For the last few months it feels like I've constantly got something stuck in my throat - anyone else have this and tips on what to do about it please? Its driving me mad!!
Stuck in throat!: For the last few months it... - Thyroid UK
Stuck in throat!

Your thyroid is probably swollen. Do you have Hashi's?
I had that, long before I was diagnosed. But it went away by itself. I didn't know what to do, so I didn't do anything. Do you have a diagnosis of hypo?
Yes I've been hypo since 2015, but thought I had it pretty much under control then last few months just a constant feeling like there's something that won't go keeps me awake and drives me potty through the day. Doc said it was reflux but I know its not 😩
No, I don't think it's reflux, either. But, if it isn't depression or the menopause, it has to be that! lol
When did you last have a blood test?
Last week actually, so awaiting results. Going to try and convince doc to send me for some sort of scan, its literally got to the point where I'm eating soup and yoghurts so there's nothing that can get stuck but it still feels like there's something there. Went down the Google hole and now I'm worried I've got nodules...
Most people have. But, they don't suddenly appear. And, they're not usualy that large. It's probably a bit of swelling of the gland.
Have to say I was diagnosed as hypo when I went to doc’s with painful lump feeling in throat and swallowing issue. Turns out it was reflux and caused by hiatus hernia despite not suffering heartburn. Just so happened blood tests taken also came back as high TSH so diagnosed hypo too so might not be your thyroid as my meds’ for hernia and reflux stopped the something stuck in throat feeling.
I'm wondering why you are sure it isn't reflux. Sometimes there is "silent" acid and it does cause that feeling of not being able to swallow properly although you don't have heartburn per se.
I have this and the feeling of difficulty swallowing and food stuck! I always have a drink by my side when eating to help it along, especially dry foods like chicken or bread!
It’s laryngopharyngeal reflux or silent reflux . I don’t have the noticeable acid that accompanies GERD.
Hoping you get sorted. It seems a recurring theme for some . It’s not a pleasant feeling.
This could be stress?

How much levothyroxine are you currently taking
Do you always get same brand
What vitamin supplements are you currently taking
For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4 and FT3 plus both TPO and TG thyroid antibodies tested. Also EXTREMELY important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12
Low vitamin levels are extremely common, especially if you have autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto's) diagnosed by raised Thyroid antibodies
Ask GP to test vitamin levels
Recommended on here that all thyroid blood tests should ideally be done as early as possible in morning and before eating or drinking anything other than water .
Last dose of Levothyroxine 24 hours prior to blood test. (taking delayed dose immediately after blood draw).
This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip, best not mentioned to GP or phlebotomist)
Is this how you do your tests?
Private tests are available as NHS currently rarely tests Ft3 or thyroid antibodies or all relevant vitamins
List of private testing options
Medichecks Thyroid plus vitamins including folate (private blood draw required)
Thriva Thyroid plus antibodies and vitamins By DIY fingerpick test
Blue Horizon Thyroid Premium Gold includes antibodies, cortisol and vitamins by DIY fingerprick test
If you can get GP to test vitamins and antibodies then cheapest option for just TSH, FT4 and FT3
£29 (via NHS private service ) and 10% off if go on thyroid uk for code
Medichecks - JUST vitamin testing including folate - DIY finger prick test
Medichecks often have special offers, if order on Thursdays
Come back with new post once you get results
Just testing TSH and Ft4 is completely inadequate
I had this for about 5 yrs just like a little pocket where food stopped or thats whati though. I went for a sxopeoe ear ose ad throat (yes you readit right). So up the nose down the throat and itomy esophagus. When finished shesaid ihad esophagus spasm. I was put on omprasol and not had it since. Just saying its an idea 💡
same with me - it was inflammation of the eosophogus - my son has the thing with the throat too. we were both put on lansoprazole and it went away. it much the same as omazrapole but stronger.
I'm on 2 lansoprazole daily but still getting chest pains and pain near bottom right rib. Luckily I hv a great Dr checking it all. I thought lump in throat feeling was due to last year's sedation for my op.
Also need to be aware that PPIs might make you more susceptible to getting Covid-19 severely according to this article. It deals mainly with anti-psychotics but also mentions PPIs if you read through it.
"“The drug classes associated with severe COVID-19 include proton pump inhibitors, laxatives, multiple classes of drugs acting on the central nervous system, nutritional supplements, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.”"
I'm about to get a barium x-ray for suspected oesophagal spasms. Thank you for your input. It has reduced my anxiety. Ps. NHS testing due to symptoms after Roux-en-y op. I've had underactive thyroid for nearly 30yrs and chest pain which isn't a heart attack. I'm worried about if confirmed but hoping treated/resolvable easily?
Have you been screened for food sensitivities (gluten, msg, soya or dairy)? Swelling not only occurs due to undermedication of thyroid disease, but also, I suspect due to food triggers. This may sound weird, but try swallowing some liquid antihistamine like Piriton (not recommended for some, so check the label), to see if the swelling goes down a bit. I have histamine intolerance issues and Chinese (takeaway) food sometimes make my face, lips and throat swell so that I cannot swallow anything solid until I've had some antihistamine.
What has come to light through blood test and xray is I was overtreating thyroid so reduced my 175mg to 150mg, for now.
Also barium showed no major concern but I'm not sure if the chest pains are from the small slowage of digestion without water or not but will be raised this month with consultant. If I remember!
I have other pain which current opiods aren't cancelling out enough, too. I'm managing by sleeping in the afternoon most days to eck the 4hrly break between, out. The need to be functional for morning school run is my main priority. Luckily no driving needed.
In that case, it sounds as though the situation is not fully resolved.
It'd be worth posting your latest bloods and symptoms in a new post, because, my gut feeling is that you've got issues with low t3 to have so much fatigue and heartburn. Maybe it's been a conversion issue all along. However, it'd be helpful to get a range of opinions from the really knowledgeable people on here
I had this a few months ago. Saw my GP who sent me to hospital. I had a camera through my nose and down my throat which showed nothing. I then had an endoscopy which showed a hiatus hernia. Gerd and acid reflux. The doctor concluded it was acid causing the problem. I now take Lanzoprasole every day which has helped.
Most hypothyroid patients have LOW stomach acid...virtually identical symptoms...very different treatment
Low stomach acid can be an EXTREMELY common hypothyroid issue
Thousands of posts on here about LOW stomach acid
Protect your teeth if using ACV with mother
Ppi like omeprazole or lansoprazole should only be used short term.....6-8 week’s maximum
Long term use leads to even greater vitamin deficiencies
makemepainfree - same applies to you. Have you considered low stomach acid
LeanneS01 same applies
The results of your blood tests should give the opportunity to discuss this further with your GP. Are you aware of any swelling? You need a scan.
I had this once, turned out it was Almond milk! I was trying to be more healthy lol.
Hi Nicjojac
Yes I had this feeling in my throat when I was about 21 years old, my GP couldn't see anything, so I just put up with it, left side of throat, feels like something poking my throat, after many years, I had a camera down my throat, I was told I have arthritis in my neck and it's pressing on my throat, I was in my 30,s then, lately I had another camera view, the consultant said I have a lumpy throat🙄 to be honest I think it is my thyroid, some days it is annoying, other days I don't have any symptoms, I am now 60, I have poky throat but bugger it I don't care it's been with me for 40 years and hasn't killed me, I just ignore it😉seems the doctor's don't really know what it is, and I am ashamed to say but some doctors really suck at their jobs🙄take care and stop worrying😇
This is really interesting! I have had a feeling of something stuck in my throat for months now, I started getting indigestion around the same time but the omeprazole hasn’t made the feeling in my throat go away. I have also had bad neck pain for months which I’m seeing a chiropractor for, I wonder if it is related to that like with yours. I’m only 35 and can’t understand why I have such a problem with my neck, it causes pain in my head and face, too. Just looking for explanations all the time and GPs are not helpful.
I had a lump in throat feeling before being diagnosed as coeliac. Now because I don't eat gluten I no longer have that problem.
I have a feeling of 'lump in throat' within 1-2 hrs of taking levo......when I have 'respite' from levo .....'No lump in throat'
Nicjojac -Worth checking your B12 as well as a symptom of low b12 can be problem swallowing. It should also be checked out by a medic as it can be a symptom of other disease as you can onyl eat such soft food. So your GP should send you for a camera down your throat. A friend of mine had this symptom - in the end she couldn't eat and delayed going to the doctor as didnt want to bother them . Turned out to be throat cancer and sadly it was too late in diagnosis so she died a year later. Am not writing this to scare you but simply to warn you to get symptoms like that properly check by a doctor. Cant be too careful.
Thanks all for your comments, some interesting things I've not thought about before...
It could be all of the above but we know low thyroid affects smooth muscle. Same reason we have constipation since the entire digestive system is smooth muscle. Stress becomes an issue when your thyroid numbers are low (I hope you are getting all three at least) because your adrenals will raise cortisol and then you are in a stress state. The spasm as mentioned by someone and reflux as mentioned are all a part of it as well. So I think your treatment needs a closer look. Just to go a little deeper, your vagus nerve travels behind your throat and goes to the other organs. This brain nerve gets information from the gut and that's why problems begin there but it sounds as if you understand that.
Also try some large doses of magnesium as your adrenals use massive amounts and most people are deficient. Magnesium will help spasms.
Great advice as usual! Hope all is well with you and yours. Best wishes xx
Thank-you so much, bookish. I've learned much more through many more summits and interviews with functional doctors and my daughter's journey with mold. We really have to dig even deeper regarding our microbiome. It can house infections and overgrowths. These can control or decontrol much of the gut/brain activity. We are rather helpless against them unless we cure them. So detoxing is essential and even with that the biofilm that becomes a network all over the body is effecting our mitochondria as well. The optimistic part is that these functional doctors who do research have come up with supplements or recommendations the really work. Even their lab testing has improved so that you can assess the functions that need improvement. Of course, most of these are not covered.
How are you doing? Send me a PM if you want. I don't want to steal this thread.
Thanks, I take magnesium as part of my daily vitamins but maybe I need to try a stronger dose
It might be an enlarged thyroid (it might not of course). I understand that these are usually harmless, but you can get them easily and painlessly checked with an ultrasound scan.
I've had a feeling of a lump in my throat for 15 months, sometimes I choke on drinks or food as though they've gone down the wrong way. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to be sick or gag. It turns out it's multi nodule goiter.
Any what have they said re treatment?
I've been offered no treatment currently, just had bloods done to check thyroid function. GP said nodules wouldn't be removed till they affect my breathing or impede my ability to swallow!!
It's a dreadful sensation, that's difficult to live with. Waiting for blood results before I start shouting again.
So you need to get FULL Thyroid and vitamin testing
For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4 and FT3 plus both TPO and TG thyroid antibodies tested. Also EXTREMELY important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12
Low vitamin levels are extremely common, especially if you have autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto's) diagnosed by raised Thyroid antibodies
Ask GP to test vitamin levels
Recommended on here that all thyroid blood tests should ideally be done as early as possible in morning and before eating or drinking anything other than water .
Last dose of Levothyroxine 24 hours prior to blood test. (taking delayed dose immediately after blood draw).
Come back with your own post once you get results
I believe that I did feel my nodule as a lump, affecting swallowing etc, prior to removal but I would say firstly, how is your oestrogen (disproportionate levels can, some say, result in nodules....and I know now that I am very bad at metabolising and getting rid of oestrogen. Had I known that then, I wouldn't have had the op. -at least until I had done a bit more research- and I have been increasingly ill since having it, at least partly due to lower thyroid production although of course there are many other factors impacting thyroid function and oestrogen is one of them)
and, secondly, that having the op didn't stop the 'lump' feeling and that now I have been diagnosed with Small Fibre Neuropathy, which can cause body-wide problems, also linked to Dysautonomia and Sjogren's. Worth finding Dr Oaklander on YouTube - Small Fibers, Big Pain (Radcliffe) - you may find it interesting, and hopefully useful.
If its any consolation Bookish I had very high levels of estrogen but I didnt get a goiter.
Thanks - and there are other causes of course! I think as it exacerbates pretty much all autoimmune symptoms the high oestrogen gives us far more that needs dealing with than just nodules, although it does increase likelihood. I have a strong family history of thyroid disorders, both AI and not. Cheers
Thanks bookish. Interesting. My oestrogen level was very high it drove the breast cancer which thankfully has not reappeared, but now am oestrogen free Ive sadly not noticed any difference with my autoimmune conditions -they are probably too advanced lol.
Love this site as I learn so much. Thanks
It is a great site isn't it! I've had some slowing down of progression and some symptoms measurably less severe - but that could be the vitamin and mineral improvements and/or the autoimmune diet. I don't think I've made enough impact on the oestrogen balance yet to notice it with the AIs, but still hopeful, and notice that other things have improved on a monthly basis! Glad to hear that the breast cancer has stayed away. I hope you can make some headway with your AIs x
You've got loads of suggestions but you could also try Betaine HCL or something that seemed to fix it for me, Enzyme Digest, I'll pm you if you'd like the maker. First GP said mine was anxiety, latest said it was acid reflux but reading on here that most people with under active thyroid have the opposite I tried the HCL then Enzyme Digest. Only thing is mine was never so bad that I stopped eating solids so I join the others in urging you to get yourself checked, if nothing else for your own peace of mind. Will you let us know how you get on? Best wishes
I am actually allergic to wheat and other foods and medicines.This is the first symptom for me of an allergic reaction and I crunch an antihistamine (yucky taste 🥴) And rest and drink lots of water to flush it down and sit still.
This often works and then I dont have a more severe reaction and no epipen is required.
My allergy consultant said I was born with the wheat allergy and I always use to have a lump feeling in my throat and had lots of inconclusive tests since childhood.
A different throat problem not related to swallowing and lower down is when my thyroid is under-active, it is an unpleasant strangling sensation.When my meds are increased it goes away.
I hope you get your symptoms sorted
Constantly some days worse than others I’ve now started to choke on certain foods and have to drink whilst eating
I discovered that chocking feeling can be a side effect of Levo, when I changed taking it from morning to evening is was really bad then it faded to just acceptable
I would be careful about taking anything for indigestion unless it’s really bad. You could end up with more problems than you are tying to cure. Thyroid issues usually mean your stomach acids are low so taking a drug to reduce it doesn’t make sense. I would push for a scan and further investigate but in the mean time, consider how you eat your food. Make sure you are in a calm state, not rushed and feeling as relaxed as possible. Chew your food well and eat slowly. I’ve been troubled by reflux lately and this has really made a difference.
Ditto and I have no clue why either but it's been there as long as my other symptoms
Try food allergy and intolerance testing. Since I found out I was
allergic to milk and eggs and intolerant to their foods and stopped eating them I don’t have this anymore.
As for an ultrasound to check the thyroid,nodes and surrounding glands
Silent reflux.
go to an ent - he will put scope through nose down throat. I was surprised when he announced it was reflux. Try reducing coffee ad limiting mint, choc, etc.
Could be Sjogren's/Dysautonomia/Small Fibre Neuropathy all of which can affect swallowing. I did feel like my throat was swollen/lump in throat when I found my thyroid nodule, but still get the feeling sometimes even though the nodule was removed (partial thyroidectomy. )Now diagnosed with Small Fibre and still being investigated for the other 2.
Best wishes
I never used to be able to swallow omeprazole for the supposed acid reflux. It was stuck in my throat all day. Now on Levo and T3 I can take monster magnesium tablets no problem at all. As everyone usually says on this site... worth getting your tsh/t4/T3 levels checked to ensure you’re adequately medicated.
I had this same symptom. After getting a camera stuck down my throat, they diagnosed me with silent reflux. The reflux erodes your esophagus, which becomes inflamed, and that's why it feels like something's stuck in your throat.
Are you on thyroid Medication? If yes would you know your FT3 FT4 TSH results? I'm a thyroid patient and I can tell you from my own experience that when I get that lump kind of a feeling in my throat as you are experiencing it's usually signals that I need thyroid meds increase. It's one of the many symptoms I get when my thyroid levels are going south (hypo symptom).
Wishing you better days very soon.
I had this before being diagnosed hypo / hashi
I have a pharyngeal pouch - a bulge in the oesophageal tract and food often gets stuck. I massage the throat and keep drinking fluid. It was discovered when I had an endoscopy for PA.
Perhaps you should ask for an ENT check.
I have the same. Was diagnosed with reflux but didn’t think it was as it wasn’t the same as when I’d had it during pregnancy. I then saw a post on here describing it as a symptom of hypothyroidism and calling it ‘post nasal drip’. Went to my gp with it and he prescribed a nasal spray Which does the trick when I remember to use it.
Thank you everyone, i think im going to request an ENT appointment. In the meantime im going to get some advice about reflux (I was sure it wasn't that but after reading all the comments its worth a try!) and wait for my latest blood test results to make sure my levels are all OK. Great to have so much support!
Just to add another comment … I too had that feeling and kept going back to my ENT saying something is just not right.
Fortunately (after my third visit) he reached down in my throat and said, “Ah! Eagles Syndrome!” He had only seen it one other time early on in his practice. It is quite rare and most physicians have never even heard of it! It was verified with a CT scan.
The cause is the Styloid Process. Mine has grown longer than it should be and the ligament attached to it has also calcified which causes neck pain, facial swelling and loads of other weird side effects. I am scheduling surgery in the coming weeks to have it removed.
Best of luck with your search.
I had total thyroidectomy 3 years ago and I have the same problem. It’s VERY annoying, constantly clearing my throat and hawking. It feels like something is stuck/hanging at the back of my throat. I’ve seen numerous ENT doctors, they either call it GERD or post nasal drip. They prescribe ppi’s at each appointment, I don’t think it’s any of the above. It started just prior to my diagnosis of thyroid cancer. I had undiagnosed Hashimotos and I think that’s the culprit.
I’m really sorry to hear that you are also suffering, it does interfere with quality of life, can be embarrassing at times.
If you find a solution to this horrible discomfort, please post.
Good luck, I share your pain!!
Thank goodness for this post. I also have had this feeling at the back of my throat. I was beginning to feel that I had a problem in my lungs. Now I know it's connected to the thyroid. I did wonder but thought it was something else. I will definitely buy CBD oil. Thanks once again you lot.