Every now and again, posters suddenly appear on here that raise my suspicions. often 1st time or 2nd time posters. can't exactly put my finger on why i feel this way, but my gut feeling is that they re building up to some kind of scam or maybe 'just' a trolling session. i certainly dont want to be mean on comments to someone just cos my spidey sense has gone a bit nuts (paranoia anyone?). Does anyone else feel the same? (Just for clarification, for all those who come on here, listing symptoms, and test results, and asking for help, its NOT you im talking about)
is my cynicism getting out of hand?: Every now... - Thyroid UK
is my cynicism getting out of hand?

All forums get trolls from time to time so report any suspicions.
its tricky to know when
You are not paranoid. I agree...unless that means we are both paranoid...?????
Paranoia is a hypo symptom…
As diagnosed by Canteen Managers????
No, it's mentioned in most good thyroid symptom lists.
I'm actually not joking, at the moment. It is a hypo symptom.
There are two types of “paranoia”: 1. where being suspicious is not warranted and 2. well-placed caution.
Or, in other words, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.
Sometimes the cliches are so well-worn they seem to have lost their meaning - but yeah.
LOL greygoose, seriously?
Seriously what?
Seriously, is paranoia a Hypo symptom, for real? because if it is then I am doomed
Not sure about this one way or another. I've reported posts a few times when someone is pushing a particular product or idea that seems dangerous.
And you do get people who keep asking the same kind of questions and never seem to learn or respond to the helpful answers. But that could be a case of "Hypo head", or someone who just can't "Get" what they are told for some other reason. Language barrier, confusion over technical terms etc.
But I don't think you mean any of those, do you?

Love that " Hypo Head " description - most appropriate -
You're not talking about me are you ???
I just looked in the mirror!

no i'm not. cos yeah we can all relate
Yes. Know just what you mean.
I’ve received DMs about special paid-for services offered by holistic doctors, for example.
And any glowing, lengthy write-up where the emphasis is on a specific doctor rather than on the poster’s own medical journey is to be noted and filed away as hard-sell.
I agree, don’t think you are imagining it. Some come straight out with the miracle cure - others beat about the bush but you still get the feeling a ‘miracle cure’ is going to be mentioned at some point.
My husband often says I’m so cynical and I don’t think he means it as a compliment.
I liked this quotation
“If there was anything that depressed him more than his own cynicism, it was that quite often it still wasn't as cynical as real life.”
― Terry Pratchett
A few years ago there were numerous posts which I suspected were from a certain supplier of T3, always promoting the brand they sold and criticising other brands. When I dared to say I was fine on the other brands they would criticise me. Eventually, I reported them, they got thrown off. Came back under new names, started an argument I think, and got thrown off again, if my memory serves me correctly. More recently, they became known for taking money for orders which they never fulfilled.