I am coming to the end of a trial of T3, which was set at 5mcg to start. Whilst its not a magic bullet, I definitely feel better on it, and want to continue taking T3 in combination with a lower T4 (100mcg). My blood tests show the TSH has gone down (now 1.57 from around 6.6 and 5.6), and my T3 is up to 4.9. My T4 is 20. However, the Morningside was eyewateringly expensive £185 for 28 tabs of 10mcg, which was ordered through my private endocrinologist in an online prescription. Could anybody tell me what their experiences of Thybon Henning are and whether there'd be any difference if I asked him for a prescription of that instead? I've heard its more reasonably priced. I'm meeting him next week, and feel so anxious that he will not want to change the prescription, or he can't prescribe something cheaper. I simply cannot afford £185 and could be faced with walking away from a better health solution due to the cost.
Difference between Morningside T3 and Thybon He... - Thyroid UK
Difference between Morningside T3 and Thybon Henning?

I find Thybon Henning very good, better than other brands although I've never had Morningside.
I would make yourself a nuisance and push hard for liothyronine on prescription, you shouldn't have to pay for it. Also consider buying liothyronine without using a prescription as there are cheaper sources.
Thanks Jimh111. I have an appointment with a NHS endo in August (the first in 23 years), and will argue the case, now I know it works for me.

There's a hefty mark up on the Morningside
5mcg Morningside 28 tablets should be £90
Thybon Henning 20mcg much cheaper at £1 per tablet
Easy to cut into 1/4s
I used to be on Morningside 5mcg (privately) and found that the price varied by up to 400% between dispensing chemists. It is worth shopping around. I'm not sure whether I am allowed to say on the open forum where I found the cheapest to be but I am happy to share this information if you want me to. I haven't bought them privately for two years now so I am sure that the pricing has come down since I purchased them. I wasn't paying as much as you are so it would suggest that your Endo has just sent the prescription to whoever he usually deals with rather than one that is more reasonable.
Thanks Hackmann i’d def be interested in finding a good priced pharmacy. It’s such a short sighted policy regarding T3, given the amount of additional cost the NHS must have coping with patients with chronic hypothyroidism that develop secondary issues because of it.