Hi I am wondering if anyone else with An under active Thyroid and takes levothyroxine has been diagnosed with Haemolytic anaemia. Mine seems to have come about because I have fibroids in my uterus and am waiting for a hysterectomy, but the anaemia is a another immune disorder. Just wondering if anyone else is suffering from the anaemia with Thyroid issues. Thank You.
Haemolytic Aneamia: Hi I am wondering if anyone... - Thyroid UK
Haemolytic Aneamia

See from other posts you have other medical issues that might be the cause
Thank you i have, but the haematologist im under has told me its connected to having thyroid issues as its another immune disorder and we all know that if you have already got an immune disorder such as thyroid problem you are more likely to get a second immune disorder. I was just enquiring if anyone else on this forum had been given the same diagnosis. Fibroids are more common in people with thyroid issues also.
Hi Vicki, I have an under active thyroid and have just been diagnosed with iron deficiency anaemia due to heavy menstrual bleeding. How did your Drs deferentiate between iron deficiency and haemolytic anaemia?
Many thanks
Hi whoop, ive had a bone marrow biopsy, and it showed up that my bone marrow is still making red cells, however my immune system is destroying them, which they believe is caused by the fibroid, ie my body is fighting the fact i have a tumour in my stomach, which is benign thankfully, but shouldn't be there.
Did they not just assume it was iron deficiency anaemia? What lead them to want to do the bone marrow biopsy?
No i had been having problems with lethargy and feeling not well, with blood in my urine for 3 years and constant urine infections. Intially they told me it was another immune disorder due to my thyroid condition. However in 2018 whilst i was working, i was securing a patient into the back of a minibus i tried to bend over but pain ripped through my abdomen and back and i collapsed on the floor of the minibus. I ended up having having lots of scans and mri,s they found a fracture in my back and a massive fibroid in my uterus, which didn't allow me to bend over. I lost my job, and ive had to fight to get an appointment with a gynaecologist and now a hysterectomy. I never did do anything easy, but been under hematologist for 4 years without treatment until i had bone marrow biopsy and they found out about the hemolytic anemia and the gynaecologist has said it will be the fibroid that is causing the anemia. Im looking forward to my hysterectomy next week but have to have transfusion as my hb level too low. But both doctors have agreed to go ahead with Transfusion help.
You poor thing, you really sound like you have been through it. At least they got to the bottom of it and after next week, you will hopefully feel like a new woman. Sometimes it sucks being a woman. I have some small fibroids, like my mother and sister. Theirs shrunk after the menopause, but I haven’t reached mine yet. I hope that your back is better now too. All the best for next week. X
Unfortunately they don't always shrink after menopause, i took hrt to get through my menopause and estrogen makes them grow
But im glad your not having issues with yours, not everyone does. Yes looking forward to being a new woman, and going to be a Nanny so looking forward to that. All the best, us women are stronger than we realise.
We are indeed! Wow a young Nanny...congratulations! X
Hi whoop, yep looking forward to being a Nanny, my daughter has been found to have a fibroid on her first scan, its only small but they are keeping a close eye on her and baby. You say you have been diagnosed with iron anemia due to heavy bleeding with periods. Fibroids can cause this too, but you say your not in pain, which is good. But having fibroids can definitely cause heavy bleeding, im on a fibroid forum website on Facebook and lots of women suffer from this. I had all 3 of my children by c section and suffered years of heavy bleeding and clots back in the late 90,s early 2000, i had lazer ablation where they burn the lining of your womb out to prevent you bleeding each month, aswell as laprospic surgery to remove addhessions and endometriosis because the scar tissue from c section,s had started growing around my fallopian tubes and into my bowel. The lazer ablation worked for about 10 years roughly and i was period free which was amazing. But along came menopause and all the problems i have now. I didn't have fibroids back then and believe it was the HRT which is estrogen made them grow. But it helped me get through the menopause to a point. Us women do have ot hard. It might be worth getting your doctor to do an ultrasound on your uterus to double check. There are lots of different things that could be causing your bleeding, and lots of different procedures to get rid of fibroids, or other thi gs to help with bleeding issues. Research is always best and 2nd or 3rd opinions and doctors.
Hi Vicki,
I had an ultrasound and hysteroscopy and had a Mirena coil inserted. Still early days with that, but keeping my fingers crossed. X