Hashimotos then gallstones
Hello lovely people,
I have had Hashimotos for about 12 years, could not tolerate Levo and began taking NDT about 5 years ago. Also now in the menaupause.
My question is does anybody else who has Hashimoto’s and is hypo thyroid suffer from gall stones? Do these problems tend to be associated I am wondering as I know hypothyroid can slow metabolism and even digestive processes; my stomach can be very slow to empty.
The Thyroid problem seems to be hereditary (mum, grandmother and aunt).
And both my mum and aunt had gallstones too, sadly they both died not very many years after diagnosis.
I have received conformation via my GP (after ultrasound) that I have a large 3cm gallstone and a chronically inflamed gallbladder today. I have been referred as urgent to a general surgeon. I have had a lot of pain for a long time now getting attacks once a week. Feeling a bit silly but given my family history am quite scared about it all.