Can anyone give me any advice on if there are any drugs or supplements I would need to stop prior to this test. I am on liothyronine, diazepam, bisoprolol and various supplements. No biotin
Iodine urine test: Can anyone give me any advice... - Thyroid UK
Iodine urine test

Instruction leaflet for the urine test:
Read STEP 1 - Important things to consider
If unsure you'd need to contact Genova Diagnostics (assuming that's the test you're doing).
Thank you, I have phoned them and they have said that the liothyronine can affect the result but they don't advise to stop taking it. They said as long as your practitioner is aware that is OK. The thing is I havent ordered this test via a practitioner, just this site so need the results to come to me. I'm a bit confused
Genova don't deal direct with the public so ask for a practioner and therefore assume you will be guided by your practioner when it comes to stopping any medication, etc. ThyroidUK is your "practioner" for the purpose of ordering the test. It's a way of making the test available to us.
When I did mine I was on Levo only and was taking it once a day on waking. As the urine test is done with a sample from the first urine of the day, upon waking, it's done before taking any thyroid medication. For me, it would have been 24 hours since last dose, so it depends on how you take your liothyronine as to how long between last dose and the sample collection.
Yes I have done that as per the instructions but hope the results will come back to me so I can then post them on here? As for my question about the thyroid meds affecting the test. I realise I asked a similar question the other day. I think I am going mad but will use brain fog as an excuse! 😊. Thanks for your advice
No, results don't come direct to you. They go to ThyroidUK (as your practioner) then once ThyroidUK have received your consent they forward them on to you. See the Genova Diagnostics information on TUK's website here:
Click on Request your test results from Thyroid UK after you have completed the test to fill in the consent form.
You don't have to use the Nutritional Therapist mentioned to interpret your results. You can post them on here to see if anyone can help.