High testosterone and thyriod results - Thyroid UK

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High testosterone and thyriod results

Yennn profile image
17 Replies

Hey group I had full bloods done and my thyroid rechecked a few things were out of range and my Testosterone was high , the bloods were done on cycle day 5, I came off all medicine and supplements and I also fasted could someone help guide me with these results?

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17 Replies
SeasideSusie profile image


How long were you off meds and supplements.

For thyroid meds you take last dose of Levo 24 hours before the test, for T3, NDT and thyroid glandulars last dose is 8-12 hours before the test. Any longer and you get false low results, too close to test and you get false high results.

We leave off Biotin or B Complex for 7 days before the test. If testing iron/ferritin we leave off iron supplement for 7 days. Any other supplements we continue and take after the test on the day. If taking B12 and you want to know how much you are holding o to you stop 4-5 months before the test, if you want to know what your B12 supplement is achieving you continue with it.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to SeasideSusie

Hey , i have been off everything for 3/ 4 months and I have never taken b12 thank you

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Yennn


Exactly what have you been off for months? And why did you come off them?

On 8th May you said

I’m taking eutirox

Levo sodium

I have came off everything due to getting bloods redone.

Would it be best to Increase T3 first or Levo?

We can give a better interpretation of your thyroid results if we know exactly what you take and how long before your test you took your last doses.

Your Vit D at 63nmol/L is low, the Vit D Society and Grassroots Health both recommend a level of 100-150nmol/L. If you say what Vit D supplement/dose you were taking (and any cofactors, i.e. magnesium and Vit K2-MK7) then again we can make a suggestion.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to SeasideSusie

I’ve been off Levo 50mcg and t3 9mcg spilt 3 x a day , estrogen 1mg day 1-28 200mg of bio prog I took it on 14-28 I have been off thryiod and hormones for little bit over 3 months.

VitD 10,000 k2 & mag I stopped 6 weeks prior to testing.

As my Endo wanted to recheck my adrenal function , he said that cortisol results would be effected by the above meds. To come off them for two months, during that tome I found a hormone health clinic and they tested me but had to wait for cycle day 3/5 which further it on another month, I’ve been off all supplements ane thryiod meds bio hormones for 3 months & a week give or take.

The vitamin d I took was pharma nord I was on that for 6 weeks then retested

My result prior for Vit s was 45nmol

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Yennn


Well, I don't know if those medications affect adrenal function but I'm sure I wouldn't be agreeing to come off my thyroid medication for 6 weeks for any reason. But you also said you've been off everything for 3-4 months. Which is it?

Saying that, your FT4 and FT3 haven't plummetted as much as I would have expected, but I don't know what they were before.

My result prior for Vit s was 45nmol

VitD 10,000 k2 & mag. For 6 weeks prior to testing.

Who told you to take that amount of Vit D?

Was that 10,000iu daily for 6 weeks? If so that's a massive amount, that's 420,000iu which is more than the loading doses for Vit D deficiency when level is less than 25nmol/, prescribed loading doses total 300,000iu.

The vitamin d I took was pharma nord I was on that for 8 weeks then retested

So now you're saying you took it for 8 weeks not 6 weeks. If that was 8 weeks at 10,000iu daily that's 560,000iu.

i have been off everything for 3/ 4 months

So which is it for Vit D - 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 3-4 months. I'm finding this very confusing and losing the will!

Perhaps if you can clarify it might be easier for members to comment.

By the way Pharmanord D3 is extremely expensive. I've seen the cost of lthe 5,000iu dose as £9.95 for 40 capsules

Doctor's Best is exactly the same - a softgel containing D3 and olive oil (extra virgin) and costs £13.71 for 360 at BigVits or £16.99 at Dolphin Fitness

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to SeasideSusie

So sorry I had typos and had to rewrite.


Hello I wrote “ I have been off thryiod and hormones for little bit over 3 months” and then vit D for 6 weeks. The 8 was a typo i will correct. Sorry about that.

Yes vit d 10,000 iu a day plus vit K and mag. Then to come off and retest 6 weeks after.

Thank you for the cheaper alternative

For the doctor best one what was their u would recommend to take & how long for?

My previous thyroid result were

TSH 2.01

Ft4 16.3

FT3 4.22

My cortisol levels results were coming back all different ranges, and the doctor said being on estrogen and bio prog will effect it, regarding thyroid meds my functional doctor said the Nhs wouldn’t prx me meds as I’m not low enough but he would try to get me optimal but seeing as I had had a dx of Addison disease to go very careful with the thyriod meds.

I was advised to come off everything to try and get an accurate cortisol reading. I then found a private hormone clinic and had to re do test and time it on my cycle hence why it was a long time being off meds.

My recent cortisol reading

At 9am fasting was 376nmol from the previous 316 they have now wrote me a letter to stop prx me hydrocortisone.

Hope this is clearer. I have proof read it to make sure there is no more typos.

Thank you

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Yennn


I will have to pick bits out and respond to those, this is all so mixed up.

Yes vit d 10,000 iu a day plus vit K and mag. Then to come off and retest 6 weeks after.

10,000iu D3 a day is excessive. Far more than any GP would prescribe if you had severe Vit D deficiency.

Why wait 6 weeks to retest? You should have retested straight away.

For the doctor best one what was their u would recommend to take & how long for?

The Vit D Society and Grassroots Health recommend a level of 100-150nmol/L.

To reach the recommended level from your level of 63nmol/L shown in the picture above, you could supplement with 3,500-4,000iu D3 daily.

Retest after 3 months.

Once you've reached the recommended level then you'll need a maintenance dose to keep it there, which may be 2000iu daily, maybe more or less, maybe less in summer than winter, it's trial and error so it's recommended to retest once or twice a year to keep within the recommended range. You can do this with a private fingerprick blood spot test with an NHS lab which offers this test to the general public:


Doctors don't know, because they're not taught much about nutrients, but there are important cofactors needed when taking D3.

D3 aids absorption of calcium from food and Vit K2-MK7 directs the calcium to bones and teeth where it is needed and away from arteries and soft tissues where it can be deposited and cause problems such as hardening of the arteries, kidney stones, etc.

D3 and K2 are fat soluble so should be taken with the fattiest meal of the day, D3 four hours away from thyroid meds if taking D3 as tablets/capsules/softgels, no necessity if using an oral spray.

Magnesium helps D3 to work. We need Magnesium so that the body utilises D3, it's required to convert Vit D into it's active form. So it's important we ensure we take magnesium when supplementing with D3.

Magnesium comes in different forms, check to see which would suit you best and as it's calming it's best taken in the evening, four hours away from thyroid meds if taking magnesium as tablets/capsules, no necessity if using topical forms of magnesium.



You have a diagnosis of Addisons disease and you were told to come off everything to get an accurate cortisol reading? I just don't understand the thinking behind that, if you're not producing cortisol yourself and your on hydrocortisone for your diagnosis, surely it's dangerous to stop taking it? I have just read

"You should never miss taking your medication. It is vital for your well-being."

so to come off your medication for Addisons just doesn't make sense.

I don't really know anything about Addisons so I can't comment any further.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to SeasideSusie

Good morning, Sorry if my typing is a little mixed and a seems back wards, english is one of the languages I speak and it is not my first language, my grammar will be mixed up and spelling , I have auto correct on my phone now.

Thanks for sticking with me and trying to help.

I meant I was on vitamin d 10,000iu for 6 weeks stopped it and then retested straight away . Another typo from me. Apologises.

It went from 45nmol to 63nmol in 6 weeks. I took it with k2 and also mag.

Regarding Addison and cortisol I gave 5 short synacthen test, that were borderline fails , just at the cusp. Endo called it secondary adrenal insufficiency , I got a second opinion that endo says Addison, then I got another they stopped my hydrocortisone it’s been one big mess for many years , I even went to see a Endo recommend from the endocrine society and he said I did not have an endocrine issues.

I was then off steriod and progressingly got worse , instead of retesting wihh bloods I did a saliva test. It was rock bottom low at a level of 3.62nmol at 8am (6-21)

I worked with a functional doctor and did a detox program and heavy metals chelation retested my saliva cortisol and also did my bloods. 8am and recovered my adrenals results were 16.1 at 8am and bloods were 376nmol.

It took over a year and a strict detox regime using infra red sauna daily and binders and using Gerson protocol with coffee enema to reverse it ans a change of life style diet.

Regarding the ft4 and ft3

Would you advise with the above results to still continue with taking Levo and T3 or just trying the T3 on its own?

How would I increase my ferritin and folate?

Many thanks and I hope this typing is much easier to understand than my previous post 🙏

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Yennn


OK, thank you.

I really can't say anything about your Addisons/cortisol, it's not anything I have experience of, so it must be difficult if you're getting conflicting information, I suppose you have to go with your gut feeling of who is treating you correctly where that is concerned.

Regarding the ft4 and ft3

Would you advise with the above results to still continue with taking Levo and T3 or just trying the T3 on its own?

I’ve been off Levo 50mcg and t3 9mcg spilt 3 x a day

TSH: 2.52 (0.27-4.2)

FT4: 16.5 (12-22)

FT3: 4.99 (3.1-6.8)

So I am assuming that the results in your picture are your latest results after stopping the 50mcg Levo and 9mcg T3 for 3+ months.

After that long without thyroid meds I would expect to see your results far worse than they are. However, I can only comment on what's there.

If those were my results, what I would do is start again with 50mcg Levo. Aim to get your TSH below 1 and then see where your FT4 and FT3 lie.

Your FT4 is currently 45% through range, hopefully you can get it to around 70% through range when TSH goes below 1.

Your FT3 is currently 51% through range which shows good conversion of T4 toT3 so at the moment there doesn't seem to be any need to add T3. But see where your FT3 lies once your FT4 gets into the upper part of it's range with a below 1 TSH. When we see those results we can see what your next step should be.

I wold take 50mcg Levo for at least 8 weeks before retesting, give it time for your levels to settle.

How would I increase my ferritin and folate?

I can't see a result for ferritin. If it is below 30 then that confirms iron deficiency and you need to speak to your GP who should prescribe iron tablets and monitor you regularly.

Ferritin is recommended to be half way through range so if the range is 13-150 then that would be around 82 although some experts say that an optimal level for thyroid function is 90-110ng/L.

If it's not iron deficiency (above 30) but less than half way through range you can help raise your level by eating liver regularly, maximum 200g per week due to it's high Vit A content, also liver pate, black pudding, and including lots of iron rich foods in your diet


Folate: 22.6 (8.83-60.8)

Folate is recommended to be at least half way through range which would be 35+ with that range. It's not dire but could be better. You can eat folate rich foods and take a good quality, bioavailable B Complex containing methylfolate, eg Thorne Basic B or Igennus Super B.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to SeasideSusie

The advice I been given from this recent test results from a hormone forum was, Hi YenYou Could do with taking some T3 hun

Its always hard when your having your period to get accurate blood results, as your hormones fluctuate so much so you never get an accurate reading. But personally I would take micronized progesterone to balance our the heavy periods and bloating

Vit di is bad hun you need to take at least 10.000ius a day

Folate is bad also

Your total test iis high but your Free T is ok and thats the one you need to worry about, the free T4 is whats being used in your body so nothing to worry about.

What is your opinion?

Thank you

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Yennn


I think this person is giving you bad advice.

First of all:

You Could do with taking some T3 hun

What results was she basing this on? Can you add the result with reference range please.

But personally I would take micronized progesterone to balance our the heavy periods and bloating

I would have thought a medical practioner would be better placed to say what female hormones you should be taking, but it's not something I know anything about so I can't say more than that.

Vit di is bad hun you need to take at least 10.000ius a day

That is an extremely high amount. You wouldn't even be prescribed that amount daily by your GP if you had Vit D Deficiency (less than 25nmol/L). What was your Vit D level when this person advised you to take that?

Your total test iis high but your Free T is ok and thats the one you need to worry about, the free T4 is whats being used in your body so nothing to worry about.

I don't know what those results are - Total T4 and Free T4 or Total T3 and Free T3? - or what thyroid medication you were taking at the time but that is wrong. It's T3 that is needed by every cell in our bodies. T4 is a storage hormone which converts to T3. The FT3 is the most important test result.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to SeasideSusie


I spoke to this person she kindly called me, she says she is 53 and been studying hormones for 15 years and has trialled it out and experimented it with herself and has a forum now helping others. She said she now feels and functions like a 25 year old (wow isnt that the dream )

The FT3 level is the same above in my post. I posted the exact same test results. For reference ft3

4.99 (3.1-6.8)

Taking vitamin d at 10,000iu can it cause side effects of toxicity ?

I was on it for 6 weeks and the increase wasn’t that much, I was advised I want to be too end around 130/-140 nmol?

“ I don't know what those results are - Total T4 and Free T4 or Total T3 and Free T3? - or what thyroid medication you were taking at the time but that is wrong. It's T3 that is needed by every cell in our bodies. T4 is a storage hormone which converts to T3. The FT3 is the most important test result”

The lady meant my total testosterone is high but my free testosterone is fine.

She goes on to say that my ft4 is ok

It is my ft3 that needs help, she has advised me to start taking 12.5mcg of T3 only. What is your opinion?

Thank you for your help and patients with my typing.

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Yennn


The FT3 level is the same above in my post. I posted the exact same test results. For reference ft3

4.99 (3.1-6.8)

As I've explained in my new reply above, your FT3 is 51% through it's range with FT4 45% through range, these are well balanced at the moment. Increase your FT4 and what natural conversion you have will mean that your FT3 will increase as well. You need to get your FT4 as high as possible with TSH below 1 then see where your FT3 lies to know if you need to add T3. I certainly would not take T3 at the moment, you need to see what Levo only will do first.

Taking vitamin d at 10,000iu can it cause side effects of toxicity ?

I was on it for 6 weeks and the increase wasn’t that much, I was advised I want to be too end around 130/-140 nmol?

It's the level of Vit D when tested that will tell you whether you are too high and at risk of toxicity. However, 10,000iu D3 daily is a very high amount to take on a regular basis. The NHS would prescribe, for Vit D deficiency, one of the following:

50,000 IU once a week for 6 weeks (300,000 IU in total) or

20,000 IU twice a week for 7 weeks (280,000 IU in total) or

4000 IU daily for 10 weeks (280,000 IU in total).

I prefer to err on the side of caution. When I was severely deficient (15nmol/L) I treated this myself and I did start off with 10,000iu D3 daily but it was for a very short time, probably 2 weeks, then I went down to 5,000iu and kept that as my maximum daily dose.

The NHS lab which does private Vit D tests for the general public advise that a level above 220nmol/L is high and increases the risk of toxicity. The Vit D Society and Grassroots Health both advise a level of 100-150nmol/L so what you have been advised is fine, ie 130-140nmol/L.

Considering that you took 10,000iu daily for 6 weeks and only raised your level from 45 to 63nmol/L is unusual. How much magnesium were you taking?

The lady meant my total testosterone is high but my free testosterone is fine.

She goes on to say that my ft4 is ok

It is my ft3 that needs help, she has advised me to start taking 12.5mcg of T3 only. What is your opinion?

OK, well I can't comment on your testosterone.

I've covered your FT4 and FT3 levels above but I'll say what is always said here:

The aim of a treated Hypo patient on Levo only is for TSH to be 1 or below with FT4 and FT3 in the upper part of their reference ranges if that is where you feel well.

You do not need T3 at this stage. The first thing you should do is take Levo only, get TSH below 1, see where that takes your FT4 and FT3. If they are still in balance (currently they are pretty well balanced at 45% and 51% respectively) you don't need to add T3. You just need to get your levels to a point where you feel optimally medicated. If FT4 goes high and FT3 is low then you consider adding T3.

Use this calculator to work out percentage through range:


Another way to see how well you convert T4 to T3 is to divide FT4 by FT3, if the result is over 4.5 you may benefit from adding T3. For example

FT4: 20pmol

FT3: 4pmol

20 divided by 4 = 5 so this shows poor conversion.

FT4: 20pmol

FT3: 6pmol

20 divided by 6 = 3.3 so this shows good conversion

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to SeasideSusie

Thank you Susie for all your help and advice and your time.

I will do what you recommended and retest after eight weeks an update then. Thank you so much take care

Hi your Prolactin looks high also! plus Vit D low.

SlowDragon profile image

High testosterone can be linked to PCOS.

Have you been tested for PCOS

Have you had ultrasound scan of thyroid to see if you have Hashimoto’s (despite negative thyroid antibodies)

High prolactin common with Hashimoto’s

Any ferritin result?

Vitamin D is low

Folate rather low too

Suggest you restart taking vitamin D, with vitamin K2

Do you supplement magnesium

Daily vitamin B complex too perhaps

Only add one supplement at a time and then wait at least 10 days before adding another

Was thyroid tested as early as possible in morning before eating or drinking anything other than water and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test

How much levothyroxine are you currently taking

Are you currently taking T3, how much, how many doses per day and when

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to SlowDragon

Hey slow dragon Thank you for replying,

I asked about pcos at the gyno a few years back they said I did not have facial hair, manly deep voice & dismissed it.

I haven’t had a ultra sound of thyroid .

What is a good iron supplement to take to increase ferritin and also a supplement for folate? I was on a multi b plus methyfolate jarrows brand.

Yes I take mag, 500mg x3

Thryiod was done at 9am earliest the nurse could do. I fasted also. I haven’t been on levo for some time, as I was waiting to see what my cortisol levels were at they have increased and no longer in need of hydrocortisone.

Previously I started on level 25mcg slowly worked up to 50mcg

And started on 3mcg T3 worked up to 3mcg x 3 a day

Ferritin levels were at 53.8 (13-150)

Many thanks

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