Three additions to the NHS Drug Tariff this month:
Levothyroxine sodium 75micrograms/5ml oral solution sugar free 100ml Category C Brillpharma Ltd
Liothyronine 10microgram capsules 28 Category C Roma Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Liothyronine 20microgram capsules 28 Category C Roma Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Liothyronine 5microgram capsules 28 Category C Roma Pharmaceuticals Ltd
NHS prices are £55, £65 and £55 respectively but are not listed in the tariff as they are the standard prices Roma charge.
Category C
2.2 Category C - Drugs which are not readily available as a generic, where the price is based on a particular proprietary product, manufacturer or as the case may be supplier. Endorsement of pack size is required if more than one pack is listed. Broken Bulk may be claimed, if necessary. Where the price of the product is based upon a non-proprietary product the price listed in this Part of the Drug Tariff is indicative of the price determined and in this case the Secretary of State determines the price to be the price listed by the manufacturer or as the case may be supplier on or before the 8th of the month being reimbursed.
Liothyronine tablet prices (and categories) for 28 tablets are:
Liothyronine 10microgram tablets £152.44 C Morningside Healthcare Ltd
Liothyronine 20microgram tablets £59.31 M
Liothyronine 5microgram tablets £99.47 A
You can see how 10microrgam tablets are still way out of line with 5 and 20 microgram tablets - due to there being a single supplier.
This is out of date - more recent information has been posted.