After seven months compliance with my endocrinologist’s prescription for T-Convert (amongst other things) but without any discernible improvement to my T3 Levels I wrote to him and requested a trial of Liothyronine.
His reply surprised me and I feel duty bound to investigate before progressing further. (I paraphrase):
“I am assuming that your comment that you are poor at converting T4 to T3 is based on T3 levels at the lower end of the population reference range….. I appear not to have any DIO2 genetic test results (to support the comment)
…. you may not have an optimum level of T3 but that is not quite the same as having evidence of Liothyronine deficiency. It may be that your issue is not actually low levels of T3 as much as poor receptor recognition or cellular usage of T3 or T4
…..This coupled with rules stating that GPs, NHS or private doctors, are not entitled to initiate liothyronine prescribing unless guided to do so by an Consultant endocrinologist, makes it impermissible for me to prescribe as you ask.
…..I can refer you to a London based specialist who I am confident would at least discuss matters with you through a telephone or telemedicine consultation…... I suggest that you contact [name]”
This response has surprised me because until now I understood gentleman could prescribe (and indeed, had previously prescribed) Liothyronine and the restrictions against doing so only applied to NHS doctors.
So, my quandaries now are:
Is “Consultant Endocrinologist a rank of medico I have hitherto been un aware of?
What is a “DIO2 genetic test” and should l I get one?
What does “poor receptor recognition or cellular usage of T3 or T4” mean and how do find out if it applies to me please?
At the moment I intend to contact the individual to whom he refers me but additional comments or advice before I do so will be (truly) gratefully received!
Thank you so much