I have pretty awful sleep, possibly worse since recently starting Testosterone Replacement Therapy (HRT for men if you like). I'm a 56 year old man.
I've been a long time member here and have had great advice about dosing and blood tests so I'd rather not post my results or detailed medication as that's not directly relevant to my question, but I'm on T4 and T3 and various supplements including magnesium and B complex amongst others. I have fairly decent sleep hygeine though it could be better.
I only sleep a few hours, waking about 2 ish really hot and sweating. I regularly notice that my sports watch that measures heart rate shows a sudden and significant drop (maybe 10 beats per minute but I've not measured) when I have these hot "flushes".
I struggle to drop back to sleep for hours, possibly related to my ADHD (2022 diagnosis).
So, are these hot flushes and heart rate drop indicative of going hypo or hyper, or maybe something completely different?