hi all,
Just an update from my last post. After going to a different a&e they admitted me straight away and said I needed surgery. I had a two week stay and they tried steroid to try and get my thyroid levels down which did not even touch the sides. I am on an my tube which I have been sent home with due to not being able to eat. They said I can try but only a soft diet for now which is not enough for my high metabolism.
When I finally met the surgeon he said that my thyroid area is extremely vascular? Not sure what that meant. He said that if he try’s to operate I will bleed a lot or head straight into a thyroid storm. They are giving me this iodine drink for two weeks before the surgery to block my thyroid functioning. Just waiting on a date now they said up to 8 weeks.
I also want to thank everyone on here for their advice during this difficult time xx