I wonder if anyone could give me advice on tweaking my dose of T3. I'm taking 40mcg T3 / 50mcg Levo. I've been upping my dose of T3 by 5mcg every week, with a few weeks on 30 over Christmas while I was waiting for some more. At 30 my FT3 was 4.8 and at 40 it was 6.8, at the very top of the range. I've always had a few palpitations but I notice I seem to be having them more often now. One day last week I had two big involuntary RLS-like contractions in my foot and abdomen but nothing since. I spotted from day 30-34 which must have been in lieu of a period. So I think I might be a teeny bit over-medicated and am wondering if I should wait it out and see if things settle? Would I adapt to the new dose if i do nothing? Or should I go back to 35 and if I do will I feel bad for a bit? I don't want to yoyo around unnecessarily so i'd appreciate some advice from someone in the know!
Thanks a million.