Hi all,
I am due to receive cholesterol results over the phone tomorrow and I would like to be prepared. I am a 37 year old female and I know that the familial high cholesterol is in my family, however, I had a cholesterol test about 10 years ago ‘prior to diagnosis’ and it was a healthy 3. However, I’m panicking that this will have changed.
Based on previous blood test results, it would appear I am a poor converter. However, it turned out I was over medicated when I had the blood tests. (the one which showed I was converting poorly). I agreed to a dose reduction and have actually felt well (on the whole) on this dose. I will say though I have continued to gain weight so things are perhaps not perfect. So I’m just worried my cholesterol may be high if my T3 is possibly low. I guess my questions are the following:
*could me being over medicated on Levo have been contributing to my poor conversion in the past? @greygoose, I saw that you had commented on another post saying this can be the case?
*what would you recommend for someone who cannot access T3 but has high cholesterol (and doesn’t want to take statins)
Unfortunately I don’t have blood test results on my current dose to compare, in an ideal world I will get these next month, but a combination of not being able to afford and anxiety due to results seeming to create more questions than answers (sudden high b12 etc)
Would be good to have a bit of info so I can be armed if the GP wants to put me on statins. Maybe my cholesterol isn’t high but I’m just worrying that it is and I was very hypothyroid by the time I was diagnosed.
Thank you