Hi, I have Hashimoto’s and take an average of 115micrograms levo per day. I feel well on this now. I have 2 days of very heavy periods each month, but no pain or clotting - been this way for 30yrs. (When untreated hypothyroid had pain, clots and bloating.) I want to stop my period when on an extended holiday to not have to slow down for the 2 days. GP prescribed norethisterone. Quick google and look on posts here makes me a bit reluctant. Especially since I have really bad acne which can also be caused by this drug. (Same GP on same call prescribed an antibiotic cream for this.) Has anyone had a good experience of this norethisterone? Or can anyone suggest something better? Thanks
Stop periods: Hi, I have Hashimoto’s and take an... - Thyroid UK
Stop periods

Women who are iron deficient lose MORE blood than those who aren't iron deficient, which has always surprised me. I was told this many, many years ago.
This paper is the only one I've ever found that backs this up, and it is truly ancient (published in 1965) and I can't find the whole paper anywhere.
Edit : I have just read the above link again and realise that I completely misinterpreted it - it doesn't back up the idea that blood loss reduces with more iron. So ignore this.
Another idea... If you are on the contraceptive pill and usually take a seven day break during each 28 day cycle, then you can keep taking the pill without stopping for seven days and you won't have a period.
Thank you. Are these ferritin levels likely to be problematic? I have taken the combined pill in the past, so would be more comfortable taking that for a couple of months I think since I know it didn’t cause hair loss or acne. Will ask about that, thanks!
A ferritin level of 94 with a range of 13 - 150 is very good and already in the optimal part of the range.
Thank you. I would love to know the reason for the heavy periods. Never got anywhere with that though. Suspect will just need to wait ‘til gone through menopause for relief.
There is a possibility that ferritin could be showing as surprisingly good (for someone with heavy periods) because you have inflammation or infection somewhere in your body.
The way to tell if this is possibly the case is by getting a full iron panel done.
With infection or inflammation ferritin is raised and serum iron would be low.
Transferrin saturation would most likely be low as well.
CRP (an inflammation marker) would be high in range or, more likely, over the range. I saw something on TV where a woman with a chest infection had a CRP of 50. The top of the range is usually 5.
The excess blood loss could be from adenomyosis possibly? Or fibroids?
This might be useful :
Thanks, this is really helpful, would be good to get to the bottom of it. When I was eating gluten and dairy I had raised CRP. Now it’s very low in the acceptable range. My sisters have endometriosis so have wondered about that. Had some hormone tests a couple of years ago and were “fine” (can’t remember what but I remember doing some googling and did seem good, not just in range). I think I’ll do some more investigations on your suggestions. Thanks!
I recently have had this issue with my cycles being heavy due to low thyroid levels. norethisterone is the birth control that only has a synthetic form of progesterone and I prefer that over other birth controls that have a combo of hormones because those give me migraines but with the norethisterone I don't get those. Overall I don't take birth control because it affects my mood and libido but I used to take that stuff 2-3 months nonstop and then allow a period every 2-3 months, which was nice.
Thank you, good to hear a positive experience. I took combined pill 15yrs ago, and no issues with that, but I guess things change a lot in 15yrs! Especially now with the thyroid issue. I’m thinking I could actually wreck my holiday introducing something hormonal so might just deal with it. 😬