Hello everyone, my T4 level is 70 and been on Levothoroxin for about two months. My friend give me Myo-inositol, Ova-boast, follate and ferrous supplements. Is it ok for me to also take these supplements with my Levothoroxin?
T4 level: Hello everyone, my T4 level is 70 and... - Thyroid UK
T4 level

my T4 level is 70
What is the reference range that comes with this result?
Is this Free T4 or Total T4. If it's Free T4 it will say so (maybe say FT4 or Free thyroxine). If it just says T4 then it's very likely Total T4.
My friend give me Myo-inositol, Ova-boast, follate and ferrous supplements. Is it ok for me to also take these supplements with my Levothoroxin?
What is the reason your friend has given you these supplements?
What are Myo-inositol and Ova-boast for?
You shouldn't take iron supplements without first having an iron panel and perhaps a full blood count as well.
You need to know your folate level to know if you need to supplement that, has it been tested?
Do you mean you're FT4 level is 70? Or do you mean you're taking 70 mcg levo (T4)?
Rather than just taking haphazard supplements, it would be far better if you got your vit D, vit B12, folate and ferritin tested, and supplemented according to the results.
Ovaboost would appear to contain myo-inositol and folate, so you wouldn't want to take more inositol and folate on top. If your test results say you need to take folate, it would probably be better for you to take a B complex, which would also contain inositol, and all the other B vitamins, so that they are kept balanced. You could take the vit E separately.
But, in answer to your question, there's no reason why you shouldn't take supplements when taking levo, as long as you respect the distance between thyroid hormone and supplements:
Four hours for iron, calcium, vit D and magnesium
Two hours for everything else.
But, don't take iron without getting your ferritin tested first.
I am on 250mcg per day because my FT4 level was 70 and the reference is 8. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for the past four years. My doctor told me that unless my FT4 level drop.
250 mcg a day of what? I'm afraid you need to give all the details or nobody can help you. It sounds as if you are hyper. But a doctor wouldn't give you levothyroxine if you were hyper. He would give you Carbimazole, or something similar. I'm afraid none of this makes sense.
A reference range has two levels: top and bottom. Is 8 the top of your reference range or the bottom?
250mcg of levothoroxin a day.
Then your FT4 cannot be 70, that doesn't make sense. If your TSH were 70, then yes, 250 mcg levothyroxine would make sense, but not FT4.
The reference range is 5.1-14.1nmol/L
OK, so 70 would be very high, and would mean you are hyper. But, the question is: why is your doctor giving you levothyroxine when you are hyper?
Do you have other results? TSH? FT3? Antibodies?
How do you feel?
Yes, FSH is 2.92, reference is 10mIU/ml. Progesterone is 8.22ng/ml, reference is 4-25ng/ml. T3 is 3.10ng/ml, reference is 1.3-3.1ng/ml
FSH and progesterone are sex hormones. And, although they're low, they're not what I'm talking about. I don't know much about them.
Your FT3 is also high. So, next step should be to test antibodies. But, I'm wondering if there hasn't been some contamination of the tests, or some sort of mistake somewhere.
Can you tell me what your previous test levels were?