Hi there!
Please help! I had a TT done 10days ago, and since waking up from anesthesia my bp has been sky high to the degree they kept me in hosp for extra day to control with bp meds to a safe level. Bp was mildly high before op, but controlled and normal with low dose bp tablet(perindopril 4mg) Since discharge been to the doc (NHS) 4 times , and been sent back to ER twice. Bp is finally lower now that they’ve quadrupled my bp meds ( 8mg perindopril, 10mg amlodopine) but still high at around 150/115 , resting heartrate of 110 giving me hot flushes at 145 when I sit for a while .
These are my test results from ER :
TSH 14.6
T3 : 3.8
T4 :11.5
I am on 125 mg Thyroxine since first day after op ( doc insists my thyroid levels are ok and need to keep this dose)
I cant live like this eeek!! I read somewhere it might be connected to high Free T4, but cant find it mentioned anywhere else so not sure of its validity.
Please let me know if you have had something similar? And a solution? Can you gather anything from the numbers above?
Thank you!