Sarah's videos, she did one on thyroid.
I know about the linseed bread, and am sitting on the recipe to have a go at making it. Yes the paleo/keto diet is very very strict, and she will only see clients who are doing the diet, which I suppose makes sense, but rather puts me off.
Good luck with the appointment, I would be curious to know how you get on and might consider a Zoom appointment some time.
I would echo others' caution. I'm not tolerant of iodine, as identified when I had a bad herx reaction on carrying out the initial iodine skin test (Dr M always advocates this). When I then tested for iodine levels (which should have been done first), my iodine levels were lowish but in range. However, given the herx reaction I need to steer clear of iodine supplementation (I can't tolerate the sunshine salt, also advocated by Dr M, due to iodine in the contents).
I mention this as a precaution - even if there is a deficiency, you need to be careful.
Sadly, I had ordered several bottles of Lugol's iodine (which I still have, unopened) before discovering the problems!
Thank you. In my excitement having watched Dr Sarah Myhill's thyroid videos I too purchased several bottles of Luggols. I also purchased the Sunshine Salt and we are using it sparingly.
Having read all the comments on this blog, I think I will err on the side of caution, I really don't want any more problems for myself. I guess iodine is good stuff, for those who really need it and it can be supervised. I bumble along on my own, as I suspect most of us do. thank goodness for the wisdom on this site.
Oh dear what a Silly Billy, thank for pointing it out, and no wine was involved....
Have corrected now, thank you.
I thought I had sorted it? Are you saying I haven't???
Iodine again! After speed reading responses here, you've understandably been advised to test iodine. But there's much uncleared confusion over that and Ive gone on record as saying it can't properly be tested. See recent post via my name.
I've read several articles regarding not supplementing with iodine if you have hypothyroidism. I would avoid where possible. I think alternative doctors use iodine as a thyroid treatment rather than recommending T4/T3/NDT treatments, not using both. On a side note, it is extremely hard to get iodine free multivitamins I've since learned too.

noted. thank you