I try to find my dose but it is very hard for me. My endo put me on 125 mcg levo but it is too strong for me. The dose gives me strong anxiety around noon and then some kind of lethargy in the evening. So I tried to change with 112 mcg but at 11,30 am, I have a fall in energy. Even if i add some t3 (5mcg) the same thing happened. It happens from a day to another if I change the dosage, I don't have to wait a week or so. I suspect the adrenal glands, the other analyzes are good (vit D, B12, iron). How can I fix it???
112 mcg levo is to low, 125 is to high - Thyroid UK
112 mcg levo is to low, 125 is to high

You should find this document written by helvella to be helpful :
You would need a weekly pill box to achieve what helvella describes, unless you have an incredible memory.
I am experiencing the same! Too much on 175, too low 150, too low in between these too!
Do you take the same make and dosage tablets whether you are taking 112 or 125? That is, do you split a 25 microgram tablet to achieve 112? Or do you get a Teva 12.5 tablet?
I take Tirosint caps, it absorbs very well. If I take 112 one day and 125 the next not to much for me. I need something constant no up and down. Maybe if I add to 112 tirosit +6,25levo daily from a tablet of 25mcg levo??
These timings coincide with cortisol daily falls. Our cortisol is highest in the mornings. Then drops around noon then further drops around 6pm. I think you should consider an NHS 9am cortisol blood test. And also a private saliva cortisol test.
If you are on too high a Levothyroxine dose for your adrenals this will hamper your adrenals. There is a fine balance between thyroid medication and adrenals/ cortisol.
What I had to do to stop loss of strength late morning and evening is take my Levothyroxine in 2 doses. I took half at 12.30pm then the other half at 4.30pm. This seemed to work for some reason. I’m on liquid Levothyroxine too. My cortisol was below the 9am range. When I started T3 after a month it shot up to 466! Remarkable. It’s never dropped back low since.
Just a thought maybe you could try.
Interesting, what dose of T3 do you take ? I want to take levo at night and T3 in the morning + some adrenal cortex.
I take 75mcg Levothyroxine split into 2 doses. Easy with liquid Levothyroxine.
And 12.5mcg T3. Split into 3 doses. (5+5+2.5)
My thyroid and cortisol bloods are all optimal/good and within range.
I have B12 and iron deficiencies also. I’m on quarterly injections for B12 and ferris fumerate for ferritin.