Why Shouldn't We Take Vitamins With Iodine In T... - Thyroid UK

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Why Shouldn't We Take Vitamins With Iodine In Them If We're Hypo? Is it really that Crucial & How Do We Know We Are Getting Enough Iodine?

12 Replies

Any thoughts will be appreciated 😊Thanks!


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12 Replies
SeasideSusie profile image

Lots of previous posts where iodine has been discussed:


Why Shouldn't We Take Vitamins With Iodine In Them If We're Hypo?

Iodine solution used to be used to treat overactive thyroid before the current radioactive iodine treatment so it can cause hypothyroidism or make hypothyroidism worse.

Is it really that Crucial

See above, it would be if it made your hypothyroidism worse.

How Do We Know We Are Getting Enough Iodine?

We test to know our current level. Genova Diagnostics do what is considered to be a good test which establishes existing level of iodine.

in reply to SeasideSusie

Thanks SeasideSusie

Alanna012 profile image

From personal research, I believe there is no consensus on whether or not people with hypothyroidism should include iodine. Anecdotally, I have previously been to two private GP's specialising in thyroid and been told to include iodine by both of them. The first doctor I saw had hashimotos himself and supplemented with iodine. And if you look online, one prominent doctor will say 'avoid like the plague', whilst another will say 'definitely supplement'.

Even amongst people suffering with Hypothyroidism, you will find some saying I cannot tolerate any iodine at all! And others who say they practically bathe in it and feel it helps them.

There are several schools of thought. Some say long before standardised thyroid treatment became available, iodine at high doses was used to treat goiters - this might have been effective due to previously underlying iodine deficiency - however it was also used for people with goiters due to hypothyroidism they say iodine was labelled dangerous on the back of badly done research and there is conflation between the toxic effects of radioactive iodine and plain nascent iodine or lugols iodine.

Others say no, it makes you more hypothyroid.

Others say you can take iodine provided selenium levels are high enough. That they are complementary minerals, and if one isn't high enough you cannot tolerate the other.

I never could tolerate any iodine, either as lugols drops or sea kelp. I would feel horrible burning in my throat and feel totally crashed the next day with hypo symtoms so previously avoided.

However, I heard it helps with acid reflux and candida along with Sibo and I wanted to test this as someone who has experienced acid reflux on and off for many years along with candida.

Also I am not sure how much iodine we really get from diet. Apparently iodinated salt isn't worth the paper it's written on. And I do find it persuasive that there appears to be an epidemic of low stomach acid.

I am currently experimenting with it and will post my experience on the board at some point.

Imaaan profile image
Imaaan in reply to Alanna012

Can you share the brand and amount you're taking? Also, if you struggled to tolerate it before what's changed now?

in reply to Alanna012

Thank you for taking the time to offer that information. Funny enough, I have had indigestional burning of late and have candida from time to time. I take Berberine for the candida. I posted this subject mainly due to finding it difficult to obtain a multivitamin without Iodine apart from a German one which is pricey and not all the vits are 100 % RDA. I just want a general multivitamin and mineral which isn't too potent but offers everything apart from the Iodine. I have bought individualised supplements at great cost and they are all too potent, plus my body seems to react against a lot of the vitamin and mineral supplements even ones recommended by my doctors. The German one seems to be tolerable, however, it isn't always readily available. I wondered whether it was really that important to avoid Iodine so I can just buy the more reasonably priced multi tabs. I know Iodine is in milk and dairy which I have to limit due to sinus issues, I also limit salt, so I may not be having too much Iodine anyway.

radd profile image
radd in reply to


I've taken Vital's 'Multi-Nutrients (No Iron or Iodine)' and found it good. At present I'm actually taking a Seeking Health multivit which contains a little iodine and have felt no adverse reactions.

I'm with Alanna012 in that some might benefit from a little and others suffer a strong reaction. I think it depends on your Hashi status and reactivity of the immune system.

in reply to radd

Thanks, I will look up the Vital Multi, although I do benefit from some iron.

radd profile image
radd in reply to


Yes, most need extra iron but I have iron-overload so have to select vits carefully.

mintgreenish profile image
mintgreenish in reply to

Hi Maplemoose, Its off subject but how are you doing on thyroid s now? Last we spoke you were trying to sort things out

in reply to mintgreenish

Hi mintgreenish. I am actually doing a lot better, thanks. I actually went cold turkey and came off all thyroid meds I was trying for a while, then introduced the Thyroid S back by biting a bit off a quarter of a grain (quite tricky I might add 😄) for a while, then went to the whole quarter and increased very slowly monitoring whether the headache came back. Eventually, I settled at 2 1/4 and my blood levels rose back to where they should be after a couple of weeks. I still get fatigued from time to time, but the crippling headaches have gone, thank goodness!

mintgreenish profile image
mintgreenish in reply to

Oh so pleased to hear you are doing well. Best wishes

Tlflom profile image

I am hypothyroid. One of my highly respected docs had me take 1 drop of iodine ( not radioactive) under the tongue daily. He said it was very important to do an annual 24hr urine catch for the lab to check if it was the correct level. I moved and no doc would check it. I ended up with a cyst and a growth on my thyroid. I discontinued the iodine and they went away. Iodine is important enough to thyroid function to suppliment salt with it. If you have a great doc, they can check you for your need and provided followup care.

Low stomach acid was mentioned. Typically, as we age our stomach acid does decline.

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