confused again so nothing new there, been taking T3 for 8 weeks or so
Help with results please, : confused again so... - Thyroid UK
Help with results please,

CRP is raised indicating inflammation somewhere. It's a non-specific inflammation marker so can't tell you where the inflammation is.
Ferritin is elevated and this is most likely due to the inflammation which is indicated in your CRP level.
Magnesium - Testing magnesium is unreliable. About 99% of magnesium is stored in bone, muscles and soft tissues, leaving about 1% in the blood. So testing what's in the blood isn't giving an accurate picture of our magnesium status.
A red cell magnesium test is said to be the better indicator of magnesium status, not the standard serum magnesium test. The red cell test is expensive and requires phlebotomy which is why it's not included in these bundles.
Cortisol seems to be OK.
TSH is low because you're taking T3.
FT4 is over range. When taking T3 FT4 usually lowers.
How much Levo do you take?
When did you take your last dose of Levo before the test? It should be 24 hours before test.
Do you take B Complex or biotin in any supplement, and if so did you leave it off for 3-7 days before the test? The biotin can cause false results.
FT3 looks to be at a good level at 86.39% through range but we'd need to know if you split your dose the day before and took the last part of the dose 8-12 hours before the test.
Vit D is OK.
B12 is irrelevant as your using B12 injections.
Folate - do you take a B Complex? Folate is recommended to be at least half way through range so that would be around 35+ with that range so you're a bit low. As your having B12 injections then a B Complex is needed to keep all B vitamins balanced and the B Complex would help improve your folate level.
CRP has been coming back raised for a while but it has gone higher than usual, the Ferritin shocked me not had that before. This is the first time cortisol hasn't been raised. I am taking 150mcg Levo, last dose 24 hours before testing, T3 (25mcg) 1/4 tab twice a day, 1/4 in morning and 1/4 evening, last taken 11 hours before test. stopped all supplements a week before test, surprised my Vit D stayed ok, usually hits the floor (slight exaggeration) when I stop it. Have been taking PinkTribe Liposomal vit B complex , stopped it week before. Haven't taken a separate folate , this folate is I think my best to date, should I get a seperate one, never miss my B complex. Originally when I first had a tantrum at GP and got all the tests, well most through phlebotomy that's when I found out about deficiencies, magnesium, vit D B12, folate, got HbA1c and cholesterol and few bits done too thought I had posted them, not sure where they have gone. Never got HbA1c as it clotted
stopped all supplements a week before test, surprised my Vit D stayed ok, usually hits the floor (slight exaggeration) when I stop it.
The only supplement you need to stop is biotin/B Complex/any supplement containing biotin. And if taking iron leave this off for a couple of days. You can continue with the others.
Haven't taken a separate folate , this folate is I think my best to date, should I get a seperate one, never miss my B complex.
I'd see how you go with the B Complex for now. Maybe retest in 3 months and if your folate hasn't improved then add maybe 400mcg methylfolate temporarily.
too thought I had posted them, not sure where they have gone.
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they are sending me another test kit to try again