A newspaper article - in the Observer - which could be of some interest.
I haven't gone off looking for greater detail, etc., because it is just the possibility which is discussed, and research projects. Not a lot to read right now.
Global spread of autoimmune disease blamed on western diet
New DNA research by London-based scientists hopes to find cure for rapidly spreading conditions
It does concern me that this could be yet another source of patient blaming. "Did you eat KFC/McD/etc/? If so, it's all your fault."
I strongly suspect the prime investigators are not looking at it like that, but we know how things can change by the time they reach a clinic.
And, even if entirely proved, what we also need is some sort of treatment or approach to help those already afflicted.
We also need to remember that while the scale might have grown, there have been some sufferers for a very long time.