Hi, I have Hashimotoes. I have just received the results from a private Saliva Cortisol Test. Saliva taken at five points during the day. Results have come back low Cortisol, but high DHEA - 0.85nmol/L range 0.13-0.69. Cortisol Daily range 20.3 (20.5-74.0) Cortisol DHEA ratio 17.8 (46.6-77.6). GP is useless with Thyroid. I have had my usual 100mcg Levothyroxine & 10mcg Liothyronine (T3) increased twice (125mcg Levo, then 150mcg Levo). I have emailed my results to my NHS endocrinologists secretary. I've bought up cortisol before & he's not really on the same page as Stop The Thyroid Madness. I don't think he will take these results seriously. I've been so tired, I've hardly got out of bed recently, very depressed (point of suicide) already take antidepressants, sleeping tablets etc, irritable, paranoid, can't cope with other people. Got to the stage where my two adult kids have moved out due to the above symptoms. Left feeling really sad, that nothing has been picked up before. At the most the endocrinologist may offer a blood or urine cortisol test, but that doesn't seem to get such accurate results.
Any advice would be much appreciated.