Hey there,
I've decided to share some good news!
I have tried everything to increase my ferritin, it was always a bit low in range. I have tested in September 2019 and it was 52 (13-150) which is about 28% of range. I was already happy with it because previously it had been even lower. I went for tests last week and they randomly checked my iron panel, ferritin is now 73 (13-150), 44% of range. First time in years I was able to increase it - it takes such a long time (6 months!). The only two things I have done were: Floravital for months and months and a ton of greens (non heme iron). Previously I have tried ferrous fumarate - Galfer brand, NOW brand - double iron dose etc, but found them to be harsh on my stomach.
Floravital doesn't have a lot of iron in it like other iron supps, but it has helped with it for some reason? Maybe because it's in a liquid form? The last month I have also been eating a lot of greens - breakfast, lunch, dinner. It's non heme iron, but maybe it also helped.
Don't lose hope is the message today, and be patient. It seems it does take an awful lot of time to increase ferritin.
Cuppa x