Does anybody have experience of Tru Thyroid? If so, how have you found it?
Tru Thyroid medication - who has tried it? - Thyroid UK
Tru Thyroid medication - who has tried it?

Hypopotamus, It is my understanding that availability of this apparently new product has only very recently been advertised i.e. mainly during the months where most countries have been in lockdown, and no cargo was actualy leaving Thailand at all. I'm guessing therefore that no-one has yet received the product, if indeed they have been brave enough to order and part with their money for it.
Thanks Red Apple. I have heard from one person who has tried it. I agree that at present it may be a bit of a gamble to order it.
Hi Hypopotamus, just to say, that's a brilliant name! Love your sense of humour and imagination.
I was going to try it but no one has yet so hope it’s not a scam . My thyrogold hasn’t been working though so though what have I got to lose by trying it as not much else to choose from and I’m allergic to fillers in thyroid S
Have anybody tried this Tru Thyroid already? Has it any effect?
Yes, I have tried it and I like it.
Great! So you would recommend to order it?
Where is it possible to order? Actually I'm in Czech Republic now. Could you please write me a direct message, if it's possible?
Hypopotamus (love that name 😂), would you mind private messaging where you ordered your Tru Thyroid? I’ve used Thiroyd for years and of course nobody can get Thyroid-s right now. Need to find something else. Thyrogold isn’t working for me.
Hypopotamus just wondering how you are doing on the Tru?
Thanks for letting me know. Hoping to do the same when mine arrives, but getting down to my last 50 or so Thiroyd tabs - hopefully my tru will arrive soon. Keep us updated!
Still waiting on my Tru. Have been tracking it, it arrived in the uk 2nd August - but not out for delivery yet. Getting worried
I have written to my MP about the stress and strain of having to buy medication from abroad.
Yes, its ridiculous. Well done you. I am starting to panic that my tru has got stuck in customs or something. Very odd that it's arrived in the uk but has not been delivered. Might have to go back on synthetic, I have a bit of T3, but didn't do well on it. Lets just say my digestive system suffered!!
Hi there. I have received it about a month ago in the US and have been using it since. I think it's a quality product but as of yet I can't say for certain if I have noticed major changes. I'm assuming it may take some time before I can see significant lasting effects. This is the first NDT product I've tried. Actually, I tried one round of Thyroid-S in 2019 and seemed to feel good on it but didn't resupply afterwards due to lack of funds at the time.
I've just started on Tru, on 4 tabs, the equivalent of my previous brand and only trying it out to see if I can save on the huge expense the other incurs...I'm on day 5, symptoms already returning, my goitre has already started growing (well controlled normally). I wont risk staying on this more than a few weeks. I gather the maker and seller has said there may be absorption issues due to the formulation process and that he has addressed it now so that anything produced from late July onward might be more effective. Not sure I like being a guinea pig though, particularly after trying Thyro Active last Spring and that being a disaster. !
I'm still on a mixture of TR and TRU, but have noticed that I don't feel so well as I was on TR alone.
It is bad enough having to pay to get this stuff, but we are now finding that it doesn't work, at least as well as it should. Why can't we have a pharmacy in the UK make something that the NHS can afford to give us?
I am still awaiting a reply from my MP on this issue.
Don't not buy Tru its a scam. I went on straight Tru for one month after being on Thryoid S for over a year. I felt horrible I couldn't even drive!!! Gained 10 pounds without changing my diet. I see alot of people combining meds with Tru , I didn't. I took 8 Tru pills which were suppose to be equal to 4 grain, Nothing its fake. Recently went back of another non prescription but its super expensive for me. Hopefully I'll feel better soon