Testresult: Hello you all , I have done a test... - Thyroid UK

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Assiya profile image
98 Replies

Hello you all , I have done a test for thyroid and result is ths 20 (should be between 0,5 and 4,5 ) and t4 is 12 (should be between 10 and 20). Would it be worth to try to fix it with minerals like iodine selenium zink magnesium and a diet without gluten diary? Some say You have to take hormone medication otherwise it lll slowly bring u to a coma ..

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Assiya profile image
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98 Replies
Assiya profile image

Also is it likely to have hashimoto or perhaps a lack of iodine ?

Heloise profile image

Hi Assiya, Your TSH is high meaning your pituitary is yelling for more thyroid hormone. Yelling pretty loud. That's because your T4 is on the low side. But my TSH was even higher than yours when I first became ill. My digestion was off and my gut was very firm, some days my legs were so weak, I wasn't sure I could walk. My ankles were really sore and then there was a pain right on top of my head. But your symptoms could be very different. Sometimes this happens after menopause. Estrogen dominance may be part of it.

Sometimes gluten causes leaky gut and starts an immune attack on your thyroid so it can't make as much hormone as you need. They can take blood tests for antibodies which might indicate what is. There is even a possibility of an Epstein Virus being involved. If you can have your doctor do some investigating but often they won't.

Iodine is not recommended but there is still debate unless you have Hashimoto's Ask your doctor if you do have this autoimmune disease. Supplements are helpful but absorbing them and getting the right types is important. You are probably going to have to take some hormone whether it's levothyroxine or natural desiccated thyroid or a combination of T4 and T3. These things have to be worked out individually. Glad you are here for advice.

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to Heloise

My tinnitus in my ears and around head is most complain I have and my eyes have changed quite black under eyes and tired and watery. Today she described 25 levo, next time ill try to ask to look for antibodies to get better insight in what causes it, but i was warned long time ago already by a dr to watch out my thyroid.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Assiya

Yes, this starts long before you feel any symptoms. Supplement to help your liver would be milk thistle or silymarin and alpha lipoic acid. one is an herb the other an amino acid nothing to harm you.

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to Heloise

When one has leaky gut or gluten intolerante one feels pain in the stomac right and aa I had before menopauze throid concerns its not due to oestrogen perhaps so maybe its lack of iodine or hashimoto.

You take medication?

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Assiya

Yes, I take T3 Assiya.

You have to look at the whole picture of low metabolism. It usually begins with inflammation of the stomach lining. Wherever cells need to work....they depend on thyroid. You stomach must produce acid so your nutrients begin to metabolize. If it's inflamed it cannot produce enough acid so then you don't break down amino acids and minerals as well so right away we have B12 and ferritin deficiencies which both help to support thyroid activity.

I'll send a short video about estrogen but dominance is not good.

Gluten is so hard to digest it ends up causing the leaks. Gluten is the STICKIEST substance on earth. Once these partially digested molecules leak through into the bloodstream your immune system sends out lymphocytes. It turns out that gluten tissue is similar to thyroid tissue so both are attacked. This creates waste in the blood stream so now you need to get it detoxed but the liver cannot handle it all and then you have more problems. This is why I urge you to continue taking your tablets. Whether it's estrogen related or autoimmune and you reverse those things you can hope for a cure but in the meantime don't let your body deteriorate.

I know most doctors do not realize even this little bit of information because they are not looking for the causes.

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to Heloise

Does inflammation of the stomac go impair with pains ? I dont have pain in my stomac.

I had to watch my thyroid the dr said years ago it was always bit out of order but just litle so oestrogeen issues comes more after menopauze I had thyroid light issues long before menopauze after having children perhaps or earlier.

Maybe estrogene is not the cause as had it before menopause

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to Assiya

I doubt very much that oestrogen is the cause. We loose our oestrogen in menopause and end up with levels so low we get symptoms. I have felt so much better since I started HRT with oestrogen. Before that I too read the stuff about oestrogen dominance. Fortunately for me, I didn't believe it. I certainly don't believe it now.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to FancyPants54

Often it's just the ratio...... of low progesterone which appears as estrogen dominance.

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to FancyPants54

Fancypants You do take oestrogen but you not think it cause problems for thyroid?

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to Assiya

Not at all. We need good levels of oestrogen to help the thyroid meds do their job. We can't supplement one hormone without the rest. Everything needs to balance. If you still have a womb you also need to supplement with progesterone or a progestin if you use oestrogen. If you have had a hysterectomy you don't need the progesterone.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Assiya

This is only five minutes and he has others if you go to you tube.


Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Assiya

I think a better sign of inflammation causing low acid is acid reflux. The stomach is attempting to respond even when it can't produce enough acid.

Since a high percentage of hypothyroidism is due to Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, it is likely to begin years before the diagnosis. Gut issues are always involved in this. And it isn't even your fault because toxins and pollutants and terrible chemicals, additives, artificial color and flavor are put in our real food which the body cannot recognize as food. That's why it is so difficult and why there is such a proliferation of all autoimmune diseases by the millions.

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to Heloise

Should I take oestrogen How ? In what form (and progesteron) I do have signs of moe oestrogen

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Assiya

Assiya, are you taking 50 mcgs of Levo now? As you saw, your TSH went up even more, right? Your doctor should easily see that you need an increase of Levo. I would not take estrogen without more information. Also, it takes progesterone for your body to make estrogen. Estrogen is found in seeds and nuts and heated olive oil and pesticides on our foods.

When your thyroid is lacking, it forces your adrenal glands to make up for your low metabolism and other hormones. Your adrenal glands use cholesterol to do this and this may cause a low progesterone, so when you see your high cholesterol it is another sign of thyroid difficulties. I think you are forced to increase your thyroid hormone before you burn out your adrenal glands which are now stressed. That would be bad.

To see how it all works together, John Bergman has a good video.


Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to Heloise

Thanks u so much, am a bit late but how do I find out it s oestrogen? I have done a test for antibodies just waiting the result. I do not have pain in my stomac so probably not intolerant of gluten.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Assiya

I made notes and I wrote that and organic acid tests tells you which hormones you are metabolizing. That's all I know about it. But, Assiya, if your thyroid is in trouble all the other hormones are probably also in trouble. First thing is to get your thyroid stable and if you find out whether you have antibodies to see if you have autoimmune disease, work on that. Do you have socialized medicine in Holland like Sweden? If you could find a functional doctor who knows about these tests, they even do a dna test that tells them which supplements would be best for you.

Many of us are just doing trial and error with supplements. I use progesterone for a while and then I stop for a while. You don't get much from the creams because it doesn't absorb well so they have an oil that you rub on your gums. It seems the best way to absorb it. I order it from Forefront of Health but others can recommend also.

I also wanted to mention to you about the iodine. There is iodine in the levothyroxine. Our thyroid glands need iodine to make thyroid hormone. There are two toxins that are very similar to iodine, i.e. fluoride, bromine and chlorine. Those can also be used by our thyroid gland if more available. But iodine doesn't not replace thyroid hormone.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Assiya

How do you feel about CBD oil?

In one study1, researching the effects of CBD on plasma prolactin, growth hormones, and cortisol, researchers discovered CBD helps to regulate cortisol secretion.

In another study2, researchers found “cannabinoid exposure could have profound effects on the function of the reproductive system, lactation, metabolism, and on the endocrine stress axis.”

Why? It’s possible that CBDis helpful for hormone balance because hemp is naturally loaded with omega fatty acids and high in gamma linolenic acid (known to help regulate hormones).

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to Heloise

I hear and read much good about it, I ll look at it for myself. I used to make a tea in the morning with ceylon cinnamon raw honey and black seed oil (cook water and cool off a bit) that worked well for me.

Lora7again profile image

With a TSH of 20 you must feel very ill because when mine was 9 I could not get out of bed because I felt awful. You need to start treatment asap. You should be started on 50mcg of Levothyroxine and your blood tested after 6 weeks and then a further increase of 25mcg until you feel well. Also you need to test your vitamin levels because because people with thyroid disease usually have low levels. You need to test your Vitamin D, B12, Iron and Ferritin and Folate. You need to also request a test for thyroid antibodies to see if you have Hashimoto's disease which a lot of thyroid patients have. When you get the results please post them here for us to look at and we will advise you what to do.

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to Lora7again

Now she seemed not to be interested to find out more, she just graduated, a new doctor, so what to expect, everything just by the book. I got only 25 levo for 6 weeks now, and ill get test for b12. So ill ask next time.

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Assiya

You need to start on 50mcg tell her that ... you will only be given that low dose if you are very old or sick.

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to Lora7again

Sge is really just out of college and no ecperience

She could have better started with 50 i read yes but she gave 25

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to Assiya

So now today I started having musclepain in my left upperleg which I didnt have. While I started 25 gram levo.

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to Lora7again

I got only tested active b12 which was too high in range I not take since a year or so b12... and vit d.I have vit d 78 range is between 50 and 150. And waiting for result antibodies.

My ferritine not long ago was 5 hb 6.9. .

Assiya profile image

I am feeling very ill. A bit as if life is running out of me. Tinitus all the time, my eyes watery reddish in the morning, on the top of my head this sound and strange feeling sleepy, cant sleep at night though. Can sleep.in the day better. Not able to do much. Mentally not well. I wonder if its estrogen (i am 54) or lack of Iodine (i took a test on my skin with iodine and it dissapeared quick which indicates low iodine). Also it might be due to lowerkydneys exhaustion and cortisol too high. My doctor has not much experience so dont know what to expect from her. When I told her I will put pure coconutoil on my skin where s needed she said better vaseline (and if not hormone creme) while the last is petroleum and makes skin not able to breath while coconutoil is ofcourse better and just one time I ve put it on the spot on my skin its much better.

Natural and God given medicin from the nature is what I d choose over hormone medecine. I ve read you must take them all yr life.

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Assiya

You are not taking "hormone medicine" but replacing the hormones that your body can no longer produce. In the past, before thyroid hormones were discovered, people with thyroid problems went mad, got heart disease and died regardless of herbal medicines and so on. Nature has not given us a way of replacing thyroid hormones (except by eating animal thyroids, perhaps); nature's way would be just to die slowly and make way for the new generation. Iodine patch tests are not reliable and you get different results depending on how high you are above sea level and the ambient temperature - you need a blood or urine test.

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to Angel_of_the_North

She didnt want to do iodinetest as she said no we may have too high in our blood, not to low. Only in very poor contries maybe.

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Assiya

Iodine levels depend on your diet. If you are vegan or even vegetarian but eat organic (most iodine comes from non-organic dairy as cow udders are disinfected with iodine that gets into the milk), you can have low levels. If you eat a lot of seaweed and seafood, you might have high levels. Salt in the UK rarely contains iodine. It is also important to now if levels are too high so I suspect your doctor just didn't care about it.

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to Angel_of_the_North

She has just began as a dr so really not experienced and although twice her age think they know better Hopefully she will learn more. I told her if the medecines were good than why all the hospitals and the waitingrooms are full.

Sharonk21 profile image

I hope you get an answer because I feel the same tinnitus an watery eyes an depressed

Assiya profile image

I live in Holland. And thank you all for your responses and help. Sharonk are you also after menopauze? I d like to know the thing what cause this I do have a long history it doesnt come overnight as a dr years ago told me to watch out for my thyroid. So perhaps it is something that buildes up slowly so perhaps not due to menopause. A couple of months ago my tsh was 14 now 20. Have you checked yours? Do you take any medication? I read about iodine it is very much needed.

Espeegee is of better get a private test?

Sharonk21 profile image
Sharonk21 in reply to Assiya

Hi yes I’m past menopause so it’s not that it only started when my symptoms started really strange

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to Sharonk21

What are your symptoms? Do you take medication You ve tested yr blood ?

SlowDragon profile image

Are you still only on 25mcg Levothyroxine?

The aim of Levothyroxine is to increase the dose slowly in 25mcg dose increases.

Bloods retested 6-8 weeks after each increase

until TSH is under 2 (many people need TSH significantly under one)

most important result is that FT4 in top third of range and FT3 at least half way in range

most people eventually need at least 100mcg Levothyroxine

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to SlowDragon

So need to check ft3. But how?

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Assiya

Here in the UK we struggle to get GP to test FT3. But there are private tests available

Where are you ? Not in UK?

At moment you don't need a FT3 test yet

Get started on 25mcg Levothyroxine. Bloods testing 6-8 weeks later

Then dose increased to 50mcg ....again bloods tested after 6-8 weeks

Important to regularly test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12

Come back with new post once you get results after 6-8 weeks

Most people need somewhere between 100mcg and 200mcg Levothyroxine. But dose has to be increased slowly

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to SlowDragon

Im in Holland. Many thanks for your reply.

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to SlowDragon

High tsh has to do with the hypofise i read.

Assiya profile image

No slowdragon, I stopped after a month. I think I had taken b12 also and i felt better

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Assiya

Well you need to see GP and get started back on Levothyroxine.

Standard starter dose is 50mcgs Levothyroxine

25mcg is such a small dose it frequently makes people feel worse

Important to take Levothyroxine EVERYDAY

Bloods should be retested 6-8 weeks after each dose increase

Levothyroxine should always be taken on empty stomach and then nothing apart from water for at least an hour after

Many people take Levothyroxine soon after waking in morning, but it may be more convenient and more effective taken at bedtime


Many people find Levothyroxine brands are not interchangeable.

Once you find a brand that suits you, best to make sure to only get that one at each prescription. Watch out for brand change when dose is increased or at repeat prescription.

No other medication at same as Levothyroxine, leave at least 2 hour gap. Some like calcium, magnesium, HRT, omeprazole or vitamin D should be four hours away

(Time gap doesn't apply to Vitamin D mouth spray)

Ask your doctor yo test vitamin D, folate, B12 and ferritin too

If you are taking B12 supplements or B12 injections result of B12 should be high

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to SlowDragon

I will start again with b12 after get result. Today got only b12 tested. The rest she not wanted. Looking for causes no. And started 25, but i can take 50 just put 2 in my mouth

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to Assiya

Vit d 78 range 50 to150 Is ferritine 5 ok?

B12 was high

greygoose profile image

Would it be worth to try to fix it with minerals like iodine selenium zink magnesium and a diet without gluten diary?

Absolutely not. Your thyroid is in a pretty bad state to have that high a TSH, and it has nothing to do with your diet.

* iodine is necessary to make thyroid hormone 2 molecules of T4 contains 4 atoms of iodine - which is a very, very small amount. Giving your thyroid more iodine would not automatically mean it would make more hormone. If you're making a cake but your oven doesn't work, adding extra eggs won't cook the cake. And, excess iodine is anti-thyroid, so could make things a whole lot worse. The skin-patch test was discredited a long, long time ago. It means nothing because the speed of evaporation (NOT absorption) can be affected by so many things, like temperature, humidity and altitude. It is not a reliable test.

* selenium, zinc and magnesium should all be optimal for certain processes - like conversion - to take place. But, they won't make your thyroid work again.

* going gluten-free might help you if you have Hashi's - a lot of Hashi's people are gluten-sensitive. But, whether you have Hashi's or not, cutting out gluten won't make your thyroid work again if it's been partially destroyed by Hashi's. The thyroid cannot regenerate. Has your doctor tested your antibodies to find out if you have Hashi's?

* cutting out dairy will only help your symptoms if you are intolerant of dairy, it won't help your thyroid.

You need to be on thyroid hormone replacement: T4 (levo), T3 or NDT. If you have Hashi's, it will only get worse, it won't get better. And, it's unusual for hypothyroidism to improve, whatever the cause. You need to start on 50 mcg levo, with a retest after six weeks and an increase in dose of 25 mcg, and repeat that process until your symptoms have all gone. I understand you don't like the idea of taking 'medication' for the rest of your life - although it's preferable to the alternative - but it's not medication in the normal sense of the word. It is life-giving hormones - you cannot live without them - and you can only replace a missing hormone with a hormone. So, if I were you, I'd get back to my doctor right away and get a prescription. :)

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to greygoose

I got 25, she really is a beginner, just fresh from college. My GP expecting a baby, Before I had a dr , she d take 45 minutes , yes u waited 2 hrs sometimes , she d even take a nap in beter En appointments haha, wish i had here but she was old, no computer, but experience..

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Assiya

25 mcg levo? Well, that's a start. Just make sure you go back in six weeks time for a retest and an increase in dose. :)

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Assiya

You need double that dose .... 50mcg

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to greygoose

2 molecules of T4 contains 4 atoms of iodine

Typo? :-)


greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to helvella

No, that's what I thought it was - well, wasn't 100% certain, but I knew you would correct me if it was wrong. :) So, what is it? 1 molecule? Sure I read 2 molecules somewhere.

But, I cannot read your Dropbox document because it keeps jumping around every time I manage to focus on it! Most disconcerting.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to greygoose

Four atoms of iodine in one molecule of T4. :-)

The link even has piccies. :-)

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to helvella

Can't focus long enough on the piccies before it jumps up or down. Very difficult to read, I'm afraid. :)

Anyway, I was only one molecule out! lol

Assiya profile image

Greygoose, thank you so much tor your response. In fact my vision goes backwards also, defenetely must do sonething. Tomorrowmorning I have an appointment with the drnto discuss the result. Ill ask to test hashimoto (and cholesterol and jodium andb12,) but Il take the medecins, for now at least. I ve read trisodent gives less side effect. As there are side effects I read with Levo or thyrax, many complain about and still dont feel good, that also makes me doubtful about it. But I do need to do something so thank u for yr advice,

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Assiya

Many patients don't feel well on Levothyroxine because they are not given high enough dose and then vitamin levels become very low too

We need very good vitamin D, folate, B12 and ferritin levels. So these need testing regularly and often need supplementing to keep at good level

Slow steady increase in Levothyroxine until FT4 is in top third of range and FT3 at least half way in range and all symptoms resolved.

Likely you will eventually need somewhere around 1.6mcg Levothyroxine per kilo of your weight. Some need more

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to SlowDragon

I hope can convince her next time to check these ordo a private test indeed. vit d should be 100 best 200, but here they say between 50 and 75... no 150

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Assiya

Only just seen this.

Don't bother asking for cholesterol. If it is high, it will be because your FT3 is low, but your doctor will want to put you on statins. You must not take statins.

Levo is a hormone, not a drug. Hormones do not cause side-effects. You might have a reaction to one of the fillers in the pills, some people do, but it won't be due to the hormone.

As SlowDragon has said, a lot of people don't feel well on levo because their dose is too low. But, another problem could be that people don't convert the levo (T4, storage hormone) to the active hormone T3. It is low T3 that causes symptoms - symptoms such as high cholesterol. So, you have nothing to fear from levo. Don't just believe everything you read, there's a lot of rubbish on the internet. Always check with TUK first. :)

Oh, and I've never heard of trisodent. According to Google, it's an eczema cream. :(

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to greygoose


greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Assiya

Ah, ok. I've never tried tirosint, but I believe it has a lot less fillers than other brands. So, people that are sensitive to the fillers do better on it. But, the active ingredient, T4, is exactly the same as all the other brands.

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to greygoose

Yes i read they feel better than with other less complaint of sideeffects

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Assiya

Yes, because there are less fillers. But, not everyone is affected by the fillers.

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to Assiya

I do have also tension in my calves and strange feeling at back of my knees and tinteling feet , ancles sometimes

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Assiya

Could be low thyroid, or could be low B12.

Assiya profile image

Its a lot. Very good vitamine D is not easy to get though.

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Assiya

I take a vitamin D spray which I order from Amazon ... it is absorbed easily on your tongue.

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to Lora7again

I take nature's answer d3 drops iherb

No, you won't fix that by taking iodine or vitamins unless you have been tested and shown to have an iodine deficiency. However, if you have positive antibodies, selenium is helpful and so is a gluten-free diet. You also need to have vitamins and minerals tested: b12, folate, vit D and ferritin, but don't supplment until you know what the current levels are. How much thyroxine have you been prescribed?

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to Angel_of_the_North

So if i do have low iodine it can cause slow thyroid? Not necessarly hashimoto

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Sorry 25 mg now first

Assiya profile image

Allright. So if I do have iodine deficiency I could just try iodine selenium etc and not levo. Tomorrow I have a visit to the dr.

So I must ask for more to test maybe endocrinolog?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Assiya

Do you have a goitre? People with iodine deficiency usually have a goitre. But, I doubt that an iodine deficiency would cause such a high TSH. So, the answer is still no. Just taking iodine, selenium, etc. would not be a good idea. You need thyroid hormone replacement.

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to greygoose

I have a small bulge more in top of my neck not in midlle or down (down where thyroid is)

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Assiya

That doesn't sound like a goitre. A goitre is a swollen thyroid, not a separate lump.

Assiya profile image

Is it possible a lack of vit b12 causes low thyroid as I do have symptoms of lack of vit b12

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Assiya

Not a TSH of 20, no.

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to greygoose

Greygoose cause I do not have hairloss ( when combing only) nor a dry skin and my eyes are not dry and swollen, they are watery and dark, dry, thin skin under my eyes, which may be because of a lack of good sleep since long time but last days I sleep good and fall shortly asleep sometimes during the day I also have no pain in wrists or ancles.

Yesterday I did some exercises my rightshoulder up one time than the left and so forth I noticed directly a big lump in my throat and heard a hoarse sound from my throat which I did have felt before but wasnt thinking about thyroid . What I think is surprising is the amount of what seems to be small pièces of catilege in the back of my neck which I noticed some time ago, but thought and asked the fysio who said its due to getting older.

I do wonder whether thyroid patients have all lots of small pieces of cartilege floating at the back of their neck..??

But seen my (no hairloss nor musclepain (sometimes maybe stuff arms or one time in my leg ) or dry skin I doubt about what I do have Very tired and tinitus and eyes that prefer to be closed are my main complaints.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Assiya

There are over 300 known symptoms of hypothyroidism. You do not have to have them all to qualify. Symptoms are very individual, everyone has their own set - some people don't even have any symptoms at all, but their blood test results tell you they are hypo. Your blood test results say you are very hypo, whatever your symptoms.

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to greygoose

I ate mascarpone It contains much good, felt good afterwards . Google at 'food composation database' 'mascarpone' if u want to see it.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Assiya

I'm sorry? I don't see the connection. I know what mascarpone is.

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to greygoose

I think my body reacts quick on the input, fr ex from cafeine I get heartbeat especially with milk and sugar. And when I ate this dessert i felt good so I thought maybe the mascarpone. What is t3 can you tell me and thank u so much fr yr help!!

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Assiya

T3 is the active thyroid hormone. T4 (levo) is basically a storage hormone that has to be converted into T3.

Assiya profile image

Eloigr8 sorry didn't react yesterday. , I have tinnitus, ringing in my ears around and in my head head feeling heavy and tiredness, also at my eyes is my main complaint. The Dr described 25 levo to begin with for six weeks. And I got checked for bow. No mention of looking at the cause or anything, I did try to bring it up.

Assiya profile image

Lora7again, I asked b12, But vit d and ferritin folate and iron were ok couple of months ago. Vit d low 70 but I'll ask next time. Was already difficult to get b12 checked. She not looked for any cause or antibodies etc. But she just graduated from university not much experience yet.

Assiya profile image

Thanks Espeegee. I got described 25 levo. But I ve read on YouTube many ppl did get better without these hormones, but by changing their diet etc. Still in doubt to take the levo

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Assiya

With that low dose you will start to feel worse because your pituitary will sense more thyroxine in your system and stop stimulating your thyroid to make any ... please ask for an increase before you get worse.

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to Lora7again

I havent start today. I do feel bit better slightly

I doubt

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to Assiya

Someone said by talking medication yr thyroid will stop working cos the hormone will do. And I have not found out the cause yet.

sbadd profile image

I think you need a new gp, you need to be tested for antibodies if you have these then treatment is for life, definitely get your b12, iron, folate vit D tested, is there another gp more experienced at same surgery you can see?

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to sbadd

I can change GP just go to another adress. Normally I have one who is a bit older but she comes back after couple of months.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Assiya

Can you get good treatment in Holland or do they dictate everything? For almost 100 years people were treated with natural desiccated thyroid from porcine tissue because it is the closest to human thyroid and had 36mcgs T4 and 8mcgs T3. Levothyroxine is synthetic and is entirely T4 which YOU then have to convert to T3 which is the active part. That conversion takes place in your liver basically but often our liver is not as healthy because age, menopause, toxins, etc. Your symptoms are similar to mine when I became ill. The top of my head and my ankles pained me but these are muscle issues since they need thyroid hormone, in fact every cell of your body needs thyroid.

We don't know for certain what has happened to cause your thyroid to slow down unless they run tests..

Your body has had stored T4 and perhaps your thyroid is still producing somewhat but you will continue to add up more symptoms if you don't treat. Tinnitus is a problem I still have to a degree. I think menopause or actually any hormonal change like puberty or midlife are common times for disease.

Since you've been ill a while and if it's autoimmune it means you have not been absorbing nutrients and probably deficient due to lack of needed stomach acid. B vitamins are extremely important along with extra B12 which should probably be sublingual.

You've received probably too much information at one time but read the articles, see if gluten free helps you, add good fat like coconut. You can put it in your coffee and it's very good for cooking. Olive oil is good cold but heated it has more estrogen and estrogen dominance could be another problem. It competes somewhere with thyroid.

Iodine is a halogen and so is bromine which can be used to displace iodine in bread making.

Chlorine and fluorine are also in that category and toxic for those reasons. No wonder we are ill.

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to Heloise

The drs: one is not like the other, but what I notice that they look only one way and not look into different views.

Gluten free sugar and milk free must give it a go yes.

I should do test for anti bodies to see if it is hashimoto autoimmune. Whether my body can absorb vitamine etc how to find out? So if the liver not works well also the hormone will have problem to be absorbed isnt it.

I read someone who said that these hormone pills make that the thyroid will be made slow down more as the hormones you add are doing the job.

I read many stories ppl with gluten free herbs as ashwaganda exercise etc do much better even without medication.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Assiya

Yes to gluten dairy free to see if it helps. If autoimmune, this may stop attacks. Antibodies will go down in numbers.

Right, if the liver is not healthy or too many toxins blocking it, the T4 will be difficult to convert to T3 which is the only part to enter cells and do good.

No, taking hormone will not slow down your thyroid just because you replace hormone. The pituitary gland is the one that goes up or down and the thyroid gland follows the orders.

Ashwaganda can be helpful as an adaptogen to support your body but CANNOT replace thyroid hormone. Nothing can replace thyroid hormone in your body..... only if you repair your own gland.


Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Assiya

I think olsson87 might be able to help you ... send him a message

Assiya profile image
Assiya in reply to Lora7again

How to find him?

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Assiya

Message him I have brought up his old thread.

Assiya profile image

Not sure available in my country Holland

Assiya profile image

I tried to do some simple exercises this morning . I pulled my left shoulder up quick and drop and than rightshoulder up and drop a couple of times Than I noticed a lump in my throat and a hoarse stuffy feeling. Has to do with the thyroid?

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Assiya

yes, scroll down to Thyroid Nodules stopthethyroidmadness.com/t...

You can find many answers on this site. Look at the headings at top of page or Site Map.

Assiya profile image

Well I have read my b12 result online. She tested the active b12 which is a better indication I read but its very high 116 .I dont take vit b12 tablets, well just I do now and than but rarely. Any explanation ?

Assiya profile image

Hi there, I had my antibodies tested. It is high die said 38 (I dont.know normal range , die neither) The doctor will call me tomorrow. Means hashimoto? Any insight in the cause (from liver? As tsh was high t4 was normal ..

So no gluten is good idea?

My vit d was 78 (50-150) My active b12 was very high 160 (30-116 sthing like that)

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