Hello everyone, I'm a new member and feeling totally confused and fobbed off after I begged my doctor's surgery for an emergency appointment.
I explained I didn't think I could wait the 6 weeks they offered me with a locum as I felt on deaths door! I told the receptionist that I'd paid for a private blood test that showed I had a raised TSH level and TPO antibodies. I said I had lots of symptoms and felt absolutely dreadful. It felt a bit demeaning to have to go into so much personal detail but she was really nice and said she'd ask a doctor to call (I think she remembered me from previous calls trying to find an appointment earlier in the week).
For info, my levels as per the blood test from Medichecks are: TSH 6.5, T3 4.8, T4 17.4 with TPO antibodies at 209 and TGO at 97.
For background, I have been suffering terrible symptoms for many years which I just put down to menopause and stress. All the usual suspects including sky high cholesterol 7.6, a loss of so much hair I am at my wits end and considering a wig, debilitating fatigue, aches and pains, eyes so sore and bloodshot, and brain fog is such that I'm finding it hard to remember the simplest things. Strangely I also get regular episodes where suddenly its like a mucos tap turns on in my nose and I go through nearly a box of tissues, and then after an hour it turns off again and I'm just left with a constant nasel drip. And barely sleeping at night.
But over the last couple of weeks I've felt things seem to flare up even worse, and unable to get a GP appointment, I spent £150 on a general Medichecks blood test, before realising they no longer include the thyroid, so had to by one of those too for another £90! The results came back as above and I hoped a doctor might now be able to help me.
No such luck as when the doctor finally rang, it was all a big anti-climax.
He didn't seem particular concerned about anything, even brushing over the swollen lymph nodes in my neck under my jaw. When I mentioned that yes I had been feeling down because of my symptoms, and had been getting on with life after my husband passed away two years ago, he leapt on that and said "You say getting on with life...... but what does that look like?" Eh??
Then he really started to confuse me.
He said my results didn't meet the criteria for any treatment even though I had the "slightly" raised TSH and antibodies. He didn't seem to recognise that I could have an auto-immune disease (the pre-curser to the majority of hypothyroid cases, or so I thought). I asked him how people were diagnosed with Hashimoto's for example, and he just said you have to be hypothyroid first and "youre not".
He went on that they don't usually test for antibodies. I thought to myself, so I hear...... thats why I had to pay £90 I can ill afford!
I had hoped that even if T3 & 4 were in range, at least if I did find antibodies and a raised TSH, it might serve as a heads up to start treatment early and so avoid the progressive destruction of my thyroid! Or have I completely misunderstood this whole thing?
All this Doctor left me with, aparted from a total sense of despair, was that maybe I should email my test results to my regular doctor and she may decide to 'keep an eye on it'.
Any advice would be much appreciated at this point..... How does anyone get any help? And given my numbers, am I just being a little premature, and getting ill-health ideas above my station? You? Symptoms? Computer says, NO! Who do you think you are??