Have just spent a day in accident and emergency with the most awful upper back pain with cramping, I am taking thyroxine and believe I am adequately medicated but could this back pain be caused by hypothyroid as it keeps coming on for no apparent reason - although this episode was the worst. No reason was found for pain despite having chest and back xrays and blood tests and ecg
Back pain and hypothyroid: Have just spent a day... - Thyroid UK
Back pain and hypothyroid

How much levothyroxine are you currently taking
Do you always get same brand levothyroxine
When were thyroid and vitamin levels last tested
ALWAYS test as early as possible in morning before eating or drinking anything other than water and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test
What vitamin supplements are you currently taking
100mcgs levo, always actavis brand. Medicheck test in late October showed tsh T3 t4 within range only vitamin that was a little low but within range was b12 so am supplementing this with a half dose to bring up a little. Test was taken first thing and I delay levo until after test is done. I also take via d3 with K2 liquid, magnesium taurate and seleniumI take levo between 5 & 6am with water and then do not have anything by mouth until gone 8am.
I am "blaming" hypo for the back pain as I can't think of any other reason for it given the clear tests at hospital and I have done nothing to cause damage or strain.
I hope that someone can come up with an explanation or a hypo connection. I experience this occasionally too, and am having quite a bad episode tonight. When it happens, it usually lasts for a couple (or three) days and then resolves. It seems to go away for weeks (or even a couple of months) at a time when I increase my T4 dose (I'm still titrating up and am not sure if I'm at a good dose yet). The pain covers the area between my shoulder blades and up into the bottom of my neck. I simply can't get into a comfortable position. Is yours similar?
Oh yes very similar, a cramping spasm like pain just below my right shoulder but also sharp pain around ribs when moving and as you say no position is comfortable. A few days at a time with months between episodes. Having been given all clear at hospital am clueless to the cause.
I have often thought of going to the hospital during my episodes, because I do worry that it might be heart-related. But if I was experiencing a heart attack with a more "female profile", I have now had about 15 - 20 heart attacks over the last few years. Doesn't quite sound logical, especially since I had a heart monitor on when I had my gallbladder removed and was in recovery with it for several hours as well. From what I understand, previous heart damage is evident, so you would think that they would have made some sort of note on my chart.
This pain might just be a gallbladder. Do you have issues with gallbladder? You might want to try digestive enzymes before each meal especially with the meals that contain more fats.
I would hope gall bladder would ha e been ruled out in tests at a and e but will keep in mind, thank you
It took my husband 10 years to get diagnosed with gallbladder because his pains would come and go. I have hypothyroidism and Im currently with the stiffest most painful neck and shoulders I have ever had in my life and it has given me a darn headache …. Hypothyroidism is a monster!
Do you have the actual results? Just 'in range' isn't good enough.
What were actual Ft4 and Ft3 and vitamin results and ranges
As Hidden says……results “within range “ doesn’t necessarily mean OPTIMAL
100mcg may not be high enough dose
Approx how much do you weigh in kilo
OK latest medichecks results for 12th November 2021 wereTsh. =. 42 - T3 =4.91 - t4 =16.9
For 24th Mar 2021
Tsh =. 21 - T3 = 5.23- t4 = 16.6
Vits etc for Nov 21 were
D3 = 160
B12 = 59.3
Folate =12.1
Ferritin = 55.7
Autoimmunity were
Nov 21 = thyroglobulin 346 peroxidase = 560
They were 425 & 600 in march
Weight 80k and height 5ft 7ins
Although my thyroid levels are towards the lower end of normal if they are raised higher I suffer angina like symptoms.
TSH. =. 42 -
T3 =4.91
t4 =16.9
For 24th Mar 2021
Tsh =. 21 - T3 = 5.23- t4 = 16.6
Vits etc for Nov 21 were
D3 = 160
B12 = 59.3
Folate =12.1
Ferritin = 55.7
Exceptionally good conversion But probably inadequate dose levothyroxine
Both Ft4 and Ft3 48% through range
Helpful calculator for working out percentage through range
What vitamin supplements are you currently taking
B12 very low
Folate not brilliant
Ferritin is too low
Low iron and ferritin can cause chest pain and breathlessness
High thyroid antibodies confirms autoimmune thyroid disease
Have you had coeliac blood test done
Are you now on absolutely strictly gluten free diet
80kg x 1.6mcg = 128mcg
Guidelines on dose levothyroxine by weight suggests 128mcg levothyroxine as dose likely to need
Perhaps try initially increasing by 12.5mcg (cutting 25mcg tablets in half)
Which brand of levothyroxine are you currently taking
Do you always get same brand levothyroxine at each prescription
Low ferritin
Look at increasing iron rich foods in diet
Eating iron rich foods like liver or liver pate once a week plus other red meat, pumpkin seeds and dark chocolate, plus daily orange juice or other vitamin C rich drink can help improve iron absorption
List of iron rich foods
Links about iron and ferritin
Great in-depth article on low ferritin
This is interesting because I have noticed that many patients with Hashimoto’s disease and hypothyroidism, start to feel worse when their ferritin drops below 80 and usually there is hair loss when it drops below 50.
Thyroid disease is as much about optimising vitamins as thyroid hormones
Post discussing just how long it can take to raise low ferritin
Never supplement iron without doing full iron panel test for anaemia first
Medichecks iron panel test
Low Iron and low thyroid link
Posts discussing why important to do full iron panel test
Chicken livers if iron is good, but ferritin low
Thank you for all this info, will definitely increase iron and ferritin as a starter and see how I go, already started taking b12 supplement after november check. Not keen to increase levo as if levels go much higher than where I am I have, as I have said, angina like pain, also insomnia and feel jittery.I have same brand levo, actavis.
Have you ruled out myofascial trigger points? Trigger points can even refer pain to other areas of the body and be mistaken for joint problems. For example, the anterior scalenes (located in the neck area) can cause the deltoid muscle to ache if you try to lift your arm laterally. Trigger points are often confused as "pressure points". Don't go down that road.
Find a competent massage therapist who understands myofascial TP release techniques (or you can learn to do it). You'll need a tool (theracane is useful) if you're going to treat your upper back area yourself. A tennis ball stuffed in a long sock also works. You knead the area with a back-and-forth motion (1 inch distance) until the pain subsides. This may require multiple treatments throughout the day for a period of days or longer.
Most doctors miss this since they aren't trained in treating muscles. Muscles are considered the "orphan organ". They're not discussed with any great seriousness in medical school. Be sure to video record the look on your doctor's face if you ask him about trigger points. It will be very memorable.
This information usually falls on deaf ears as it requires more than just an increase in thyroid dosing but maybe it will help you. Myofascial pain is associated with low thyroid function but not everyone with thyroid disease develops trigger points.
Here is an illustration of where some of your pain may be originating:
A dull ache underneath your shoulder blades could be the rhomboids.
Many of the aches and pains we experience are due to muscle tensions and trigger points forming. Yes being Hypo plays a part too. Have you found a suitable stretching routine ?
Yes I do qigong tai chi which stretches me nicely and lots of walking. I would recommend qigong to anybody whatever their fitness level.
Sounds good ! I have practised yoga for many years and swam miles when living in Crete for 15 years.
I have chronic spinal issues and have a stretch that helps that horrid glitch affecting shoulder blades/neck ! Typing on my phone doesn't help either ! 🙃
Hi Marz , which stretch helps I have a knot on my right shoulder blade up to the side of my neck that I really can’t get any relief from 😩
Lie on your bed on your left side. Arms outstretched at shoulder level flat to the bed ( as much as possible ! ) Slowly bring the right arm up and over to meet the left hand - hold. Repeat. If it's the left shoulder then reverse procedure ! Good Luck 🌻
Thank you , just tried it shoulder clicking like mad but feels nice 😊
Hi Marz, sorry to be so dense, but I'm having a hard time picturing this. Do you have a link to a description of the stretch with a picture?
Sorry no ! The physio just drew a stick man pic for me. Maybe try doing it - and see how you go 🌻
Have found the pic ! Lie on your left side - relax bent right knee over onto the bed/floor. Head is turned towards outstretched left arm. Right arm is outstretched away from the body at shoulder level. Breathe in and out bringing the right arm up and over towards the left hand and hold for count of 12. Do it 3 times .... hope that helps!
qi gong and tai chi are brilliant. Have you ever tried soft tissue therapy? We tend to think in terms of muscles, but it can be worth seeing if the issue is with the fascia. I'm reading a book now you might be interested in.
Amanda Oswald, Living Pain Free, Healing Chronic Pain with Myofascial Release.
Thanks, may well investigate and see if I can get a read of this book. I do have regular acupuncture and soft tissue massage which is really good.