Hi there Folks. we`ve had a leaflet come this morning from our local Council/Health authority. (Rotherham, South Yorkshire) Inside it has a list of who should + shouldn`t have the covid vaccine. It states in a bright red box, that those with Auto immune Diseases, or suppressed immune systems should not have the vaccination. I`ve not seen this anywhere before, + i`m just wondering if anyone else out there has had/seen anything similar. I`m booked up for my jab this Sun , + as i have Hashimotos, i`m now worring myself rigid :(. Thanks folks
Hashimotos + covid vaccination Warning not to h... - Thyroid UK
Hashimotos + covid vaccination Warning not to have it from local Council/Health Authority if have Auto immune disease

Have just had a look at the Rotherham website and cannot find this advice.
True that those with suppressed immune systems at least need specific advice.
The question as to whether Hashimoto's sufferers should not be vaccinated has been asked many times. The answer always seems to be that you should have it.
However, if your council is advising otherwise, call them, ask them, make sure you ask again when you get to the vaccination centre and clearly tell them before they inject you.
Hi there, thanks for the fast reply. I`ll definitely tell them + ask before i get it done. I really want to get vaccinated if i can. The alternative is far worse.
catsmummel, We've had a poll running here for the last two months. The poll specifically asks whether those voting on it have autoimmune thyroid disease.
Of the 492 voters so far, 288 have said they do have diagnosed autoimmune thyroid, and 119 voters say they also have other autoimmune diseases.
In other words, many, many of us with autoimmune thyroid disease have already had our first vaccine shot, and a few have now had their second shot.
The poll is here healthunlocked.com/thyroidu...
The Thyroid UK position statement also discusses the autoimmune disease issue so you might find it helpful to read that too thyroiduk.org/about-thyroid...
Hi RedApple I’m wondering if you can help me understand the difference between an autoimmune response/condition and a suppressed immune system. My understanding was that autoimmune meant too strong an immune response and is therefore the opposite of a suppressed (auto)immune system.
Bob00752, I wish I could give you an easy answer but, I don't consider myself qualified to do so. Your question is one that so many people are asking these days, probably at least partly because of the vaccine issue. I typed this into google 'what is the difference between autoimmune and immunocompromised' and got a lovely long list of web sites offering answers google.com/search?client=sa...
Thanks RedApple. I also subscribe to some spaces on Quora, so, after reading your answer, I had a look on their hypothyroid space to see of they had discussed this and they had.... but not very much. I’ll see what else I can find but for starters have a look at quora.com/Does-an-autoimmun...
And the first answer reads (sorry this is copy/paste not my own work!)
Does having an autoimmune disease mean you have a weak immune system?
Originally Answered: Does an autoimmune disease make you immunocompromised?
When you have an autoimmune disease, your body’s immune system is overreacting or rather attacking its own cells and tissues. To lessen the impact this has on the body, many people need to take immunosuppressants to help them feel better and calm their immune systems so in this case, yes, they’d be immunocompromised. However, simply having an autoimmune disease does not make you immunocompromised.
To which I would add that those of us with low thyroid due to Hashimoto’s may have an autoimmune response that varies with time. Before you take or are prescribed immunosuppressants,surely you need some way of measuring by how much your autoimmune response is greater than desired...
Hi RedApple. I found a good answer on this site from Helluva 3 months ago. I tried to copy her opening para and got this helpful link instead! 👍
The PIL for the AstraZenica vaccine is online here england.nhs.uk/coronavirus/...
It states:
Warnings and precautions
Tell your doctor, pharmacist or nurse before vaccination:
If you have ever had a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) after any other vaccine injection;
If you currently have a severe infection with a high temperature (over 38°C).
However, a mild fever or infection, like a cold, are not reasons to delay vaccination;
If you have a problem with bleeding or bruising, or if you are taking a blood thinning medicine
If your immune system does not work properly (immunodeficiency) or you are taking medicines that weaken the immune system (such as high-dose corticosteroids, immunosuppressants or cancer medicines).
I’m wondering if this is similar to antivax leafleting that happened in London earlier in the year.
Ah sorry Scrumbler, I’m not worried about the vaccine or antivax at all.
Just thought that this leaflet sounded a bit like some others that had been going around from antivax groups. If there’s nothing on the council website about it, I’d question its legitimacy.
I have at least 4 autoimmune disorders and am also immune compromised and I had my first jab at the end of January. My endocrinologist asked me if I had had the vaccine and was delighted to hear I had. At no time have I been told that I should avoid it.
I am far from uneducated - I am a former senior staff nurse and now a qualified barrister so am fully able to research the necessary facts, Dottie2011. I have always been a vaccine sceptic and at the beginning of this pandemic was adamant that I would not be accepting any vaccine and encouraged my family to do likewise. However, by December and the current lockdown, after spending the best part of a year shielding due to taking immunosuppressants, and being apart from my husband for 8 of the last 12 months, I could see no way out of this other than vaccination. And quite frankly, I don’t want to die with Covid which as I have Adrenal Insufficiency, puts me at a far higher risk of death in those circumstances.
My daughter was called for her vaccine, she’s in her mid 40’s. They said it was because she is vulnerable because of autoimmune disease. She had a headache and had a disturbed night, but was fine after that.