So, I haven't been on here a while, I became broadly happy with my dose (150mcg levo sunday, 125mcg levo rest of week, 25mcg T3 daily split as 10, 10, 5 at 7am, 1.30pm, 8.30pm).
I never really understood whether my blood results equated with me being any more well or not, they seem to fluctuate and the TSH is suppressed. Never really sure whether I should be concerned with that or not.
Now, I have PCOS which means I have insulin resistance, and my diet has been terrible lately - lots of carbs and sugar, so my weight has crept up (I am now c. 92.5kg) ie now around 6kg/1 stone heavier than when I came onto the dose above. I don't feel as well, but I know that's partly because of my diet but I am also wondering should I increase my levo dose, maybe to 150mcg 4 days a week (vs 1 day now). Thing is, how do I measure this?
I haven't got test results since my weight went up, so I guess this is my next step (and not to increase it before then).
I think my ferritin, vitamin D, B12 and folate levels are the best they've been - so that might help my dosing be more effective than it would otherwise be.
Any thoughts welcome