I'm hypothyroid ,I'm on 100mg of levo ,I've had loose bowels ,wight loss ,I've had a calprotectin test done twice and first time it was 467 and now it's gone down to 173 ,I'm sweating a lot ,very tired ,my doctor is keeping an eye on it but it seems like I'm getting nowhere, I'm on b12 injections every three months ,I'm worried about the sweating and weight loss ,what could be causing it ,I thought with hypothyroid you gain weight but is that the cause of my health deteriorating ,my last tsh was 2.78 which was 2 months ago ,I'm fed up with feeling this way ,thanks for any help .
Is this my thyroid : I'm hypothyroid ,I'm on... - Thyroid UK
Is this my thyroid

I lose weight when I am undermedicated hypo. On adequate levo dose we generally look for TSH of under 2 and nearer to 1 with ft4 over halfway through range.
Hello how much weight Do you lose ,its been going on a while for me ,my tsh has never been under 2 while I've been on levo xx
Last time I lost 1,5 stones.
Have you ever been tested for SIBO? With your B12 deficiency too, I’m thinking it’s more than possible. Might be worth asking your doctor if you can be tested?
Hello what is Sibo and no I've never been tested for it xx
Have a read of this:

previous post
Vitamin D deficient
How much vitamin D are you now taking
Iron/ferritin levels extremely low
You need FULL iron panel test every 3-4 months to see if iron is improving
Are you now on absolutely strictly gluten free diet
Which brand of levothyroxine are you currently taking
Do you always get same brand levothyroxine at each prescription
just testing TSH is completely inadequate
ALWAYS test thyroid blood tests early morning, ideally just before 9am and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test
This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip)
Private tests are available as NHS currently rarely tests Ft3 or all relevant vitamins
List of private testing options and money off codes
Medichecks Thyroid plus antibodies and vitamins
Currently on offer at 25% off
Blue Horizon Thyroid Premium Gold includes antibodies, cortisol and vitamins
If you can get GP to test vitamins then cheapest option for just TSH, FT4 and FT3
£29 (via NHS private service ) and 10% off down to £26.10 if go on thyroid uk for code
NHS easy postal kit vitamin D test £29 via
Only do private testing early Monday or Tuesday morning.
Watch out for postal strikes, probably want to pay for guaranteed 24 hours delivery
Hi slowdragon I do need all my vitamins retested again ,my doctors don't seem to be keeping an eye on that ,I feel awful ,I've has all these investigations but I feel no better ,I'm drained ,I'm tired, it feels like I've lost muscle strength, as well ,I'm in pain all the time and it's worse when I use my arms and legs ,I could sleep any time of the day .

Are you vegetarian or vegan that you’re on B12 injections
Or do you have pernicious anaemia?
Are you taking a daily vitamin B complex as well
As you have B12 injections it’s recommended also to supplement a good quality daily vitamin B complex, one with folate in (not folic acid) may be beneficial.
This can help keep all B vitamins in balance and will help maintain B12 levels between injections too
Difference between folate and folic acid
Many Hashimoto’s patients have MTHFR gene variation and can have trouble processing folic acid.
B vitamins best taken after breakfast
Thorne Basic B recommended vitamin B complex that contains folate, but they are large capsules. (You can tip powder out if can’t swallow capsule)
IMPORTANT......If you are taking vitamin B complex, or any supplements containing biotin, remember to stop these 7 days before ALL BLOOD TESTS , as biotin can falsely affect test results
In week before blood test, when you stop vitamin B complex, you might want to consider taking a separate methyl folate supplement
I had my thyroid peroxidase antibodies tested a few years ago and it was positive it was 118 ,does that mean i have hashimotos ,I'm not vegetarian but I don't eat a lot of meat .
yes definitely Hashimoto’s
Strictly gluten free diet can be astonishing improvement
Always worth trying
Request testing for SIBO and H Pylori too
Optimal vitamin levels are essential
Look at increasing iron rich foods in diet
Red meat every day. Liver or liver pate once a week
Orange juice to help absorption of iron
I've been wondering while I feel so rubbish ,my doctor said that I didn't have hashimotos but I've been reading up online and coming on here and it looks like I have ,what can I eat if I'm not a red meat lover xx
U.K. medics never call autoimmune thyroid disease Hashimoto’s
About 90% of primary hypothyroidism is autoimmune thyroid disease, usually diagnosed by high thyroid antibodies
Medics in U.K. generally completely ignore the autoimmune aspect of thyroid disease……then wonder why patients don’t recover
Autoimmune thyroid disease with goitre is Hashimoto’s
Autoimmune thyroid disease without goitre is Ord’s thyroiditis.
Both are autoimmune and generally called Hashimoto’s.
Low vitamin levels are extremely common when hypothyroid, especially with autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto’s or Ord’s thyroiditis)
When I asked my doctor if mine was hashimotos she said no but I don't think she'd looked at my results from a couple of years ago coz she's not normally my doctor but I've seem her a few times recently so i do believe that I am hashimotos ,it's all so confusing.
How long have you been taking iron supplements……if 3-4 months……Insist GP retest iron and ferritin see wether levels are improving
Are you been tested for peri menopause
In all people, a serum ferritin level of less than 30 micrograms/L confirms the diagnosis of iron deficiency
Also See page 7 on here
Look at increasing iron rich foods in diet
Eating iron rich foods like liver or liver pate once a week plus other red meat, pumpkin seeds and dark chocolate, plus daily orange juice or other vitamin C rich drink can help improve iron absorption
List of iron rich foods
you can hide liver in other dishes….curry….etc
Links about iron and ferritin
An article that explains why Low ferritin and low thyroid levels are often linked
Great in-depth article on low ferritin
This is interesting because I have noticed that many patients with Hashimoto’s disease and hypothyroidism, start to feel worse when their ferritin drops below 80 and usually there is hair loss when it drops below 50.
Thyroid disease is as much about optimising vitamins as thyroid hormones
It’s as much a disease of the gut as the thyroid
Post discussing just how long it can take to raise low ferritin
Never supplement iron without doing full iron panel test for anaemia first and retest 3-4 times a year if self supplementing. It’s possible to have low ferritin but high iron
Medichecks iron panel test
Iron and thyroid link
Excellent article on iron and thyroid
Posts discussing why important to do full iron panel test
Chicken livers if iron is good, but ferritin low
Heme iron v non heme
Ferritin over 100 to alleviate symptoms
Low Iron implicated in hypothyroidism
Ferritin range on Medichecks
We have received further information the lab about ferritin reference ranges. They confirm that they are sex dependent up to the age of 60, then beyond the age of 60 the reference range is the same for both sexes:
Males 16-60: 30-400 ug/L
Female's: 16-60: 30-150
Both >60: 30-650
The lower limit of 30 ug/L is in accordance with the updated NICE guidance and the upper limits are in accordance with guidance from the Association of Clinical Biochemists. ‘
suggest you get FULL thyroid and vitamin testing done
Aiming for vitamin D at least over 80nmol
B12 at least over 500
Folate and ferritin at least half way through range
Strictly gluten free diet likely essential. Perhaps consider dairy free too in a few months (it’s not as difficult as it sounds)
I think my b12 is always low with the injections, my iron and ferritin always seem to be low as well ,I think it's coz of my diet coz I'm not a big red meat eater and now being hypothyroid as well ,and I've had low vit d before ,I'm suffering now for it thankyou for all this information .
So you need to work hard on improving low vitamin levels to optimal levels
And continue supplementing to maintain at optimal levels
I definately do need to get my vitamins back up ,I never know what to eat ,I like veg ,I like fruit ,I'm not a big meat eater though .

bless you, you sound exhausted.
Just wanted to add that I followed the advice from SlowDragon on diet and ordered Medichecks blood tests myself, posted results here for the vitamins and got more advice. I also followed Izabella Wentz books Hashimoto’s protocol and gave up gluten and dairy.
Prior to this I thought my home grown veg and healthy diet would be enough but how wrong I was! I’ve done every conceivable self treatment for H pylori, SIBO, parasites etc and gone paleo too. It’s taken months but I am SO much better. Solid poos are now a part of my life most days (not all yet) work in progress!!
wishing you well, keep asking questions, the forum is such a friendly helpful place.
Hi Janeylou, your symptoms of weight loss, loose bowels, sweating, feeling awful, drained , tired, loss of muscle strength, constant pain and feeling you could sleep at any time of the day could be indicative of poor adrenal function and possibly autoimmune adrenal disease. If you have never had your cortisol levels tested it may be worthwhile asking for this.
Hi I also thought my symptoms were of something much more sinister ,I'm still not so sure coz of the weight loss ,I've been like this for a long time and it's concerning, the only things my doctor picked up in blood tests was anemia, low ferritin ,low vitamins ,normal fit test ,high calprotectin which went down xx