Have been feeling breathless for some months now.
Medichecks test in July 2020 suggested overmedication, although NHS test 3 weeks later was very different (my previous post). It is likely the Medichecks result was skewed as I forgot to stop my Vit B.
Last test 9 Feb 2021
TSH 0.005 (0.27 - 4.2)
T3 6.55 (3.1 - 6.8)
T4 23.6 (12 - 22)
Iron, ferrite, folate and vitamins all optimal.
Levothyroxine was reduced from 150mg to 125 mg
I stopped taking the levo for 8-10 days and noticed a big decrease in the breathlessness. Resumed the 125mg and now started to feel breathless again.
I have a NHS blood test form but cannot book for another 3-4 weeks.
Any thoughts or advice please