why is my t3 in capsule form when you all talk about tablets?
tablets or capsules ?: why is my t3 in capsule... - Thyroid UK
tablets or capsules ?

I think that capsules make it more difficult for patients to split doses. Therefore this is good for Pharma profits because patients need more capsules to create their ideal dose.
Endo said I can take all the meds at the same time but as I have been splitting my NDT( morning, 3pm and bedtime) I want to do the same.
I was planning to take 50 Levo and 10 t3 in the morning and then 25 Levo and 5 t3 before bed. But it would have been nice to have 5 t3 morning, 5 at 3pm and 5 at bedtime as I have been doing with NDT.
Roma are the only one so far producing capsules. ICBs (used to be CCGs) are counting every penny, so many try to get drs to prescribe these instead of tablets because they started off being cheaper than tablets for the 20mcg size.
BUT, because the national drug tariff changes all the time, the 20mcg tablets are currently cheaper! So if you find you prefer a certain tablet brand, ask to stick to that and not be given capsules. They shouldn't be giving capsules solely on cost ground. And as said above, you can't split a capsule easily.
You can see the complications, especially if you want a smaller size. January tariff for 28:
5microgram capsules £55
5microgram tablets £99.47
10microgram capsules £65
10microgram tablets £152.55
20microgram capsules £55
20microgram tablets £51.54
wow!! My NDT is much cheaper. Someone should tell the NHS🤭.