Any support would do right now,i been on this roller coaster ever since np thyroid went bad .i was doing so well on it for years!on 2.5 grains.been on thyroid-s for almost 3 weeks same dosage i was feeling over medicated the first day i took it sublingually so stsrted swallowing it since then and was feeling good but feeling sligthly over medicated, emotional, no racing heart or thyroid in the past had me bed ridden and out of work for over a year im sure others have been there or worse i dont get labs done until feb 8th im lind of lost at this point for years i went by how I felt and did ok maybe thyroid s isnt as strong?i felt like it was at first im hoping its not the fillers interrupting i know i need labs to see whats rrally going on but im confused because i always been on 2.5 grains and was ok i could see if this was my first time on ndts but its not ugh..any encouragement or thoughts is appreciated ,2night im lowering to 2.25 and see if it helps
Feeling down,need encouragement about thyroid-s... - Thyroid UK
Feeling down,need encouragement about thyroid-s hyper, fillers?the way i take it?

I just replied to your other post. I do think Thyroid S is strong enough so it might be the way you are splitting it. Hopefully someone who splits their dose like you will be along to advise you.

Hi could be i have no idea about thyroid-s or about it being slow release ect.i just been taking it like my other ndts ,,maybe some one will chime in...topic says hypo..but actually alittle all over the place ,is there a such thing as a thyroid transplant?hahahah i wish
I think it is something to do with the coating that makes it slow release but I am not sure to be honest. You really need a blood test to compare to previous results to see what is happening.
Coukd you link me to your post please
Yes a 1/4 grain increase can push me over too.
I found this guide to dosing invaluable:
I have used several NDTs and find thyroids very satisfactory it is just a matter of getting the right dose, as long as it suits you otherwise. Good luck!
I think it is a good idea to adjust doses if we're 'not feeling so good'. (either up or down).
I've read that some people believe that taking thyroid hormones 'sublingually' think that's good. Unfortunately, due to thyroid hormones being large they cannot be absorbed by the tongue.
Maybe the following link will be helpful and I know how frustrating it is when we change from levo to another replacement hormone and disappointed if it's not working for us as we hoped.
The following is by an expert on metabolism and a scientist/researcher who took T3 himself. He would never prescribe levothyroxine - only NDT or T3 for patients who were 'thyroid hormone resistant'.
Hi shaws yes i took my ndts for years sublingually on 2.5 grains same as now and my labs and how i felt was great..first time i take it by swallowing im having issues...i take it away from food znd confused on what to do now..i tryed to lower and felt weak internal shake feeling but if i keep same dose i feel over during the day ugh.i appreciate your suggestions thanks
As you are now having problems with NDT, I believe SilverAvocado has given good advice and it is worth a trial.
This is an excerpt from the following link:-
Oral vs. Sublingual Delivery
With natural desiccated thyroid medications only, some people have argued that allowing the medication to dissolve under the tongue (either whole or crushed) may result in faster absorption into the bloodstream. The counterargument is that these molecules are large and most will be absorbed through the intestine anyway, so taking the medication sublingually could result in irregular absorption.7
The bottom line is that if you are considering taking your medication this way, talk to your doctor and make sure your thyroid levels are monitored.
Hello shaws yes this ndt im having issues with maybe a tad stronger is what im guessing and i didnt have issies with this ndt until little over 2 weeks of taking it so maybe it was buiding up and then showed it was stronger after 2 week?not reaching
Netty510, I think all you can do is be very systematic, and do things just as you would if you were just starting out on thyroid hormone.
If you're sitting on 3 grain and you don't know whether you're over or under medicated, I think the best thing to do is to stick with it a long time until things start to become clear. After 6 weeks you can have a blood test, too, which might give more clues. During my adjusting I've stayed on a given dise for as long as 3 months because I just wasn't sure.
If you're not doing it already, take pulse and temperature regularly, and take plenty of notes on any symptoms you notice. I find a Fitbit invaluable to indicate my general energy level - the more well I am the more I'll walk just in the house or doing normal activities, but anything that gives a measure of some of your big activity in the week can be useful alongside symptoms.
It might be good to recheck things like vitamins and adrenals to make sure things haven't got out of whack in the stress of the change. Meditation can also be great to handle these difficult times.
Hi silver..I actually on 2.5 grains always have been with other ndts just did it sublingually and did fine i cant see myself starting iver6 from scratch from chznging ndts and im not sure if im doing more damage by staying in the same dose until feb 8th im emotional..and anxious i lowered the bed dose by 1/4th but felt shaky/weak not shaky hands like internal shake when i got out of bed.
When you take thyroid hormones sublingually (and am aware that some people advise this method) the fact is that the hormones are too large to be absorbed by the tongue. You might not have been absorbing the amount of hormones you swallowed. This is an excerpt from the following link:-
Oral vs. Sublingual Delivery
With natural desiccated thyroid medications only, some people have argued that allowing the medication to dissolve under the tongue (either whole or crushed) may result in faster absorption into the bloodstream. The counterargument is that these molecules are large and most will be absorbed through the intestine anyway, so taking the medication sublingually could result in irregular absorption.7
The bottom line is that if you are considering taking your medication this way, talk to your doctor and make sure your thyroid levels are monitored."
I also state I'm not medically qualified.
Thyroid S caused itchiness. I couldn’t take it long enough to know if the NDT component was as good as WP Thyroid that I’d taken prior to this. I’ve been fine with Metavive so it could be the fillers that disagree with you.
Yes you just know and it all feels right. Apparently even in Levo it was a small increase that had a really big effect on the TSH - it surprised them. I never really felt well in it tho despite a low or suppressed TSH I felt quite dreadful. NDT put me right, quite rapidly too. Some improvements were felt on just a 1/4 grain almost immediately. Like pieces of a jigsaw coming together to make a complete picture is how I’d describe it ☺️
I found Thyroid-s to be slightly stronger than other NDTs. I take between 2 1/2 and 2 3/4 depending on how well my pill cutter works and how I am feeling. A bit of a dip and I choose the bigger bit, a bit wound up and it is the smaller bit. I dont really have to think about it, my hand tends to do the choosing, and hopefully my brain is telling my hand what to do. I take 2 in the morning and then the "half" at night
Over time you will get to know how it is affecting you and can fine tune the dose according to the weather, the stress levels, diet, getting a cold etc. It is a black art and I am finally getting tuned in to what my body needs. It has taken a good few years though and I do get it wrong sometimes, but overall, my life has a bit of a shine to it that I had lost sight of a few years back on T4 alone. Keep going, you will get there! Hug.
Someone on another site told me they were slow release so I must have been misinformed .
Hi everyone thanks for teying to support and as of yestrday i been feeling actually really good i dropped my bed dose to 1/4th from 30mg and spacing my doses more apart this is day 2 of feeling normal and warm!lol depression is lifted anxiety as well..crossing my fingers it lasts🙂 its strange its like something was blocking then its gone havent done any thing differently except lower my dose