I have very low cortisol and DHEA (confirmed on saliva test) Dr sent me for 9am Cortisol test which came back at 376 (Range 100 - 400) I believe from what I have read that secondary adrenal insufficiency cannot be ruled out without Synacthen test. I had a short Synacthen test done in Feb 2012 (results normal) and I think Dr was loathed to do it again. I have printed out some guidelines for GPs which says that a patients presenting with symptoms especially hypoglaciema which is my main symptom should be tested. I feel so bad and have done since April that I was signed off sick last week.
Low cortisol/DHEA and now have 9am cortisol tes... - Thyroid UK
Low cortisol/DHEA and now have 9am cortisol test results

Did you do a 24hr urine cortisol test before the saliva test?
No no urine test?
I suspect if your sst was well within range in feb then you are probably not suffering from Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency. However, if it was a low 'normal' result then maybe you do. It's important to know your numbers pre & post test.
For SAI, the second bloods don't rise much. For a healthy set of adrenals they should rise above 550.
Best of luck.
Hi Petals, my 9am cortisol test that I had done a week ago was 376 and below the 400 threshold. I am being referred to an endo who will hopefully do another Synacthen test. My daily cortisol on the saliva test was only 9.5 on the Genova saliva test so really low. I'm shattered from a day out with my daughter to a Christmas event. You are right. What is the point in the bloody Nhs tests, they prove adrenals respond to there stim test, trouble is they are not responding to the brain naturally?!! I'm in the sick at the moment as I can't function from day to day. My apt with endo is not until 27 jan
Are you getting any better with your supplements?