I'm having cancer treatment and as some may recall, have several co-morbidities. I've added B12 lozenges and Thorne basic B to my pharmacy intake.
Firstly, how long after initiation should i test to see any improvement? It's 4 weeks so far.
Secondly, an idiot question - do i need to test separately for effectiveness of B vit additions and thyroid tests if i have to stop B vits 1 week before thyroid tests as i also want to check new levels of T3 after increasing.
Thirdly, I've started experiencing nausea/dyspepsia 1-2 hours after eating. Which is more likely to be the cause - the change to Roma T3 capsules or the niacin B3 in the Thorne B as I've read that it can inhibit cytochrome 450 enzymes (CYP2D6 and CYP3A4) and make other meds that use this pathway (my cancer and heart meds) more potent. The smell of those horrible Thorne Basic B capsules also puts me right off them. Ruling these out before consider changes to my cancer status.
What might be a good alternative just to increase folate (apart from dietary improvements)?
Regards, Cicely24.