I have rung round most chemists where I am and they say they can’t get it as it’s not in stock, I have rung morningside myself again today. They are absolutely no help what so ever and everything I said seemed like a joke to them ending each time with “apologise for that” I implied that some of us have no thyroid and really need it and I get “oh I do know how you feel” (I doubt that) so I said why are chemists saying it’s out of stock when your saying you have a lot in stock , is it because it’s expensive yes it could be “apologise for that” Arrrhhh if I hear that one more time!! Then she said why don’t I get my pharmacy to ring them I said, can you ring the pharmacy to say you have it I. Stock, No, she said so there you are, they have plenty but the pharmacies are saying it’s too expensive, no I believe they are holding their stock so they can raise the price again. I am in contact with a pharmacy that can get Thybon Henning but I have to get my hospital Dr to sign a template agreeing to it as it comes from abroad and isn’t licensed. Has anybody had any luck with morningside lately or used a t3 similar to morningside. Thanks in advance.
Morningside in short supply supposedly - Thyroid UK
Morningside in short supply supposedly

I found little difference between taken Teva lio and Morningside.

I have been unable to get Morningside 20mcg for couple of months
I posted about this 4 weeks ago
As you can see, other members have said same
I have spoken with Morningside, they deny any issues.
My very helpful independent pharmacist showed me last week that all the wholesaler stock lists showed that there was NO STOCK of 20mcg Morningside at 5 or 6 different wholesalers
I have just picked up 3 months worth of Teva 20mcg instead ……not trying them yet as about to move house in 2 weeks, just in case…..I don’t want to upset the apple cart
Teva might actually suit me better as is lactose free….I have been dairy free with enormous benefit for last 18 months ….but been delaying changing…..now circumstances have brought it forward
There have been several other members have said they were absolutely fine changing to Teva from Morningside
Teva T3 doesn’t contain mannitol
Thanks slow dragon you messaged me back not long ago when I put this up. Morningside says they have plenty but there must be a reason why they are not letting pharmacists have any supplies because again today morningside said they have plenty , in other words they don’t know what I am talking about shortage. As I said I think they are going to increase their price as why else would they hold onto them. With a bit of luck we can all get on with a different brand and they will lose custom. Good luck with your move hope all goes well.
have you tried getting it from the hospital pharmacy. Your endocrinologist can give you a white prescription rather than a green community pharmacy prescription. Hospitals sometimes have better supply.
I get Morningside 5mcg from my hospital pharmacy and there’s been no supply issues.
No the hospital is not local to me and they only seem to have MP which doesn’t agree with me. I think it depends on certain areas why there is a shortage. Literally all the pharmacies I have rung around me can’t get morningside, like, boots, Lloyds who are closing down, day Lewis etc they are all saying they are unable to get it. I have rung morningside a couple of times and they are not very helpful, just saying no there isn’t a shortage and I tell them we can’t get it in the SE and they just say “apologies for that” it just seems very strange it’s in some areas but not In Others . There has to be a reason.
McPammy what are the different brand names of Liothyronine apart from morningside and teva please. Google keeps coming up with Levo
All UK products are in the UK document.
helvella's medicines documents (UK and Rest of the World) can be found here:
helvella - Thyroid Hormone Medicines
helvella has created, and tries to maintain, documents containing details of all thyroid hormone medicines in the UK and, in less detail, many others around the world.
This link takes you to a page which has direct links to the documents from Dropbox and Google Drive, and QR codes to make it easy to access from phones.
The UK document contains up-to-date versions of the Summary Matrix for tablets, oral solutions and liothyronine available in the UK.