Acute vid d and alternating thyroxine - Thyroid UK

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Acute vid d and alternating thyroxine

Caldereta profile image
8 Replies

Hi can anyone help I've been on vit d acute low levels,diagnosed with autoimmune on my persistance to be tested also with the vit d.

I was diagnosed with thyroiditis, I have now done the 7 weeks 40,000 of vit d today the worse day,freezing cold hands and feet cramps muscle and bone pain headache sortness of breath intermittent, weepy alternate palatations, constipated, no appetite, tired at times.

Blocked nose and cough returned its now 5 days off the vit d should get results Friday and b12.

The thyroid specialist has me on 100mg one day and 125mg the next to be alternated I was told by my gp my last test showed to be a little on the high side whatever that means.

I have to wait for my next thyroid test 4th of May,tha will be 2 months since my last test.

Feel dreadful.

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8 Replies
Starfish123 profile image


I was also diagnosed with very low vit d3 not long after I was diagnosed with an autoimmune thyroid condition. I was given a much lower vit d3 treatment compared to you, only 3200iu a day but it was for 12 weeks which was the recommended protocol at that time. I just wondered it you have been recommended to take anything else with the vit d3? Vit K2? Magnesium? A fat, eg butter? Vit d3 needs a fat to help it work in your body. I’m not sure of how they all work I just know it’s recommended to take the k2 and magnesium to help vit d3 work correctly.

I also suffered pains while being treated but I hadn’t also been told to take the other recommended supplements to help.

If you do have a low vit d3 problem you may find like me you have to take high doses for life, I find now I need 8000iu in winter and 5000 iu in summer just to stop the symptoms of a deficiency. For me getting up from a chair is painful if I’m off the vit d3 for 2 weeks or so. Regarding a cough I had years of having a cold go to my chest to the point I couldn’t talk for weeks as it would trigger coughing to the point of vomiting. I always though it went away after I started levothyroxine but I now realise it was after I started vit d3, because it comes back if I stop the vit d3.

Personally I find the softgels from solgar the best vit d3 I’ve had, I find I don’t seem to digest the tablet type vit d3. Re headaches magnesium will help them as well as constipation and heart health. The only issue may be if you have low blood pressure as magnesium also lowers blood pressure.

I hope this is useful info, I’m 8 years on from my deficiency being known and it doesn’t go away but can be managed.

Izzyjay profile image
Izzyjay in reply to Starfish123

My endo just recommended me vitamin D and nothing else to take with it so that's what I do.

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Izzyjay


Doctors have little to no training in nutrients so they have no idea what "optimal" levels are, they are happy to just see the level within range. They have no idea of companion supplments that are sometimes needed and have important jobs to do.

You could check out places like The Vit D Society, Grassroots Health, which are a mine of information about Vit D, the Vit D Council also had a very comprehensive and informative website but lack of funding meant that unfortunately it closed down.

As far as Vit D is concerned, D3 aids absorption of calcium from food and Vit K2-MK7 is needed to direct the calcium to bones and teeth where it is needed and away from arteries and soft tissues where it can be deposited and cause problems such as hardening of the arteries, kidney stones, etc.

D3 and K2 are fat soluble so should be taken with the fattiest meal of the day, D3 four hours away from thyroid meds if taking D3 as tablets/capsules/softgels, no necessity if using an oral spray.

Magnesium helps D3 to work. We need Magnesium so that the body utilises D3, it's required to convert Vit D into it's active form. So it's important we ensure we take magnesium when supplementing with D3.

Magnesium comes in different forms, check to see which would suit you best and as it's calming it's best taken in the evening, four hours away from thyroid meds if taking magnesium as tablets/capsules, no necessity if using topical forms of magnesium.

These extra supplements will have to be self funded, the NHS wont prescribe them.

Caldereta profile image
Caldereta in reply to Starfish123

Thankyou for your help just had results back for vit d it's now good,awaiting a call from doctor as freezing hands feet the way to hot escalated more since off vit d and cough returned but will have a maintainance dose how much do you need magnesium I can't take vit d orally as gives me tum issues I use the spray you can get magnesium in the spray x

Starfish123 profile image
Starfish123 in reply to Caldereta

To start with I would use the recommended amount or less in case it does cause any issues. I’ve not tried the spray but I hear good things.

Sid_Arthur profile image

Hi Caldereta,

I've become more & more concerned about the medical "advice" on this HORMONAL "vit D" system ( - which is not a "vitamin", but forms a complex system, with many metabolites: this is KNOWN, established biochemistry, . . . with its finer aspects still being investigated !).

Please see, for instance: - hope this gives plenty to go on; if the link therein is 'down' still, . . . essentially the same info can be found by searching "Chronic Illness Recovery Mangin" to find the CI-Recovery site ( - a not-for-profit organisation).

It is NOT possible to determine what's happening in EVERY person's body concerning this HORMONAL system by measuring ONLY one metabolite ( - as clearly seems the common UK practice for over a decade now !).

The measurement you'll have had, of the "calcidiol" ( - perhaps stated differently on the test result) is the pro-hormone in this system. This is converted to the active hormone, "calcitriol" ( - equivalent to T3 in the thyroid system): have to wonder what your calcitriol levels were before and after supplementation. The calcitriol level, state peer-reviewed papers, along with clinical case presentation, is IMPORTANT information, especially in cases of inflammation-causing and auto-immune type conditions. Thyroiditis ? ? ?

Please NOTE: ELEVATED calcitriol levels ( - unlikely to have been measured in most cases) may be one explanation for the bone pain and one or more of the symptoms you list, esp IF these occurred AFTER a period of the high supplementation as you were ( - prob misguidedly?) 'advised'.

Hope you'll consider the above info and decide if it makes sense.


Sid :)

Sat 17 April 2021


Caldereta profile image
Caldereta in reply to Sid_Arthur

Hi sid how do I find this cacitriol levels,yes I was having the bone pain and still do in my neck and lower spine,someone on here one of the moderators said she had the same and that it was due to mineralisation of the bones.I am due to have my thyroid levels checked on the 4th of May as it has been increased ,I was taking 100mg,now have to alternate 125 next day 100.

I've been breathless at times and rapid heartbeat.

I must say on taking the vit d firstly I couldn't take the tablet as it gave me awful heartburn 😫

So I had to take the spray.

Must say felt worse taking the vit d I no the doctor said it should read 500 recommended by NHS guide,mine was 700 .

I will get my last readings for the thyroid, I no my doctor said it to be a bit on the high side,I will get the next result.

Also vit d before and now.

Somethings not right as I change from one day to the next and I have bouts of being freezing cold.

Also awaiting to see a dermatologist for a very itchy blister rash .

Thankyou for taking the time to infor me although it's hard to understand but the most I do.

Kind regards viv.

Sid_Arthur profile image
Sid_Arthur in reply to Caldereta

Feel free to re-read my above post - hv edited it, so hope its even clearer ! The very sophisticated calcitriol blood test is not being considered often enough by our medics, . . . prob due to a continuing LACK adequate medical understanding ! ! ! 😮 😕 😕 ! ! !

Essentially your calcitriol levels may have been already 'high or high enough' before you started supplementing with "vitD" ( a precursor to the prohormone , which is converted to calcitriol, the active hormone).

If your symptoms have improved with "vitD" supplementation, this may well be the "temporary palliative effect" of this steroidal-type calcidiol ( - increased by supplementation): this is KNOWN & report, . . . but not acknowledged widely enough . . . still ! ! !

If your symptoms are WORSE as a result of "vitD" intake, this may be because calcitriol levels have increased further - or will sometime after the calcidiol increase - due to the 'advised' supplementation.

This increased calcidiol will lead to higher calcitriol in those with certain immune responses going on ( - KNOWN not happen in their healthier counterparts). Its the immune response which is said to (additionally) convert the c-diol (prohormone) to the c-triol (active hormone) which being a slow process may result in a time delay before the effects are felt: THIS is the KNOWN increase in c-triol levels, . . . with its KNOWN, foreseeable issues, including bone demineralisation.

Any initial FEELING better ( "temp palliative effect") followed by a worsening of that 'improvement' & more, is KNOWN & has been reported: again, it remains to be understood more widely within our medical profession . . . still in 2021 ! Oi vey ! ! ! 😕 😮 😕


Sid ;)

Sun 18 April 2021


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