Groundbreaking news day for lupus patients is a... - Thyroid UK

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Groundbreaking news day for lupus patients is a great day for Thyroid U.K. and all of us

HowNowWhatNow profile image
20 Replies

Give me an L, give me a U, give me a … !

Am mentally raising a glass to all people with lupus and other auto-immune conditions, present and future, who will be benefited by this research, as well as cheerleading for them. And toasting all those whose research made it possible.

See article here for “this research”:

Reading it, I felt emotional about the new frontiers of science being discovered in our lifetime. How about you?

Some of you here have lupus, too, and the autoimmune Venn diagram has a lot of interlocking circles. And anything that helps our autoimmune brothers and sisters in arms, in the broadest sense of family, helps us.

I hope this treatment is not patented and made into something extortionately expensive that ordinary people can’t access before it is even rolled out to more people.

Well done the scientists.

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HowNowWhatNow profile image
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20 Replies
Wired123 profile image

interesting one, I guess with lupus the tissues can regenerate after the immune cells stop attacking, however as far as I know once a thyroid is damaged it cannot regenerate. Perhaps if the thyroid autoimmune attack is treated in this way right at the start of the attack it could preserve as much of the thyroid gland as possible, but one would need to constantly watch their bloods before they’ve been diagnosed.

HowNowWhatNow profile image
HowNowWhatNow in reply to Wired123

Intriguing prospects, all of them.

Amazing to think that people might not need to live with lupus in a few years’ time.

These treatments of course cost money. Since we are going to (the government says it will do this) cut the taxes richer people pay and in real terms (as salaries go up but the funding package stays more or less constant) cut the amount we give to the NHS, I don’t see how we as a country can afford to provide innovative new treatments like this, that are sorely needed. And that is worrying.

I don’t think it’s controversial to say that the NHS is going through a hard time, that we all want it to succeed and/or that the government is planning to cut taxes.

Wired123 profile image
Wired123 in reply to HowNowWhatNow

we need to vote for an alternate party that plans to properly fund the NHS

eiddew profile image

Hi Geogeor

Thanks for flagging this up.

The key technology is "CAR T-cell therapy". It's tailor-made to individual patient, currently it's been trialed for different types of cancer. The price tag per infusion is US$400 000. Here's a good review from the WIRED magazine.

Just in case Dr Brooke Goldner has not hit your radar. Dr Goldner had lupus between age 14 and her marriage around age 29. She's now age 45 and has been lupus-free+meds-free since her marriage. She and Thomas have helped many patients with auto-immune diseases on their own healing journeys. Their stories are truly inspiring.

She has published 3 books:

1. Goodbye Lupus: How a Medical Doctor Healed Herself Naturally With Supermarket Foods

2. Goodbye Autoimmune Disease: How to Prevent and Reverse Chronic Illness and Inflammatory Symptoms Using Supermarket Foods

3. Green Smoothie Recipes to Kick-Start Your Health and Healing

There're plenty more free and updated materials on her website, youtube channels, plus a related website set up by her husband, Thomas, who "accidentally" helped her to discover her own healing journey.

All the information are freely available. She's made a four-hour video to summarise her 3 books, and the class is free for viewing periodically, the latest will start September 23. Sign up link on her website.

be inspired & take very good care

HowNowWhatNow profile image
HowNowWhatNow in reply to eiddew


Have this doctor and her husband “cured” anyone else with lupus yet? And what kind of doctor is she?

I ask because there are a ton of “doctors” seeking to capitalise on the despair of people suffering from AI conditions across social media by making miracle cure pledges and I wouldn’t want anyone here to get false hope, reading this. Hard for any of us to tell apart the good faith medics from the quacks!

Price is often a good place to start - how expensive a book / film etc is - but ideally all miracle claims would have a research study to accompany them, before they start trading on hopes and dreams alone!

eiddew profile image
eiddew in reply to HowNowWhatNow

Hi Geogeor

She's double board certified, conventionally trained.

Just check out her talk/class from Sept 23 onwards, it's free. The last hour of the 4-hour video class showcases a subset of the patients she helped reverse their AID, not just lupus, but others as well. Hashimoto thyroiditis included.

You can also cruise the reader reviews on her books on amazon, comments on her youtube channels, and the facebook group on "smoothie shred".

I wouldn't pitch her here, multiple times, without having spent time checking her out. She stays current, still active, unlike Isabella Wentz. Treating patients with AID is her livelihood, she does it full time, working from home, has been for many years. Before then, she worked in hospitals, until she realised she can help more patients by teaching them how not to be sick.

She gives out information for free for patients who can follow instructions, and do not have conditions that are too complicated. For patients who need more baby-sitting, or need serious medical advice, they can get personal coaching by her and her husband. Price list on her website, for coaching in groups or one-on-one. Cost far less than a pop of CAR-T-cell therapy, and no deadly side-effect.

Hope this helps.

HowNowWhatNow profile image
HowNowWhatNow in reply to eiddew

Reversing Hashimoto’s?

Now I AM sceptical!

eiddew profile image

You need not be. Just check out the stories. Many have done so. You can try the protocol yourself, if you have the condition.

And psychology is part of the protocol, a big part, which is in her second book. Dr Goldner is also qualified in psychiatry, that's why she's so effective in coaching patients, working through their negative mindset.

HowNowWhatNow profile image
HowNowWhatNow in reply to eiddew

If she was curing people of lupus and Hashimoto’s, she would be issuing peer-reviewed papers showing how and that she is doing this, but from what I can see, she hasn’t.

I am not sure what else she qualified in (as an MD) other than psychiatry. But for her to say that those of us with lupus and Hashimoto’s have a “negative mindset” is not going to convince me any more of her magical powers.

It wasn’t so long ago someone was writing here about the damage done to their health on a keto diet that promised to cure them.

People have been promising magical cures since the Middle Ages and before then.

I hope it works for you but - as someone who has seen too many get rich quick doctors promising heaven on earth if only you buy their books and go on their courses and see no difference here - I don’t buy it.

marigold22 profile image
marigold22 in reply to HowNowWhatNow

Sorry but I would never ever ever trust a psychiatrist

HowNowWhatNow profile image
HowNowWhatNow in reply to marigold22

Out of curiosity - why is that?

marigold22 profile image
marigold22 in reply to HowNowWhatNow

HowNowWhatNow . Really awful experiences with psychiatrists, they seem to be unable to think outside the box or outside their specific field.

HowNowWhatNow profile image
HowNowWhatNow in reply to marigold22

Am so sorry.

Yours is a statement that sadly applies to quite a few doctors. Which would be fine if they were all aware - as many are - of the limits of their own knowledge and were able to refer on wherever needed.

HowNowWhatNow profile image
HowNowWhatNow in reply to eiddew

I looked at the 6 or 7% of reviews which are 1 star on Amazon. Not only are they scathing about the poor quality of the book/s - whose advice, they say, boils down to eat vegan food and drink lots of water - they say it just shows lots of case studies but doesn’t provide any detailed advice. Because of course that is in the $3000 courses - or is it?

eiddew profile image

Hi Geogeor

Dr Goldner's CV is on her website

The course is really free. My mistake, it's FREE NOW till Sep 23, not starting on Sep 23 as in my previous post, I watched it entirely free back in July. Just sign up to get the email link, which is on youtube anyway, but gets inactivated once the free period ends.

The four hour class should clarify a lot of your doubts.

Also see my first post about Dr Goldner on this forum to Heloise here.

As for the "intricacies" of CAR-T cell therapy, have a look at these two recent review articles.

There are plenty more on PubMed, these two are top on my google search.

Her books: "Goodbye Lupus" & "Goodbye Autoimmune diseases" are available in Kindle format. You can download the first chapters to get a flavour. The table of contents for the second book has a long list of successful cases she treated, at the time of publication, which is a while ago.

I would not say Dr Goldner "cured" her patients. She simply coached her "coachable" patients to cure themselves. Positive mindset plays a critical role in their healing journeys.

HowNowWhatNow profile image
HowNowWhatNow in reply to eiddew

Have you read through the 1 and 2 star reviews on Amazon U.K.?

These are from people who have read the book and found nothing to substantiate the claims being made for the book in the blurb, let alone a cure for an AI disease.

One person there said if I could give this a zero star review, I would.

The only positive comments in these reviews are about the chapters on mindfulness - which will not cure anyone either.

The people giving these reviews are extremely vulnerable to the claims being made by this doctor and her husband that she can cure them. But as their reviews say they found nothing in the book (some of them have bought all of her books) that together would constitute a protocol, let alone a healing one.

I have seen a few people in Facebook groups who claim to be able to heal other people of their conditions. Invariably their claims are hidden behind layers of: if you pay for this, then this, then this.. you will find out what to do.

There are occasionally claims here from people who claim Hashimoto’s can be cured. As yet, I’ve not seen or read about one case that stacks up. And one case alone is not enough to base a career on.

eiddew profile image
eiddew in reply to HowNowWhatNow

Hi Geogeor

I have perused quite a bundle of health-practitioners/promoters on AIDs. I stopped following most after reading what they have on offer,. Few can continuously showcase the success of their followers. Dr Goldner is one. Clint Paddison is another.

Dr Goldner's class is free. You have a few more days to catch up before the next free session. There's usually a "free-for-all" Q&A following the class. If you have an FB account (or other social media), you can join in live and ask questions. All the Q&A are recorded, and posted on her youtube channel.

We don't know what anyone who posted negative reviews did or did not do. The hidden details could be the make-or-break reason, sometimes it's time. I can see the many positive cases in her books, on "smoothie shred" FB, amazon reviews, youtube comments, and "live" on her class (last hour).

Most importantly, I have been living with a protocol very similar to hers. I am med-free. My thyroid panel improved to best-ever, only one month after adding her hyper-nourishing green smoothie to my daily routine.

It will be a long time before CAR-T cell therapy become widely, and affordably, available, if at all.

I will end my thread here.

take care and wish you the best for your health journey.

Zazbag profile image

It's CAR T-cell therapy which means it's individualised for each patient and also very new therefore it follows that it will be extremely expensive.

HowNowWhatNow profile image
HowNowWhatNow in reply to Zazbag


CAR-T cell therapy takes the same direction much new cancer research is heading down: greater personalisation.

It looks likely that all of medicine will become more personalised over time as genetics becomes less and less mysterious.

HowNowWhatNow profile image
HowNowWhatNow in reply to Zazbag

Lupus is an extremely cruel disease.

Not only does it cost the patient months and years of healthy life, it costs their healthcare providers a lot.

A lupus patient will easily cost the NHS £100,000 in medical care and treatment over their lifetime. Some will cost much more.

And then there is also the cost to the economy of the patient not being able to work in the ways they would be able to if well.

There is cost and then there is cost.

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