Please can you help? Is this thyroid or something else? It was on here that I found out that my seemingly random symptoms were relate to thyroid and life improved immensely when I started on correct T3 and methylcobalamine. Now feeling dreadful again and I really hope you can help me work out where to go with this. The current plan is change my diet and wait for an endo appointment. I haven’t seen an endo for 2+ years due to continually having NHS cancel appointments.
Now been feeling really dreadful since March and not sure if the current random symptoms and blood results are again caused by thyroid or some other autoimmune condition or something else again. Just been told that bloods indicate I’m diabetic and not to eat sugar, bread and retest in 3 months. Cant say if the diabetic result is a symptom or a cause.
Currently taking T4 - 100, T3 - 45, Methylcobalamin - 1000 mcg
Other supplements really upset my stomach.
Attached bloods tested and retested (FT3 didn’t get done – going tomorrow for that):
Highlighted findings
Neutrophil count 1.5 x10*9/L <2.0 – 7.5> retested 1 month = 1.6
Serum Creatinine 48 umol/L <60-110>
Plasma glucose 7.6 mmol/L <3.0 – 6.0 >
Previous stool test marked No Action. More stool tests being submitted today.
March 2020 – Skin on hands peeled off and deep hacks, diagnosed as pompholyx tho no prescribed creams helped – intermittent since then.
Tooth broke and was removed – root had resorption. Another tooth broke this week.
March 2021 – Virus (Covid negative) exhaustion and migraines. Daily diarrhoea lasted 6 weeks.
Hair thin. Nails brittle. Dry skin on feet. Constant stomach issues.
Years ago had prolapses and had op - tapes (not mesh) fitted. Signs of minor prolapse again.
Struggling to upload a picture of the full blood count results. Will try to add in comments. May have to type them in comments. Please bear with and thanks in advance for any help.