Hi there helpful people
I got an iron infusion (ferinject) 2.5 weeks ago and experienced a pretty severe adverse reaction. I was bed ridden for a week with extreme nausea, weakness, aches, numbness and tingling, flank pain. The more severe symptoms dissipated and I've since been especially fatigued and weak (even more than I was before the infusion, despite being iron deficient and fatigued and weak already).
My GP ordered various tests while I was very ill and it was confirmed that my kidney function is fine. Inflammatory markers (CRP and ESR) have elevated for the first time in my hashis/chronic health journey (13 and 26; ranges are 0-5 and 1-20 respectively). And my phosphate is now deficient (.35), also for the first time in my hashis/chronic health journey (range is .7 - 1.5).
I've had blood taken today so will understand over coming days if my iron levels have benefited from the infusion or not.
I am wondering if anyone has had an experience like this. Do I take a phosphate supplement to recover my levels? I've read a little bit about hypophosphatemia as a possible side effect of iron infusions.
Any info will be appreciated.
Warm thanks