So today i had a telephone consultation with my GP, regarding my thyroid function and cholesterol blood test results. I had already been told to reduce my thyroxine from 125 to 100mg. GP seemed more concerned about my cholesterol 6.6. I was aked why my cholesterol may have gone up . Granted over many years. I did say i have hypothyroidism. But anyway i have been asked about using statins if the need arose and it got worse. But been advised about diet and lifestyle. I do eat rubbish often. Old bad habits after 30 years shift work. Another Cholesterol blood test in 6 months. Thyroid tests again in 7 weeks to make sure is okay
Cholesterol and thyroid blood test results - Thyroid UK
Cholesterol and thyroid blood test results

Ooops dont know what happened. Was going to say. I would have thought the GP would realise Cholesterol issues are common with Hypothyroid. Plus im getting older 59 next Feb. So i will do myself a favour and change the diet, and see how it goes. I this a common feature with others on here?
What doctors do not know about hypothyroidism is tragic because it makes patients who've a dysfunctional thyroid gland not get the proper treatment they need.
A higher cholesterol level is common with hypothyroidism, it is nothing to do with what we eat.
Avoid statins - what you need him to do is to test FT4 and FT3. As your dose of thyroid hormones are increased your cholesterol should reduce. A higher cholesterol level is a clinical symptom of hypothyroidism.
Maybe educate your GP and ask him for an increase in hormones, to bring your TSH to 1 or lower and to check your FT4 and FT3 are in the upper part of the ranges. I'm aware they rarely test the frees but ask anyway. Give him a copy of the following:-

So you need to test TSH, Ft4 and Ft3 together now BEFORE reducing levothyroxine
Low Ft3 linked to high cholesterol
If you have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), treatment may be delayed until this problem is treated. This is because having an underactive thyroid can lead to an increased cholesterol level, and treating hypothyroidism may cause your cholesterol level to decrease, without the need for statins. Statins are also more likely to cause muscle damage in people with an underactive thyroid.
For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4 and FT3 plus both TPO and TG thyroid antibodies tested. Also EXTREMELY important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12
Low vitamin levels are extremely common, especially if you have autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto's) diagnosed by raised Thyroid antibodies, or low Ft3
Ask GP to test vitamin levels
Recommended on here that all thyroid blood tests should ideally be done as early as possible in morning and before eating or drinking anything other than water .
Last dose of Levothyroxine 24 hours prior to blood test. (taking delayed dose immediately after blood draw).
This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip)
Is this how you do your tests?
Private tests are available as NHS currently rarely tests Ft3 or thyroid antibodies or all relevant vitamins
List of private testing options
Medichecks Thyroid plus vitamins including folate (private blood draw required)
Thriva Thyroid plus antibodies and vitamins By DIY fingerpick test
Thriva also offer just vitamin testing
Blue Horizon Thyroid Premium Gold includes antibodies, cortisol and vitamins by DIY fingerprick test
If you can get GP to test vitamins and antibodies then cheapest option for just TSH, FT4 and FT3
£29 (via NHS private service ) and 10% off if go on thyroid uk for code
Thanks for the replies i have never had a FT3 test that i am aware of. I mentioned it to the GP today, she said we dont do it. Never tested for anything other than TSH & T4. She did offer me print out to collect, so i can see the result. ( No GP has ever offered me this before) I think i will look at a private test. So i can finally fully understand my levels. My tests are normally done in the morning. Never been told not to eat before hand . I didnt this time as it was 0900. My next FT test is in the afternoon. I have never been tested for any vitamin deficiency. I started taking vitamin D3 not too long ago. So frustrating to feel like im not getting certain tests offered. But on the whole i have been well. ( did feel a bit tired and had headaches for a week after decreasing my dose.) I did ask could i have had a false T4 result having taken basically 2 doses within 24 hours prior to testing. Was told no! So as mentioned before. Another FT test in 7 weeks. Cholesterol blood test in 6 months and thats it.
I’ve had a similar experience. My cholesterol was high so I was advised to do something about it. My vit D was low so I was advised to get a supplement. My thyroid was 4.9 so GP decided it was ok. And future blood tests annually. I pushed for further blood tests to recheck the thyroid and eventually got 50 Levothyroxine. That was in January. When I asked for the follow up blood test I was told to wait for the GP to get in touch. I’m still waiting. I was not told my cholesterol might be linked with thyroid but have learned from recently discovering this site. I’ve again requested the follow up blood test.
WHY did the doc reduce your levo dose? If he can't give you a reason, don't do it! What he should be doing is guiding your treatment with FT3 and FT4, not TSH. Since he won't do FT3, you are not getting proper treatment.
If you ever get proper thyroid treatment, and total cholesterol and/or HDL/LDL ratio still aren't good, statins are not your only choice, and esp. if you get unacceptable side-effects from Lipitor or whatever. Another choice is high-dose niacin (as nicotinic acid).
My T4 result figure was 23.4 i thought below 25 was okay. But it appears its 22 under that is acceptable. I feel really naive, about this. I have read up. But it evident different GPs have different views.
Reference ranges aren't universal, they vary from lab to lab, so you have to use whatever range comes with your results - always ask the receptionist for a print out of your results and the ranges will be on there.
If my FT4 came back at 23.4 everyone would be freaking out as the range used by the lab that does my surgery's tests is 7-17. So it's not down to GPs different views, it's down to where your result lies against your lab's range.
Since most "formula" MDs don't check FT3 level, and will only treat you with T4, their standard approach is to push FT4 up very high when the patient complains about still not feeling well. If your T4->T3 conversion is working like it should, pushing FT4 to range top or even over-range, is not necessary.
A second issue is that "formula" MDs do not routinely check hypothyroid patients, for TPO & TG antibodies, which indicate Hashimoto's. The presence of Hashi's interferes with getting the desired response from exogenous thyroid hormones. Have you been checked for Hashi's?
Another issue is that most "formula" MDs don't check nutrient levels, and encourage the patient to use supplements for those substances important for conversion. For instance, I use a trace mineral supplement which contains zinc, selenium, iodine to make sure I'm not deficient in those.
Sorry no i have never been tested for Hashimotos. The annoying thing is i have had multiple health issues over the last 15 years or so. I got a diagnoses of Chronic fatigue syndrome. ( i had to retire ill health from the police 9 years ago ) have had IBS and bowel issues for years. Ulcerative colitis Diagnoses about 4 years ago. So its really difficult figuring out what is making me knackered , unwell, aches & pains. Bowel issues. So vitamins are a thing i don't mess with too much. I have started D3 , take Vit C and fish oil. Slowly falling apart. Had cortisol issues, food intolerances, dietry issues. Got that sorted Lost 3.5 stone. But its back on. So lets see how the next TF test goes. Trying to manage the weight down as well. On wards and upwards
Im going to get a print out hopefully tomorrow. ( First time i have been offered one.) many thanks John.
Looks like the lab range from the print out Serum free T4 13.10- 21.30 mine was 23.4 i thought it was above 25 is too high. Serum TSH level 1.21 ? ( Whatever that is)
Looks like same lab range in 2015 = 22.7 T4 (too high yet not told to change dose)
2016 = 21.0
2017 not done
2018 = 20.5
2019 not done
So another test in just under 7 weeks. Cholesterol is raised 6.6 ( last year 6.7 ) so blood test again in 6 months. Been given lifestyle advice.
I really don't get the Free T4 levels. NHS make reference to 25.0 being the upper level. Than the lab obviously uses a different range. Confusing to say the least.