Hi all. Can anyone advise on interactions between Mirena Coil and Thyroid Levels? I have finally got control of my Thyroid Levels with the right medication and diet, but suffering from intermuscular fibroids. My ferritin remains low, which GP thinks is linked to fibroids. Any help/ advice will be great. Thanks
Interaction of Mirena Coil and Thyroid Levels - Thyroid UK
Interaction of Mirena Coil and Thyroid Levels

I can’t help too much with certainty here but very interested in the feedback and can give my background. I had a mirena fitted at a similar time to my thyroid problems started. I had a lot of mirena related side effects and not ovulating seemed to trigger PCOS symptoms with me, although that was likely exacerbated by the underactive thyroid. Thyroid has generally been much stabler with the mirena out. I would say keep an open mind that you might need a dose adjustment and keep an eye on your blood levels. Response to the mirena seems very variable by individual, if you are ok with progestins (I’m not) generally then it could be great for the gynae issue. Probably best to try it while you feel well so then you can disentangle any side effects with the thyroid.
Hello SAUK, I had a mirena coil fitted in Sept. I spoke to the nurse who fitted it about being hypothyroid and on Levo, she reassured me that there was nothing to worry about so I didn't really give it much more thought?
Just to say from my research (a lot) there is no direct drug interaction so they would never say there was a potential problem because pharmacologically there isn’t. Where people sometimes come unstuck is if it sends your wider sex hormone balance off and that can affect thyroid conversion and inflammation, this is highly individual. There is also a direct relationship between progesterone and cortisol which could have a knock on to one’s thyroid metabolites etc. Very interesting book called The Pill Changes Everything which I recommend and highly researched. Not aiming to be a know it all just want to share as I had a bit of a nightmare hormonal maelstrom. Thyroid continues to be a problem but getting there. Mirena is great for pain and bleeding just need to be mindful it is hormonal in case you react.