I was reading someone else’s post and some of the information surprised me.
“Maintenance therapy of vitamin D equivalent to 800–2000 IU daily (up to a maximum of 4000 IU daily for certain conditions such as malabsorption following specialist advice), given either daily or intermittently at a higher equivalent dose.....
The Vit D Society and Grassroots Health recommend a level of 100-150nmol/L, with a recent blog post on Grassroots Health mentioning a study which recommends over 125nmol/L”
My questions….
I’ve been taking 4000iu per day for the last 4 years (following a low result) without knowing it was a high dose. My recent blood test showed my result as 100nmol (range 50-200). I don’t feel well when I don’t take it so is it ok to assume I need this level and not worry about whether I have absorption issues or not.
If I took 2 pills by accident could it cause extreme abdominal pain? I got taken to hospital via ambulance in November with excruciating pain and given morphine. Nobody could work out what the problem was but I think I took 2 vit d pills accidentally (I forgot I had taken the first one). I did ask them if that could cause a problem but the paramedics said no. Maybe they assumed it wouldn’t be such a big dose. I’ve had renal ultrasound and pelvic ultrasound and mri and no material issues found.