Euthyrox not so good anymore?: Hello, I have... - Thyroid UK

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Euthyrox not so good anymore?

merlikati profile image
10 Replies


I have been wondering if the new Euthyrox formulation is not so effective. I used Euthyrox 2018- 2020 and it worked well. Then I tried NDT and T3, but went back to levo because it's hard to get in my country.

I used to take 125/150 but now I am still having symptoms on dosage 175mcg. I upped my dosage after last labs and not ready to test (5weeks) but still wondering if it's time to try something else.

Does anyone have a similar experience?

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adin profile image

Euthyrox no longer is what it was, have changed the formula and introduced Manitol into the excipients.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to adin

Just to note that this is not yet universal - in case it affects anyone, for better or for worse! Euthyrox in some countries still contains lactose.

From memory that is true for Mexico and Thailand.

merlikati profile image
merlikati in reply to helvella


Lactose wasn't issue for me. New dont't contain lactose. Something else is there...but I cant read it, beacause it's in other language.

I live in Estonia and my endo orders it for me but I don't know where it comes. But it's weird that I need so much more than before. Never been on so high dose.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to merlikati

Original Polish:

Nie oczekuje się zmian ogólnego profilu bezpieczeństwa.

Substancją czynną nadal jest lewotyroksyna sodowa, pochodząca z tego samego źródła. Zmieniono jedynie substancje pomocnicze (laktozę zastąpiono mannitolem, dodano kwas cytrynowy).

Badania kliniczne potwierdziły, że nowe substancje pomocniczenie zmieniają ilości substancji czynnej, która dostaje się do krwi, ani szybkości, z jaką dociera ona do narządu docelowego.

Gwarantuje to, że skuteczność i bezpieczeństwo stosowania są takie same jak w przypadku leku o poprzednim składzie.

U niektórych wrażliwych osób wychwyt substancji czynnej może nadal różnić się pomiędzy poprzednim i zmienionym składem leku. Może to prowadzić do zaburzeń czynności

tarczycy (patrz Pytanie 6 „Jakie są objawy zaburzeń czynności tarczycy, o których powinnam/powinienem wiedzieć?”). Jeśli podejrzewasz, że masz objawy wskazujące na zaburzenia czynności tarczycy, powinnaś/powinieneś jak najszybciej skontaktować się z lekarzem. Lekarz może zlecić badanie czynności tarczycy i dostosować odpowiednio dawkę, jeśli to konieczne.

Automatic translation into English

The overall safety profile is not expected to change.

The active substance is still levothyroxine sodium from the same source. Only the auxiliary substances were changed (lactose was replaced with mannitol, citric acid was added).

Clinical trials have confirmed that the new adjuvants do not alter the amount of the active substance that enters the blood, nor the speed at which it reaches the target organ.

This ensures that the effectiveness and safety of use are the same as in the case of the drug of the previous composition.

In some sensitive individuals, the uptake of the active substance may still differ between the previous and altered composition of the drug. This can lead to dysfunction

thyroid gland (see Question 6 “What are the symptoms of thyroid dysfunction I should be aware of?”). If you suspect you have symptoms of thyroid dysfunction you should see your doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor may check your thyroid function and adjust the dose if necessary.

Automatic translation into Estonian

Üldine ohutusprofiil eeldatavasti ei muutu.

Toimeaine on endiselt samast allikast pärit naatriumlevotüroksiin. Vahetati ainult abiaineid (laktoos asendati mannitooliga, lisati sidrunhapet).

Kliinilised katsed on kinnitanud, et uued adjuvandid ei muuda verre sattuva toimeaine kogust ega ka kiirust, millega see sihtorganisse jõuab.

See tagab, et kasutamise efektiivsus ja ohutus on samad, mis eelmise koostisega ravimi puhul.

Mõnel tundlikul inimesel võib toimeaine omastamine ravimi varasema ja muudetud koostise vahel siiski erineda. See võib põhjustada talitlushäireid

kilpnääre (vt 6. küsimust „Millised on kilpnäärme talitlushäirete sümptomid, millest peaksin teadlik olema?”). Kui kahtlustate, et teil on kilpnäärme talitlushäire sümptomeid, peaksite võimalikult kiiresti pöörduma oma arsti poole. Teie arst võib kontrollida teie kilpnäärme funktsiooni ja vajadusel annust kohandada.

merlikati profile image
merlikati in reply to helvella

Thank you helvella! I think I don't agree with this new mannitol thing. Something is not right. I was quite stable on it before.

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to merlikati

merlikati 'New dont't contain lactose. Something else is there...but I cant read it, '

The lactose has been replaced by Mannitol. Merck have made their boxes different (pink colour) to distinguish the new formulation from the old one.

Many people cannot tolerate mannitol, although it's fine for some people.

Have your thyroid blood test results changed significantly since you started on this new formulation?

merlikati profile image
merlikati in reply to RedApple

Yes, my labs are lower on this. Last labs done in june when I had been on 150mcg for 9 weeks were quite low. My ft4 was only 40%. Ft3 was 60% so my conversion is ok. But I still have symptoms. So I upped to 175mcg but too early to test (5weeks).I have never been on 150mcg and still so low. Never been on 175mcg. I took 125/150 old formulation and my Ft4 was 50% and ft3 75%. Everything else is same, I eat healthy, live active life, work on my D vitamin and iron, take magnesium. I am healthier than before but need to take so much more. I weight only 55kg.

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to merlikati

I hope you will be ok with the higher dose. It doesn't really matter how much your dose is, as long as you feel well and your labs are ok.

But if the higher dose still doesn't work for you, you should talk with your end about getting a different brand.

merlikati profile image
merlikati in reply to RedApple

Well I try to. Let's see what my labs in august will be. It's hard. We have here only one brand levo. Berlin Chemie. If you want something other try then you need to convience your endo to order it but you need also premission from Medicines Board. And waiting your order could take weeks. Never know how long.But thank you all!

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to helvella

I've heard that Euthyrox in Thailand also now contains mannitol - which will mean Mexico as well.

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