Time between taking thyroxine and anti depressant - Thyroid UK

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Time between taking thyroxine and anti depressant

Babaji1971 profile image
15 Replies

Hi People,

Just a quick question on how much time should be left between taking thyroxine and an anti depressant?

Thank you.

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Babaji1971 profile image
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15 Replies
Clutter profile image


2 hours. For maximum absorption Levothyroxine should be taken with water 1 hour before or 2 hours after food and drink, 2 hours away from other medication and supplements, and 4 hours away from calcium, iron, vitamin D supplements and oestrogen.

Babaji1971 profile image
Babaji1971 in reply to Clutter

Thanks Clutter. Im glad I asked.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Babaji1971

I would ask your doctor to test your Free T3. Due to the fact that, if hypo and diagnosed with depression, your FT3 may be on the low side. Many doctors wont test FT3 or labs wont if TSH is in the 'normal' range.

Hypothyroid and depression can go hand-in-hand and some T3 might be more conducive than an anti-d (bearing in mind I'm not medically qualified).


This is an extract from the following link:-

Do not just stop taking your antidepressants. Please speak with your doctor and if you decide to stop the antidepressants be sure to have close medical supervision during that weaning off phase.

This is not to suggest that antidepressants are not necessary and helpful for many people. There is no shame in taking antidepressants. That’s not what this article is about. The issue is that every person suffering from depression should have complete medical workup including thyroid testing to ensure all potential medical conditions that mimic depression have been fully investigated.


Babaji1971 profile image
Babaji1971 in reply to shaws

Hi Shaws,

You are right. I was feeling anxious and depressed a lot of the times in my early 20's. Was never tested for thyroid. Was put on antidepressants. I was only detected as hypothyroid when I went on holiday a few years later and had stomach issues. The doctor saw my bloated stomach and said I think you are hypothyroid. Tested me for it and I was!! When I came back to the UK I was put on T4. I never knew anything about T3 until recently and finding this brilliant forum. My depression and anxiety got alot worse recently and I just thought it was my depression getting worse. My GP checked my thyroid just coz I was feeling tired (nothing to do with my mental state) and he said OMG your TSH is 61!!! So they increased my T4 and has referred me to endo but said that from his knowledge they dont prescribe T3 that often so dont hold your breath. I thought you know sod you all Im going to order my own T3. So have just ordered it.

If my thyroid was checked at the time I was diagnosed with depression nearly twenty years ago may be I would never have to go on anti depressants. So Shaws your advice is spot on.

So anyone reading this who suffers from anxiety and depression pls check your thyroid before they put you on anti depressants. Once you are on them it is v hard to come off them and they have so many side effects.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Babaji1971

I could not get well on levothyroxine. It was an horrendous time more so for my family than me - i.e. the doctor gives you hormones and tell you - 'bloods are fine'. They forget there is a person behind the blood test who is so surprised to be feeling far worse than before they were diagnosed. My diagnosis was done by a first aider - none of the private/nhs doctors ever did a blood test for thyroid hormones - diagnosed me with things I didn't have. I was also discharged from the Cardiac Dept as 'probably viral' except they didn't test thyroid and TSH was 100 (first aider suggestion).

Some people have a gene defect and cannot convert levothyroxine or don't get a sufficient dose to convert to T3. T4 (levothyroxine) is inactive and it's T3 that is the active one required in our receptor cells.

I never had a test for a gene defect but am now on T3 only and haven't looked back since, nor have I had to have ambulances to the A&E - even my work had to phone when nurse confirmed pulse rate. (rant over)!

It's a Free T3 test if you are going to have one. Remember to have test at the earliest and fast although you can drink water. (if it's a home test drink plenty the previous day so it's easier to draw blood).

Also, allow 24 hour gap between your dose of levo and the test otherwise results can be skewed.

Babaji1971 profile image
Babaji1971 in reply to shaws

Isnt it amazing that they dont check for thyroid more often. It is shocking and sad. We put our faith (did) in the medical profession but they dont always get it and people suffer in the meanwhile. So have to research further ourselves.

Glad you got better and its people like yourself that are helping others get better.

faith63 profile image
faith63 in reply to Babaji1971

no..there is more money to be made off psych meds etc..

faith63 profile image

would never take a psych med again. Low thyroid causes depression and hypo is caused by autoimmune issues and the bad immune system/gut, will make your head crazy. There is a way out of this, besides psych meds..i find it to be an insult to be offered this, when my problems are physical.

Babaji1971 profile image
Babaji1971 in reply to faith63

Ive been on these psych medicines for the last 20 years now and have become physically dependant. Tried a v slow withdrawal a while back and I actually could not get out of bed. I feel v sad and disheartened that our healths are manipulated like this. I have suffered severly mentally. A couple months ago when I felt so so low that I was starting to have strange thoughts. I went to my GP and he said I will check your thyroid as you say you are feeling v tired (no mention that the thyroid may be linked to me feeling so depressed. That was the problem of the psychiatric dept.)My result was that my TSH was 61. In a way I was relieved because I knew what was causing me to feel so so low - hypothyroid. Since that day I thought I cant rely on the doctors they cant even link the two. Started researching then eventually came to this site. It opened my eyes. If only I knew this stuff before I would have saved myself years of suffering. But Im so glad now that I am able to do something about it.

shaws profile image

If you still have gut problems - it might well be due to hypo too because everything slows down until we get onto an optimum of hormones.

The symptoms of too much acid are so similar to low acid but the doctors usually plump for high acid and give PPIs when we may need acid. Most of us either take apple cider vinegar in juice or water to make it palatable with meals or Betaine with pepsin tablets particularly if taking protein.


Babaji1971 profile image
Babaji1971 in reply to shaws

thanks I will try this.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Babaji1971

This is another re stomach acid just for info:


Babaji1971 profile image
Babaji1971 in reply to shaws

gd article. thanks.

Glynisrose profile image

Depression is a SYMPTOM of hypothyroid not a seperate thing. Any anti -depressant will negate thyroxine.

Babaji1971 profile image
Babaji1971 in reply to Glynisrose

You are spot on! Yep an endo who I have yet to meet has already asked me on phone details about my psych medications and how long I been on them. I have also researching since and have founds plenty of research saying psych medications affect thyroid.

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