Blood tests. #Serum T4 Blood Tests show abnorma... - Thyroid UK

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Blood tests. #Serum T4 Blood Tests show abnormally high reading, and low #TSH. Hypothyroid for 11 years, suddenly become hyperthyroid

Beachbird profile image
14 Replies

Age: 75 young at heart. Do 7000/12000 steps daily (unless warm/humid). Just over BMI (Body Mass Index).

Thyroid function test results this week

❗️Serum TSH level 0.15 mIU/L [0.3 - 5.5]; Below low reference limit.

❗Serum free T4 level 38 pmol/L [10.0 - 22.0]**.

Above high reference limit


Is Serum Free T4 reading extraordinarily high! Why would it change so much in 1 year?

Why am I so heat intolerant? (Was same when hypo - and now with hyperthyroidism?

Why won’t GPs refer me to an endocrinologist? Have asked my previous GPs and current one. Would an endocrinologist be able to help?

Do I need an urgent T3 B/T. Years ago the head of B/Testing at my local hospital said I should always have based on the results she’d seen. But GPs refuse and aren’t interested


My TSH has been at the lower end for years, and Serum Free T4 at higher end of spectrum.

Diagnosed in 2010. Over the years the dose of Levothyroxine has been adjusted to as high as 175mcg, now reducing, and last year down to alternating 75/100mcg daily.

Just had blood test results. Called by GP next morning. Told to change to 50mcg daily, and even better not to take a tablet for a day or two. He’ll organise a follow up in 8 weeks.


HEAT INTOLERANCE: For years I’ve been heat intolerant. Gets worse every year. Try not make arrangements between April and October. Won’t go to weddings, on the beach, outdoor cafés etc. In temperatures over 17c and especially if humid, I am useless. No energy, panic and could pass out. Friends don’t always understand and think I’m creating a fuss. Just been invited to an important family event in June 2023 a couple of hours away, and am already panicking. Have had to say won’t know if I can go until last minute, re weather. They are quite upset and assume I don’t want to go

I don’t know anyone who is as heat intolerant as I am. Not helped by getting heavy puffy feet (take Furosemide for that).


See above


Had cataracts and vision correction done 9 months ago. Immediately after had red eyes/aching/ sensitivity to light. Gets worse reading/writing on mobile. Wear photochromatic and blue light filter glasses. Doesn’t look as if will improve now. Surgeon says caused by dry eyes.



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Beachbird profile image
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14 Replies
SeasideSusie profile image


Are you in the UK?

Did you get full thyroid tested to include




Thyroid antibodies

as suggested 5 years ago?

Beachbird profile image
Beachbird in reply to SeasideSusie

Yes UK. Seaside too!

Only had FT3 done when first diagnosed . All the GPs I’ve asked over the years refuse to and do ‘t want to know

May look at the private testing available as another reply lists them

Should a GP do thyroid antibodies?

Maybe I have to wait for this 8week follow-up and insist on an appointment with GP to discuss. Perhaps he will ask for more tests?

I didn’t do anything five years ago because everything seemed under control (Vit D probably helped) Except for thisconstant heat intolerance is it totally affects my life for the best part of ½ the year, and fluid retention (improved since on Furosemide)

Thanks Susie

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Beachbird


Should a GP do thyroid antibodies?

Sometimes a GP will test Thyroid Peroxidase (can't do Thyroglobulin antibodies at primary level) if they think it is warranted, by no means is it routine. I've been diagnosed hypothyroid since 1975 and never had an antibody test on the NHS.

The Vit D Council, the Vit D Society and Grassroots Health all recommend a level of 100-150nmol/L (40-60ng/ml), with a recent blog post on Grassroots Health mentioning a study which recommends over 125nmol/L (50ng/ml). Doctors are taught very little, if anything, about nutrients so have no concept of "optimal" levels, all they want to see is that it comes somewhere within the range then they are happy.

PurpleNails profile image

When you had blood draw for test what time and how long after taking replacement dose.

Have you ever had antibodies tested?TPO & TG antibodies to see if your hypothyroidism is due to autoimmune. (This can sometime cause fluctuations) 

Symptoms all sound thyroid related.  Including high cholesterol (low FT3). 

If currently on 75/100mcg you should decrease to 50/75mcg (25mcg at a time)  or the alteration will be too great a change.

Your FT3 needs to tested so see if FT4 is converting to this hormone.  

This is often the gauge on symptoms.

Have folate, ferritin, B12 & vitamin D been tested recently?   

How much D3 do you take?.   Magnesium & K2 important cofactors of D3.  Have you considered adding these?

Beachbird profile image
Beachbird in reply to PurpleNails

I’m on Cholecalciferol 800IU

GP doesnt see any need to test folate, ferritin, B12 & vitamin D.

I was extremely deficient in Vit D in 2018:Serum total 25-hydroxy vitamin D level 30.2 nmol/L [> 50] but OK 2019/2020 when on Cholecalciferol.

When I last asked GP Answered everyone in the UK is deficient, and I was OK last time tested

Test for the others you mentioned are ignored when requested by current GP

Will read up Magnesium & K2. These vitamins are all expensive and I worry about taking without GP knowledge may ask him

Thanks for quick response

PurpleNails profile image
PurpleNailsAdministrator in reply to Beachbird

“Is Serum free T4 level 38 pmol/L just ‘high’ or an unusually high results? Can’t find any comment on this online”

 FT4: 38 pmol/l (Range 10 - 22) 233.33% 

So nearly 2 and a half times normal range & is high.  It not unusually to see those with autoimmune Graves for levels to reach over 3x norm and I’ve see results on here reaching 5 nearly 6x but that is the exception.  

Any elevation needs to be addressed and reducing your levo would be first step.  

Antibodies are useful for diagnosis and although all causes of hypothyroidism are treated same way If you have autoimmune thyroiditis it explains why fluctuations can occur.

Do you usually test this time of year?  Some find they need more hormone in warmer months and less in summer.  So if previous tests were winter time the rise could be different by end of summer.  

As other mention GP are expected to treat deficiencies but are not taught a great deal about nutrition.  They prefer not test all then they are no obligation to offer treatment.  Such as the comment that everyone in UK is deficient - then why isn’t everyone treated?   

Dr will likely say something like if you eat a balanced diet you shouldn’t need supplements but if you want to don’t exceed the recommended dose. 

 Have you been given advice & help to deal with dry eyes? 

Beachbird profile image
Beachbird in reply to PurpleNails

Re is result unusual. Thanks that was something I really wanted an answer to. Scoured the web for a couple of hours unable to find out.

Timing of tests:

My routine tests are done every year (at my request). Recently have been in August/September. Serum Free 24 has always been ca. 20-22 from memory. In 2018 it was 27 and repeat test required.


Surgeon who did the cataracts/vision is following me up. Prior to op was on dry eye drops for occasional achey eyes (on mobile too long!). But irritation, red eyes, fatigue, achey - all far worse post op. Took a few courses of steroid drops as eyes were inflamed for several weeks. And now using Thealoz (dry eye drops) a few times a day, and wear photochromatic glasses/sunglasses most of time as still sensitive to bright/sun light

I read one of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism is eye probs, including light sensitivity. But who knows if connected. as wasnt hypo same time last year

PurpleNails profile image
PurpleNailsAdministrator in reply to Beachbird

Well Most medics say Thyroid Eye disease TED is only associated with Graves, although there is more acknowledgment that those with Hashis also suffer with TED. 

Care for TED can be poorly recognised and treated.

I’m hyper from a nodule and have neither autoimmune and half specialist I see say I have TED - in fact they assume I’m aware I do.  The other half say it not possible. 

Here a list of the thyroid antibodies: 

TPOab (Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies)

TGab (Thyroglobulin antibodies) 

TSI (Thyroid-Stimulating Immunoglobulin)

TRab (TSH receptor antibodies - measures stimulating, neural & blocking antibodies)

TPO & TG are associated with Hashi also present with Graves

TSI & Trab with Graves & TED 

There a strange overlap with antibodies.  Your ophthalmologist specialist may be able to test TRab but GP -say- they can’t.   

Many report dry eye with thyroid issues.

I “self treat” with the recommended remedies- inexpensive selenium supplement- 200mcg at first but this should dose should only be taken for 6 months.  Then reduce to 100mcg .  Bear in mind selenium rich food can take you over the maximum requirement.

*Preservative* free eye drops & wipes.  Rotating different brands seem to help.  Liquid versions for daytime & gel versions at nighttime.  

 I was prescribed a eye gel last weekend when my local walk in centre sent me to A&E. ocufresh carbomer lubricating eye gel,  it’s not too gloopy and useable for day.  I think it contains a mild preservative.  

For when eyes are dry I use warm compresses (eg wheat bags, microwaveable gel masks) helped.  Very gentle massage toward lash line.  Both these “unclogs” the blocked Meibomian Gland & lipid oil layer protects eye and retains the water. 

 If swollen, inflamed and more painful, I switch to cold compresses.

  If you like to moisturise near your eye area use water based clear gels not oil / cream.  I did this as developed milia white spots round eye.  I found the puffiness & swelling reduced when I switched. 

Serious complications are rare + changes in appearance often improve greatly within months.  Do not Google and panic over worst case scenarios.  

Keep a photo record of eyes eg take a photo every 2 or 3 weeks.  

Many report TED triggered or worsened when thyroid levels are low / high or fluctuating.TED charitable trust.

Informative site

Beachbird profile image
Beachbird in reply to PurpleNails

Lot to consider here. One doctor at the eyeclinic advised massaging the Meibomian Gland. Got a microwaveable warm compress *mask.

Both felt uncomfortable/*heavy Seemed to make eye sore. Maybe can tolerate now as a few months later.

Friend recommended Blephasol for cleaning eyes. Used for a month. Very good but expensive as needs replacing after 2 months.

Maybe coincidence, but after 2 days of not taking thyroxine was able to go to sleep on left side. Before disturbed by heart beat. Starting Thyroxine 50mcg lower dose this morning.

What water based clear gel do you use? I have a milia white spot in lower eyelid.

Thanks - I am quite calm, not a panicker! Just it’s difficult to talk things through with the GP nowadays. And over the years have encountered mistakes, eg given husband’s blood test results, and he mine etc.

NB I’m not losing weight, which seems to be a symptom of Graves

PurpleNails profile image
PurpleNailsAdministrator in reply to Beachbird

Boots do a couple.  A Cucumber eye gel & a vitamin C eye gel.  

I’d use the Vit c one in morning as it’s orange scent is invigorating.

Bodyshop does elder flower un perfumed mini pot.  

My current favourite is Avon adapt hydra rescue on the go facial serum. It marketed for menopausal woman but I won in a raffle and now wouldn’t be without out.  It’s a pump bottle which I prefer over fiddly lids. 

 I have some tool like a wand with metal end.  To dip in serum and help message in gel.  Have you seen the facial stone smoothers called gua sha this also helps with massaging round eye.  

You can also get roller ball version but I disliked an inbuilt cream rollerball that vibrated.  

Symptoms can be very deceiving I was hyper many years and gained weight entire time.  Didn’t lose any until lower in normal range and had energy to exercise and a normal appetite.

Beachbird profile image
Beachbird in reply to PurpleNails

Too late 🥰. Just bought “Cetaphil Hydrating Eye Gel-Cream With Hyaluronic Acid - Designed to Deeply Hydrate, Brighten & Smooth Under-Eye Area - For All Skin Types - Hypoallergenic & Suitable for Sensitive Skin - 0.5 Fl. Oz”

Had the best reviews and suitable for sensitive skin. Lets see how it goes. Not cheap. But expect lasts a while. Worth a try. Thanks for suggesting moisturing gel anyway. Will deffo look at Avon’s. Use their body lotions all the time. The cucumber one too. Not keen on sweet/scenty.

So maybe I’ll lost some weight now??!! Walk a lot but too slowly in recent weather.

SlowDragon profile image

Absolutely ESSENTIAL to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 at least once a year

On levothyroxine we must have GOOD vitamin levels

Suggest you get FULL thyroid and vitamin testing done

Do you always get same brand levothyroxine at each prescription

What vitamin supplements are you currently taking

Recommended on here that all thyroid blood tests early morning, ideally just before 9am and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test 

This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip)

Private tests are available as NHS currently rarely tests Ft3 or all relevant vitamins

List of private testing options and money off codes

Medichecks Thyroid plus antibodies and vitamins

Blue Horizon Thyroid Premium Gold includes antibodies, cortisol and vitamins

If you can get GP to test vitamins and antibodies then cheapest option for just TSH, FT4 and FT3

£29 (via NHS private service ) and 10% off down to £26.10 if go on thyroid uk for code

Come back with new post once you get results

Beachbird profile image
Beachbird in reply to SlowDragon

Thanks SD

Is Serum free T4 level 38 pmol/L just ‘high’ or an unusually high results? Can’t find any comment on this online

1) Absolutely ESSENTIAL to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 at least once a year: Tell my GP that!

2) Do you always get same brand levothyroxine at each prescription:

No all meds keep changing brands. We use the pharmacy attached to the surgery. Boots kept messing things up - but brands were more consistent.

3) What vitamin supplements are you currently taking:

Only Vit D3 (Cholecalciferol 800IU).

In winterSometimes take Vit C, with or without zinc. And Centrum Women 50+ in winter

Maybe should take both regularly?

4) Recommended on here that all thyroid blood tests early morning, ideally just before 9am and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test:

Thanks. Will discuss with GP before follow up test!

5) Private testing:

Will look at tonight. Think worth considering and will report results as suggested

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Beachbird

Thousands of members are forced to test privately to make progress

800iu vitamin D is a low dose for someone on levothyroxine

Multivitamins are never recommended on here. Most contain iodine not recommended for anyone on levothyroxine. And cheap, poorly absorbed ingredients

Far better to test annually and supplement what’s necessary

That’s usually: daily vitamin D, magnesium, vitamin B complex

Sometimes separate B12 too

Iron panel test for anaemia if Ferritin is low

GP’s frequently unaware that timing is important for testing. Just always book early morning test and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test

Examples of private testing results


Blue horizon

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