Hi everyone I'm just after a bit of advice. I started T3 Roma on Saturday & had reduced my dose of T4 from 125mcgs/100mgs alternate days to 100mcgs daily for a week then alternating 100mcgs/75mcgs since Saturday. I was prescribed 10mcgs T3 morning & evening however after advice from this group I have started low so taking 5mcgs split to am & pm currently. I've had dreadful problems sleeping for 3 nights still awake at 3am then sleeping till 10am. I've set an alarm to take T3 at 9am (hubby waking me to take it) then again at 5pm. I felt a bit more human yesterday but feel dreadful this morning so not sure if its the T3 or just lack of decent sleep. Should I take the afternoon dose earlier? Any advice welcome please.
Started T3 but awful insomnia Advice please - Thyroid UK
Started T3 but awful insomnia Advice please

I'd be inclined to say just drop back to the 5mcg morning dose for a couple of weeks to give your body chance to adjust to this new regime... adding 10mcg from the start is a big dose and we recommend starting low as it is powerful stuff and you may only need a very small amount, you could drop back to 2.5mcg morning and night?
Feeling wired is certainly a sign that your body isn't happy
Perhaps look back at the responses to your previous post... healthunlocked.com/thyroidu...
Hi sorry I seem to have misled you. I’m splitting the 5mcgs into 2.5 mcg am & 2.5 mcg pm. I have capsules so mixing powder with water which isn’t ideal. I don’t feel wired as such just unable to sleep.
I'd be inclined to stick with your current dosing, it takes quite a while for the body to adjust.....it's not like taking paracetamol for a headache. You are still only a few days with this dose.
Have you tried taking a warm drink and a light snack....e.g a digestive biscuit, before you go to bed.
Unfortunely it's often a case of trial and error, with a good helping of patience, until we reach our therapeutic dose
Good luck
Thanks. I have Camomile tea before bed. Then read in bed & feel tired but that’s it awake till 3am. I have to be up early the rest of the week & know I won’t manage on just a few hours sleep. I wasn’t thinking of lowering my dose just maybe taking it earlier than 5pm. Guess it’s just trial & error as you say. I will stick with it x
Re magnesium...sorry forgot to mention it!
Magnesium glycinate is considered to be the most effective type of magnesium for bettering sleep, as it may help relax both the nervous system and your muscles.
I will look at that thanks. I have a lot of prescription meds so need to make sure it’s ok for me to take. Thanks.
You can check contraindications here...
Sorry, my misinterpretation, like Dippy says either stick with it or drop back to once a day for a bit... do you take magnesium as this is good for relaxation?
I take my T3 in 2 doses, one at about 7am and the other about 2pm.
T3 wakes you up and has a short half life. I wouldn't take it in the evening.
By the way these timings were recommended by my thyroid doctor (from the Thyroid UK list of doctors).
Thanks. As I have several other health conditions with lots of meds I don’t normally wake early generally 9.30 ish hence taking second dose at 5pm. I’m going to have to try & work round it. It makes sense. I did tell the nurse this but she said it didn’t matter as long as 8 hours apart. Thanks again.
I take mine when I wake up during the night and the next 20mcg in the morning. I’ve a feeling that Jim111 has said on here that takes his at night as well.
I actually sleep better after t3 at night. It is probably an individual thing.
You could try bringing the doses back to earlier timing to give more time before bed.